Millennium director

Chapter 360 Painted Skin 2 and Zhou Xun's Matters

After thinking about it for a period of time, Chen Kaige finally decided to accept Wu Yuan's invitation.

Not only because he wanted to avenge his shame, but also because the preparation period for The Orphan of Zhao was still early. He did have time to make another movie. The right time, place and people were available. It would be a pity to waste this opportunity.

Good directors are often found, but good scripts are not always found.

In the current Chinese-language film industry, there is actually an increasing lack of excellent scripts.

Painted Skin 2 revised by Wu Yuan cannot be said to be a top-notch excellent script, but in the field of commercial films, it is definitely mature and excellent, and its connotation is also good.

Chen Kaige despises those commercial film scripts that are purely aimed at making money, but he is quite satisfied with the script of Painted Skin 2.

Of course, there must be the blessing of the two words Wu Yuan in the screenwriter's line.

If the screenwriter was not Wu Yuan but another unknown screenwriter, even if the script was exactly the same, Chen Kaige would not necessarily think that the script was very good.

Human beings are like this. It is easy for their judgment to be affected by various external factors and inducements.

All in all, when Wu Yuan personally invited Chen Kaige to film the script he wrote, he thought about it again and again, but he heartily agreed.

Don't worry, Director Kege can do it well. Wu Yuan waved his hand and comforted Zhou Xun without any worries.

It's not that he is confident, but that he knows very well what kind of person Chen Kaige is.

In terms of directing skills alone, Chen Kaige is definitely one of the best directors in the Mainland. His main problem is that he is not good at screenwriting.

I don’t have the ability to write a good script, but I have a desire to write my own.

Taking a detailed look at Chen Kaige's career as a director, as long as the films that get a good reputation are not considered to be screenwriters by him.

Yellow Earth, which won an award on his debut, was adapted from Ke Lan's novel Echo of the Deep Valley, and the screenwriter was not him.

He was indeed the screenwriter of the next two films, The King of Children and Walking and Singing, but that was the European film art style of the 1980s and 1990s, which is completely different from now.

The screenwriters of Farewell My Concubine are Li Bihua and Lu Wei, the two great gods, who recommended Chen Kaige to Cannes.

After a series of consecutive movies, the reputation began to plummet, and until The Promise completely collapsed, he was the main screenwriter.

Mei Lanfang followed suit and hired Yan Geling as the screenwriter. With this great master helping him to check, the quality of the film immediately improved.

Wu Yuan has long understood that as long as Chen Kaige does not play the main role of screenwriter in the movie and just fulfills the director's duties, his level is definitely sufficient.

The screenwriter of Painted Skin 2 is Wu Yuan. No matter how arrogant Chen Kaige is, he would not dare to change Wu Yuan's play. Since he agreed to take it, he will film it honestly according to the script.

And as long as he shoots according to the script, the finished film will be the same.

In a sense, Chen Kaige is a better partner than Jiang Wendu.

Looking for Jiang Wen to make a movie is really torture.

Regardless of whether he is asked to be an actor or a director, Jiang Wen will definitely change the script, and he can change it however he wants, no matter how others persuade him, it will be useless.

In comparison, Chen Kaige can be regarded as a good baby.

Wu Yuan felt at ease working with Chen Kaige.

Besides, he also assigned an assistant director to the crew. This assistant director was tasked with keeping an eye on Chen Kaige on the crew to make sure that he was filming according to the script and not making random changes on his own.

Once you discover that Chen Kaige has changed the show, you will notify the company, and the company will naturally respond.

Of course, Chen Kaige didn't know about this.

Just relax. Wu Yuan patted Zhou Xun's shoulder carelessly: Director Kege is here to avenge his shame.

Maybe you can win another Best Actress trophy, just wait and have some fun.

If Wu Ershan came to shoot Painted Skin 2, he wouldn't win any big awards, but if it were replaced by Chen Kaige, it might not be possible.

Although the content of the scripts are the same, in terms of lens language and lens aesthetics, there is a big difference between Chen Kaige and Wu Ershan by Feng Xiaogang.

If the same script is shot by different directors, the difference will be very big.

Unless you are like Wu Yuan, you not only have the script, but also the memory of the finished film for reference.

Even so, he could only restore 80% to 90%, and the final film still has his own style to some extent, and it cannot be exactly the same as the original version.

Without the reference of the original version, the version shot by Chen Kaige will definitely be completely different from Wu Ershan's version in terms of pictures and shots.

Wu Yuan is also looking forward to what kind of Painted Skin 2 Chen Kaige will eventually make.

Brother Xun, do you have all your schedules available in the first half of next year? Wu Yuan asked again.

No. Zhou Xun patted Wu Yuan lightly: How dare I not pay attention to your films from the light and shadow era? Otherwise, what if I offend Director Wu and be banned?

Don't talk nonsense. Wu Yuan said with a black line on his face, You're serious.

At the beginning of the year, Mr. Li already informed me about the sequel. Zhou Xun shrugged: I was originally asked to play the heroine in The Wind, a collaboration between Huayi and Shanghai Film Industry.

For your Painted Skin 2, I even turned down this drama.

Zhou Xun's current management contract is with Huayi, and she and Li Binbin are both Huayi's first sisters.

As we all know, there are three Huayi sisters, two Bingbing plus Zhou Xun.

It can be said that the dispute between the three people has run through the development history of domestic entertainment in the first decade of the 21st century.

Originally, Li Binbin and Zhou Xun had already defeated Fan Xiaopang and entered the finals. This time, Huayi gave Li Binbin and Zhou Xun the cake of The Wind.

But because The Wind is expected to start shooting in February 2009, Painted Skin 2 will also start shooting at this time, and the two movies conflict.

One is a brand new original IP, and the other is a movie backed by a good reputation and high box office. Anyone with a discerning eye can definitely tell which movie is better.

Due to emotions and reasons, Zhou Xun could only reluctantly give in to The Wind and choose Painted Skin 2.

Wu Yuan really didn't pay attention to this matter.

The Wind is a good piece of cake.

Not only were they nominated for a lot of awards at the Golden Horse Awards, but both heroines were eventually shortlisted for the Golden Horse Actress category. Unfortunately, Zhou Xun lost to Li Binbin in the end, and Li Binbin won the title with The Wind.

Well, thinking about it this way, it seems that the loss is not very big.

The Wind is indeed a good movie, but it was all Li Binbin's fault.

As dual heroines, the two were nominated for many Best Actress awards, but in the end it was Li Binbin who won the award, and Zhou Xun was just the one who applauded in the audience.

Although Painted Skin 2 also has two female protagonists, Zhou Xun, the female protagonist, is much more important than Zeng Li, who replaced Zhao Junqi. If there is a chance to win the award, she will win it.

However, despite this, Wu Yuan still said regretfully: What about your schedule in the second half of next year?

Can't Huayi move the filming of The Wind to the second half of the year? You are the first sister of Huayi!

No, the first sister is not me now, but Li Binbin. Zhou Xun rolled his eyes at Wu Yuan angrily: Ever since Li Binbin climbed onto Wang Zhonglei's bed, and Wang Zhonglei held her waist and took her to various public occasions, I knew I couldn’t compete with her.”

Moreover, I have already given out the schedule for the second half of next year. China Film has taken the lead in making a biographical film about Confucius, a historical figure.

Chow Yun-mao will play Confucius, and I will play the heroine Nanzi.

Filming will start in August, and the filming is expected to last until December.

Wu Yuan's mouth twitched. How could he forget this bad movie?

He opened his mouth but stopped talking.

This movie.

It can only be said that when the producers wanted to find a Hong Kong actor to play Confucius, they were already doomed to fail.

It’s not easy for a Hong Kong actor to play Confucius without causing frequent laughter. Do you think he can bring out the charm of the role of Confucius?

Can the screenwriter write well about this Confucian saint who has influenced China for two thousand years?

Stop it.

I think so. Wu Yuan still couldn't help but persuade him: It would be better not to take on this drama.

You haven't read the script, how do you know? Zhou Xun's eyes widened, and after speaking curiously, he waved his hand and said nonchalantly: The contract has been signed, how can I have the nerve to refuse to act?

Wu Yuan shook his head and stopped trying to persuade him.

He really had no position and no reason to criticize this Confucius without even reading the script, so Zhou Xun refused to act at the risk of being cast aside by the industry.

Just shoot, what actor hasn't acted in a few bad movies?

Let's go, let's go. The car should be here. I have something to do when I go back to the company.

Wu Yuan shook his head, stood up, greeted everyone and left the VIP room together.

A group of mainland film crews who attended the Golden Horse Awards and returned to Beijing dispersed.

Before the show ended, Feng Xiaogang specifically told Wu Yuan: Director Wu, remember to come to the premiere of If You Are the One! (End of Chapter)

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