Millennium director

Chapter 364 Shocking! Wu Yusen suppresses mainland filmmakers!

2008, December 16, Beijing.

Huayi Brothers booked the entire hotel and held a very grand premiere for If You Are the One.

Wu Yuan also attended the premiere as an invited guest.

It has to be said that Feng Xiaogang and Huayi's connections are really strong, and half of the entertainment industry was invited to attend this premiere event.

Many Feng girls all appeared on the red carpet to compete for their beauty.

Sexy actress Shu Qi went against the norm and appeared in a black sleeveless dress.

Xu Ruoxuan showed off her career line generously. The clothes covering her waist were cut with a large slit, revealing her fair skin, which was quite eye-catching.

Olympic champion Tian Liang also attended the premiere with his beloved wife Ye Yiqian. The two kept their fingers clasped together and whispered from time to time. Their closeness made others envious.

Although top-tier directors and actors like Jiang Wen, Zhang Yimou, Liu Dehua, and Gong Li did not come, all the second-tier and third-tier stars, as well as current hot stars, came to support Feng Xiaogang.

And Wu Yuan, the great director who arrived for the finale, added to the fire at the premiere.

In the afternoon, the film's creators had already held a press conference and accepted various interviews from the media.

The combination of Feng Xiaogang and Uncle Ge has always been a box office guarantee, and Uncle Ge's comedy performances have never disappointed the audience, but now everyone is talking more about whether Uncle Ge can transform.

After all, The Night Banquet, which they tried to transform, was criticized after it was released that year.

At the press conference, Uncle Ge also took the initiative to bring up the controversial The Night Banquet, I think my performance in The Night Banquet was pretty good, but I heard others say that the audience laughed when they saw me. I still don't understand why. .

Facts have proved that it is indeed difficult for Uncle Ge to transform. When he and Feng Xiaogang returned to comedy, they were able to kill gods and Buddhas again.

In the evening, after most of the guests walked down the red carpet, Wu Yuan, as the final guest, stepped onto the red carpet with the expectations of all media present.

Director Wu!

Director Wu, look here!

Director Wu, do you have any plans for a new movie?

Director Wu, I heard that A Man Called Lee Decided to Die will be a candidate for Best Foreign Language Film at next year's Oscars. Is this true?

Director Wu, there are rumors that Wu Baige conspired with the judges not to vote for you the year you attended Cannes. Is this true?

Um? !

Wu Yuan, who was used to being surrounded by reporters and was skilled in ignoring their questions, paused and turned his head curiously to look at the last reporter who asked questions.

This is a reporter from Qilu Entertainment News.

Where did you get this gossip? he asked curiously.

I saw it online. Indian actress Randita Das, who served as a judge at the 58th Cannes International Film Festival, was interviewed some time ago and talked about your new film winning the Venice Golden Lion. She mentioned Wu Baige, who was also a judge at the time, strongly requested the other judges not to vote for Love that year.

Is this news true?

Wu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows: Then you should ask the other judges of Cannes which year instead of asking me. After all, I don't know anything about the judging.

After saying that, he turned around and walked quickly into the hotel.

Hey, although I don't know why this Indian actress suddenly brought up this issue again after everything has passed, Wu Yuan is very happy to see it.

Wu Baige recently felt very proud because Red Cliff (Part 1) beat Gravity at the box office in Japan. He breathed a sigh of relief and was in a good mood.

If he is in a good mood, Wu Yuan will not be in a good mood.

Now that such a scandal has broken out, Wu Baige is disgusting, and Wu Yuan wants to open the champagne.

Hey, Director Wu, here we come.

Entering the infield, Feng Xiaogang personally greeted Wu Yuan and talked side by side with him: Director Wu, you have to take a good look at my new film this time and give me some advice.

Wu Yuan nodded noncommittally and complimented in a good mood: Director Feng, you have returned to the comedy field that you are good at this time. I believe that you will definitely bring a wonderful movie to the audience.

I think 300 million box office shouldn't be a problem.

If You Are the One should be regarded as the most successful IP in Feng Xiaogang's hands. Starting from the first one, every film has been a hit, and every film has frequent golden sentences, becoming a benchmark for Chinese comedy films.

Before Wu Yuan woke up, he heard that Feng Xiaogang had picked up this IP again and was going to make a new sequel. This shows how vital this IP is.

Wu Yuan's 300 million box office is not nonsense, it is still conservative.

But Feng Xiaogang doesn't know that he is very nervous now. After the success of Assembly Number, he has returned to the field of comedy films, and the outside world is very unfavorable and incomprehensible.

After all, comedy is considered the lowest level of the genre, whether in TV series or movies.

It is also difficult for directors who are successful in comedy to transition to other genres.

There is Xing Ye in the distance and Xu Zheng in the recent past. They both wanted to transform after the success of their comedies, but the transformation was very unsuccessful.

Any director who succeeds in other genres will never go back to making comedies.

Directors like Feng Xiaogang, who have successfully transitioned from the comedy field and come back to make comedies, are really rare.

What made him even more anxious was that if he came back to make a comedy but failed, it would really be the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Therefore, If You Are the One is, for Feng Xiaogang, a work of all-or-nothing success.

Now with Wu Yuan's support and encouragement, Feng Xiaogang's old face burst into laughter: 300 million!

Director Wu, you really dare to say that I didn't have such high expectations.

I would be happy to have a box office of 250 million like Assembly Number. After all, the cost of this film is much lower than that of Assembly Number.

Wu Yuan smiled and shook his head: It won't stop, it will definitely stop.

Comedies are still the largest genre in the domestic market. As Director Feng, as the first person to make comedy films in the mainland, if you return to comedy films again, the market will definitely be very enthusiastic. 300 million is just a starting point.

The mainland film market has been developed by Wu Yuan's several blockbusters, especially this year's Gravity, which attracted countless people to watch movies in theaters for the first time. After accepting and adapting to watching movies, the mainland box office market is definitely Time and space are even more expanded than the original.

If You Are the One was able to earn a box office of 320 million in its original time and space. In the current market environment that has been expanded by Wu Yuan's Gravity, it may be able to earn a box office of 350 million.

Haha, let me borrow your good words from Director Wu.

Feng Xiaogang was so happy that he couldn't find Bei. He patted Wu Yuan's back hard, pulled him and walked in: Come on, come on, don't you want to get to know Lao Ge? Let me introduce you to him.

Lao Ge's acting skills are really hard to say. He is not much worse than Li Xuejian. It's just that he has been making comedies with me for many years, so my acting career has been restricted. This is all my fault.

The two walked into the screening room arm in arm and started socializing at tonight's premiere.

And just when If You Are the One was holding its grand premiere, a piece of news from the outside suddenly detonated the mainland entertainment industry.

【Shocking! Wu Yusen suppresses mainland filmmakers! 】

[Not supporting but suppressing, Wu Yusen was exposed as unfairly treating Wu Yuan during the Cannes awards ceremony! 】(End of this chapter)

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