Millennium director

Chapter 348 will be launched in July next year!

Mads Mikkelsen is 43 years old this year.

As a Danish actor, his career in Hollywood has not been smooth and can be said to be very bumpy.

If Anne Hathaway's road to fame is smooth and perfect, then Mads Mikkelsen's road to fame is tortuous and difficult.

Since his debut in 1996, Mads Mikkelsen has acted in more than ten works in the past 12 years, including movies and TV series, but his popularity in North America is still very low.

Only crime TV dramas and literary films will ask him to play some roles, and commercial films will occasionally ask him to play villains.

If Wu Yuan hadn't appeared, he wouldn't really have entered the public eye until Hunting won the Best Actor at Cannes.

Then the Cannes Best Actor deigned to act in the TV series Hannibal, and then he became really famous. He began to act in Hollywood A-level movies, and he continued to play villains.

From Mads Mikkelsen, it can be seen that Hollywood claims to welcome the world's top filmmakers to develop, but in fact it is full of restrictions on foreign actors.

The Cannes Best Actor can only play supporting roles as villains in Hollywood.

But this world is different.

Wu Yuan, a Chinese director who is also an outsider in Hollywood, admired Mads Mikkelsen because he had worked with him and chose him to play the leading actor Cooper in Interstellar.

Although this character doesn't seem to attract many fans, the character has very little charm and is completely a tool that serves the plot.

But if Mads Mikkelsen can become the leading actor in a blockbuster with an investment of US$180 million, once Mads Mikkelsen's resume deepens, his future acting career will undoubtedly be much smoother.

Not to mention, Wu Yuan is still considering whether to film The Hunt with him again.

The more Wu Yuan looks at Mads Mikkelsen, the more he appreciates him.

And Mads Mikkelsen is also very happy to be valued by Wu Yuan and have the opportunity to star in such a super A-level production.

Looking at Mads Mikkelsen, who always had a cold face and seemed to be autistic, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he hugged Wu Yuan enthusiastically: Daniel, I really didn't expect you to invite me. Come play the male lead in this movie.”

When I heard the news from my agent, I was absolutely stunned.

You know, I'm a Dane, and my career in Hollywood has never been smooth...

Mads Mikkelsen couldn't hide his excitement and talked a lot to Wu Yuan. Most of them were about the difficulty of his journey. When he talked deeply, tears even flashed in the corners of his eyes.

Anne Hathaway, who had been sitting dignifiedly on the sofa, looked curiously at the two big men hugging each other.

She has not had the bumpy experience of Mads Mikkelsen, and her acting career has been very smooth, but she can also understand Mads Mikkelsen's mood.

Not to mention a young actor like him, even Anne Hathaway herself couldn't hide her excitement when she learned about Wu Yuan's invitation.

It is true that in terms of achievements in the field of commercial films, there is actually not a big gap between Wu Yuan and the director Nolan she has worked with.

However, Wu Yuan's achievements in the field of art films are much higher than Christopher Nolan.

He only debuted four years later than director Nolan, but he has won awards in Berlin, Cannes, and Venice, and even won the Golden Bear this year!

Since Nolan's debut, he has only won the Best Screenplay at the Saturn Awards in the United States and been nominated for the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

In terms of awards, Wu Yuan's first film in North America, Juno, was enough to beat Christopher Nolan.

Anne Hathaway is an actress who pursues artistic pursuits. She devotes herself to film art and wants to be recognized by awards and honors.

She was naturally excited about the opportunity to collaborate with Wu Yuan and wanted to seize it.

With both actors catering to Wu Yuan very much, the atmosphere of this meeting was undoubtedly very good.

Handing the two first drafts of the script to the two, Wu Yuan explained to them: The script is still in the development stage. This script may not necessarily be the final version, but most of the plot has been determined. Even if there are subsequent changes, Just small changes.”

You can study it first and understand it thoroughly. The subsequent shooting will go more smoothly.

The current shooting date set should be July or August next year, and the shooting will be completed by the end of November next year.

You must be prepared to join the group.

The preparation for Interstellar was more difficult than Wu Yuan imagined.

Originally, he thought that after going through the preparations for Gravity, he would be comfortable with the preliminary preparations for this kind of science fiction blockbuster.

But I didn't expect that the preparations for Interstellar would be even more difficult. Not only did it have to create moving robots and spaceships, but it also required a lot of scientific theory improvement and plot setting modifications.

Even if Wu Yuan has the original plot and finished film effects in mind, it is estimated that the preparations for the film will be completed around March next year.

But we can’t start shooting right away in March next year because we’ve already missed the corn planting period.

In North America, corn planting time is usually from March to June.

Generally speaking, corn planting can be carried out from the end of February to mid-April in the southern region, from mid-April to early May in the central region, and from the end of May to early June in the northern region.

The land contracted by the crew is in Alberta, Canada, in the northern part of the North American continent. Planting cannot begin until the end of May, and it will take until mid-to-late September for it to mature.

Although the crew does not necessarily have to wait until the corn is grown before starting filming, considering the specific shooting arrangements, it will have to start filming in July or August at the earliest. By September, the cornfield scene will be filmed and the filming will be almost completed. .

As a result, Interstellar is probably going to compete with Inception, and it will be released together.

And for Wu Yuan, he had been dragging Liu Yifei away before and refused to agree to act in a TV series with her, so she would probably get her wish.

The company's The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost has already cast Liu Yifei as the heroine. The specific start time has not yet been determined, because it will be arranged according to the time when Liu Yifei joins the cast of Interstellar.

Now that the launch time of Interstellar is basically confirmed, Goblin will definitely be launched in the first half of next year.

From March to July next year, Wu Yuan will have nothing to do for the time being, and this schedule cannot be hidden from Liu Yifei.

At that time, he will definitely be dragged by Liu Yifei to star in this TV series.

Wu Yuan was thinking wildly in his mind, and it wasn't until Anne Hathaway and Mads Mikkelsen finished reading the script that Wu Yuan came back to his senses.

Come, let's talk. What do you think of your respective roles? Feel free to speak freely.

Crossing his legs, Wu Yuan began to test the two confirmed actors.

Although it is an unofficial decision, we have to make sure that the two of them are really qualified for the roles. You can't just push them to the role based on your own preferences.

Wu Yuan has always taken his movies very seriously. If the two of them don't perform well, then they have to be replaced!

Mads Mikkelsen and Anne Hathaway also became nervous. They looked at each other, and the older Mads Mikkelsen spoke first: In my opinion, the role of Cooper He is a man with firm ideals... (End of Chapter)

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