Millennium director

Chapter 359 The pride of mainland filmmakers!

Golden Horse Awards, backstage.

The award ceremony is all over.

When the Best Picture Award was finally awarded, Wu Yuan, who had just received the award, was invited to the middle of the stage as soon as he got off the stage. After expressing his feelings, he really had nothing to say, and his acceptance speech was only a few words. Thank you for giving your time and space to the rest of the crew.

Song Dandan and Fan Wei talked a lot on the stage, and even shed tears at one point, giving this year's Golden Horse a warm ending.

After the live broadcast of the awards ceremony, there will be a backstage interview session.

When he got backstage, Wu Yuan couldn't escape. He couldn't be fooled by just a few words of thanks.

Holding seven or eight microphones in his hands, Wu Yuan smiled and said reservedly: It's an honor. I didn't expect that I would win the Best Director and Best Picture.

Thanks to the kindness of the Golden Horse jury, I did not expect that the jury would be so brave and award both the best director and the best film to our mainland film crew.

As a local film award in Taiwan, it is really courageous for the jury to make such a fair and just review under such great pressure. I believe that the Golden Horse Awards will definitely get better and better in the future and become a A benchmark for Chinese-language films.”

The Golden Horse really dared to award the three most valuable awards to the Li Wen crew from the mainland. Of course Wu Yuan would reciprocate the favor and praise the Golden Horse without hesitation.

Have Director Wu ever considered coming to Taiwan to shoot movies in the future? Taiwan also has many scenic locations and a group of excellent actors. asked a Taiwanese reporter.

Of course I will. Wu Yuan nodded: I have always wanted to work with outstanding Taiwanese actors and make movies in Taiwan, but I have never had the right opportunity.

My career as a director is still early and I have just started. I believe that I will have the opportunity to make movies in Taiwan and work with Taiwanese actors in the future.

The results of the Golden Horse Awards have been announced. The local film Cape No. 7, which is highly anticipated by Taiwanese people, won the best supporting actor, best original film music, best original film song, best film voted by the audience, and annual Taiwanese film. Island Outstanding Film and many other awards.”

But in the end, it lost the Best Director and Best Feature Film awards to A Man Called Levin Decides to Die. The audience was disappointed.

Taiwan's major newspapers also used the words drinking hatred and suffering loss on their front pages to describe Haijiao's fall.

But most media and film critics believe that the results are objective, and Cape is just a starting point.

Why did Cape No. 7, which had home field advantage, lose to A Man Called Li Wen Decides to Die?

According to the Golden Horse Awards jury, Cape No. 7, which had a lot of expectations, was ultimately rejected because it did not meet the judges' high standard of every frame must be complete, and missed out on the Best Film and Best Film awards. Director the two most important awards.

Chen Kunhou, the convener of the final selection review, said frankly that as a Taiwanese, he was indeed under pressure when deciding the result, but he only had one vote and had no choice.

Noon on December 7, 2008.

Wu Yuan, who landed in the capital, was flipping through the latest issue of the newspaper that his assistant bought from a street newsstand.

There is no doubt that the Golden Horse Awards that just ended last night became the headlines of the entertainment pages of various newspapers.

Not only the mainland, but before boarding the plane in Taiwan, Wu Yuan had already read the local newspapers in Taiwan.

After Cape No. 7 finally lost to itself in the Best Director and Best Feature Film, the headlines of Taiwanese newspapers in the morning used this as the front page headline, using words such as Drinking Hatred and Painful Loss. The disappointment is evident in the words.

However, most Taiwanese media believe that the Golden Horse Awards’ review is fair, and call the Golden Horse Awards’ decision to award the Best Picture and Director Awards to “Li Wen” and Wu Yuan “brave”. They frankly admit that the Golden Horse Awards bear the burden of letting the whole people The pressure of broken dreams.

A professional film critic wrote an article in a newspaper and pointed out: Not only does Taiwanese films once again miss the highest honor of their own film awards, but it also seems to be a slap in the face to wake up Taiwanese people.

The box office of NT$450 million does not guarantee the recovery of Taiwanese films. If Taiwanese films are to truly win in the competition, The Cape is just a starting point.

I have to say that professional film critics in Taiwan are really sober.

No matter how much passion you have, you will eventually have to face reality.

Cape No. 7's box office of NT$450 million in Taiwan is indeed a miracle for the small market of Taiwan, but in terms of the entire Chinese-language film market, it is nothing.

Not to mention compared with Li Wen which won the Golden Lion, even compared with The Certificate of Appreciation from the original time and space, in the end Cape No. 7 could not win this award.

Although Wu Yuan looked down on Tou Mingzhuang, he felt that Tou Mingzhuang was about spending a lot of money to do a small thing, and hundreds of millions were made to produce a small-scale movie, which is a classic Hong Kong small family style.

But compared to the more petty Taiwanese movies, The Name of the People is still ahead.

Not to mention compared with Li Wen, which can be taken internationally to compete with other countries.

Unless Taiwan Island calls Li Yu to compete with Wu Yuan, he dares to say that there is no one in the entire Taiwan Island market who can beat him.

Movie fans in Taiwan are also relatively sensible. On the Internet that night, Li Wen and Wu Yuan also received support from most of the netizens in Taiwan, saying that they deserved the title.

Of course, half of Taiwanese netizens were aggrieved by Wei Desheng and called it a pity.

In contrast, in the Mainland, Li Wen won four awards: Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Film. The result of winning four out of five nominations is that it was highly anticipated.

In the Southern Metropolis Daily that Wu Yuan was holding at the moment, a professional copywriter commented: Cape No. 7 is just a commercial entertainment film, and it lacks some content. It seems that the judges are wise in the end. of.

Wu Yuan smiled proudly, his heart filled with emotion.

The self-confidence of mainland movies can be regarded as cultivated by him.

Without the emergence of Wu Yuan, the current Chinese film industry would be an era where Hong Kong and Taiwanese films compete.

Although The Proposal is said to be a co-production between the Mainland and Hong Kong Island, in fact, from the director to the starring actors and the entire crew, they are all from Hong Kong Island. In addition to providing money, the Mainland only hired a few unimportant people. Just a supporting role.

The most outstanding one is the vase heroine played by Xu Jinglei, whose role is not half that of the three leading actors.

On the original track, the current mainland films have inferiority complex. Except for companies such as China Film and Television, which have a lot of money, actors, screenwriters of commercial films, and even crews cannot make any difference.

They can only use the fig leaf of a co-production film to participate in the competition for the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Golden Horse Awards.

Everyone from the industry to ordinary movie fans believe from the bottom of their hearts that the film industry in Hong Kong and Taiwan is better and more professional than that of the mainland. For the same position, if professionals from Hong Kong and Taiwan can be hired, the salary can be three times that of mainland people. Five times.

Wu Yuan can understand that in the development of commercial films, the mainland really started late and needs to pay tuition fees to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

But I have been studying for five or six years since Hero. Not only can I become a teacher, but at least I can start trying to develop independently, right?

But the capital in the Mainland still believes that everything in Hong Kong and Taiwan is good. They want to take advantage of it and spend several times the money to hire actors and directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and there is no need for actors and directors from the Mainland.

Feng Xiaogang is the only one who has the courage to use mainland actors as leading actors and the courage to use an all-mainland class to make movies.

This is also why Wu Yuan and Feng Xiaogang have a good relationship, unlike other directors in the industry who look down on Feng Xiaogang.

At least he is much tougher than Zhang Yimou in this regard.

But it’s different now. In this life, because of Wu Yuan’s emergence, he insists on using the crew he trained and using actors from the mainland for filming. Wu Neng wins box office and Wen Neng wins international awards. He has told mainland movie fans by his own actions. We, mainland actors, directors, and crews can all make excellent movies.

The self-confidence of mainland movie fans has increased exponentially, stimulated by Wu Yuan's excellent Chinese-language films year after year.

After Li Wen won the Golden Horse Award for Best Picture this time, mainland netizens rushed to tell each other on the Internet and praised it, feeling happy and contented.

No one thinks that Li Wen is not worthy of winning this award, and no one thinks that Chen Kexin's The Legend and Taiwan's Cape No. 7 are more worthy of winning the best picture than Li Wen.

Among the three outstanding works from the Mainland, Hong Kong Island and Taiwan Island, mainland movie fans have their own family to support, and the family also stood out and won the crown!

Director Wu, okay. Like Wu Yuan, Zhou Xun was waiting in the airport lounge for the outside to clear before he could leave. After casually flipping through the newly released newspapers, he said happily: You are so quick. He was praised as a god by the mainland media.

The hope of Chinese-language films, the most outstanding director of the new generation from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places, the international business card of Chinese films, look at these titles.

It's a pity that you won't continue to direct Painted Skin 2, otherwise I would still be able to follow your lead.

Going to the Golden Horse Awards this time was not a good experience for Zhou Xun.

Li Mi's Conjecture didn't get a single nomination. She was even invited to attend the Golden Horse Awards, but her superiors even told her to refuse and support the show. This made Zhou Xun, who has a carefree personality, very unhappy.

Not to mention, when she was on the red carpet, she was ridiculed by the red carpet host Huang Zijiao, which was basically Mainland movie queens are acting as spectators and the like.

A Golden Horse Award made her full of anger.

But after all, Jin Ma had awarded Best Actress to If Love back then, so it was hard for her to really show off her face on the scene.

Why, director Ke Ge is not worthy of you, a three-time Best Actress? Wu Yuan glanced at her and asked deliberately sarcastically.

Hey, don't you dare say this nonsense. Zhou Xun rolled his eyes, hesitated, and pulled Wu Yuan's sleeve: Director Wu, either I have a problem with Director Kege, or we can say it objectively .”

Can Director Kego make Painted Skin 2 well?

I still have fresh memories of his film The Promise (End of Chapter)

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