Millennium director

Chapter 365 Uncle Ge guest appearance

According to external reports, director Wu Yuan received unfair treatment when he participated in the 58th Cannes International Film Festival.

Wu Yusen, who was one of the judges on the jury at the time, secretly contacted other judges on the jury and instigated them not to vote for director Wu Yuan.

It is said that two directors were indeed persuaded...


Seeing this report on the Sohu portal, Wu Yusen slammed the table hard and cursed angrily: The Yan family shovel!

He was originally happy today, but when something like this happened, Wu Yusen's mood immediately dropped.

In the entertainment industry, it is normal to praise the high and suppress the low.

In the past, Wu Yusen had great influence in the world. If he did some small tricks in private, no one would dare to break the news to the outside media and offend him.

But a few years have passed, and Wu Yuan, who was still a junior in front of Wu Yusen, has already achieved a much higher status in the industry than him. He wants awards, awards, and connections.

When Wu Yusen wanted to join the judges at Cannes, the matter of not voting for Wu Yuan was not a very private matter, and eight or nine judges knew about it.

Now that we see that Wu Yuan has such great influence internationally and is thriving in Hollywood, it is natural that some people want to praise Wu Yuan's stinky feet and help him redress his grievances.

This Indian actress will not be the last. With her taking the lead in breaking the news, several other judges of the same year will probably be ready to share old memories with the media.

This made Wu Yusen feel very uncomfortable.

He could neither deny nor admit it.

Denying would appear guilty, and admitting would make one's reputation and image plummet in the mainland.

How to deal with this sudden revelation?

Looking at the newly released Japanese box office data of Red Cliff (Part 1) in his hand, Wu Yusen fell into silence.

On the other side, the premiere of If You Are the One.

Haha, Uncle Ge, I finally met you in person.

We must cooperate if we have the opportunity.

Wu Yuan hugged Uncle Ge with a smile on his face, his eyes full of appreciation.

Ge You, this is an outstanding actor among mainland actors who cannot be avoided no matter what.

Although, in recent years, his image has been transformed into a comedian by Feng Xiaogang, which makes some viewers want to laugh when they see him, it is undeniable that his acting skills are definitely one of the best in the mainland.

This is the best actor in Cannes!

Before the millennium, when Uncle Ge had not taken the comedy route, he had contributed many roles that required extremely demanding acting skills.

The most famous ones are Fu Gui in Zhang Yimou's movie Alive and Mr. Yuan in Farewell My Concubine.

Of course, for later audiences, the most profound impression of Uncle Ge was Master Tang in Let the Bullets Fly.

It was also because of his outstanding performance in Let the Bullets Fly that the Emperor signed a five-year, three-film contract with Uncle Ge in 2011 and gave him money.

Of course Wu Yuan also wants to cooperate with Uncle Ge.

Uncle Ge is not young either. He was born in 1957 and is already in his early fifties this year. If he does not find opportunities to cooperate, he will have to cut back on production and retire.

Well, thinking of this, Wu Yuan suddenly realized that most of the mainland actors he worked with were veteran actors.

Apart from Hu Ge and Chen Kun, the youngest one is Zhang Guorong, who is also in his early fifties.

Zhang Guorong is one year older than Uncle Ge

Hey, I want to work with Director Wu too. Uncle Ge squinted his eyes and said with a smile, Which mainland actor doesn't want to work with Director Wu?

As long as you say something, I will immediately pack up and join the team, without any delay.

Hey, Wu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth, did you say this yourself?

Uncle Ge, if you want to say that, then I'm going to be rude, right? Wu Yuan rubbed his hands and said with an expression on his face: I'm going to film a TV series next, and there's a very important character in it. , is the boss of a large company, a high-end model.

Would you like to make a guest appearance?

If there aren't many scenes, it can be filmed within half a month.

Yes, Wu Yuan thought of the family that serves ghosts in Goblin and the helmsman of Liu Shi Enterprises. It is very suitable for Uncle Ge to make a cameo.

However, when Uncle Ge heard that Wu Yuan was going to make a TV series, he was surprised and his eyes widened: Director Wu, you want to make a TV series?!

Feng Xiaogang, who was watching the two chatting with a smile, couldn't help but interrupt: Director Wu, this is inappropriate!

Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Wu Yuan waved his hand and quickly explained: I am not a director, I am an actor.

I plan to star in a TV series with Yifei. The filming will start before February next year. It should be filmed in South Korea.

You may have forgotten that although I am a director, I debuted as an actor. I even won Berlin's Best Newcomer when I debuted.

That's right. Feng Xiaogang nodded in approval.

Being an actor was not a big deal, and he often indulged in the addiction of being an actor. The only thing he didn't understand was that Wu Yuan stopped acting in movies and went to act in TV series, which was a bit out of character.

But considering that he acted with his girlfriend, Feng Xiaogang understood it immediately.

You young people still have fun. He said with a smile.

Uncle Ge also patted Wu Yuan on the shoulder: Director Wu, you are the leading actor, how can I not act?

As long as it can be done before September, I will be on call.

Let the Bullets Fly will be released in September, with three movie stars competing in the show. Uncle Ge will definitely not want to miss such an enjoyable scene.

Without delay, it can be done in April or May at most. Wu Yuan nodded: Then it's settled?

Come on, come on, let's finish chatting, and I'll introduce you to other actors.

Feng Xiaogang saw that the two of them were almost chatting, so he took Wu Yuan and planned to introduce him to Shu Qi, Hu Ke and others from If You Are the One. However, the other leading actor Fan Wei did not need his introduction. Wu Yuan and Fan Wei were familiar with each other. Very.

However, just when Feng Xiaogang pulled Wu Yuan towards Shu Qi's place, Wu Yuan's assistant Xiao Zhang walked in quickly from outside, looking like he was in a hurry. Wu Yuan had no choice but to say sorry and talk to Xiao Zhang We walked to the corner of the meeting hall and started talking quietly.

What's up?

Director Wu, look at these news.

Xiao Zhang handed over a laptop, which had a lot of web pages open, each of which contained news reports from different platforms.

【Shocking! Wu Yusen suppresses mainland filmmakers! 】

[Not supporting but suppressing, Wu Yusen was exposed as unfairly treating Wu Yuan during the Cannes awards ceremony! 】



Looking at these news, Wu Yuan remembered what the reporters who gathered around the red carpet said when they arrived at the premiere.

Director Wu, in the afternoon, a lot of news about Wu Baige suppressing you in Cannes appeared on the Internet. Domestic media reporters immediately reprinted it back to China.

Public opinion on the Internet is boiling now, and many netizens are indignantly supporting you and despising Wu Baige's behavior.

Look, should we make a statement?

What kind of statement are you making? Wu Yuanheng glanced at Xiao Zhang and said angrily: It's just a matter of having shit on your crotch for fun.

Go and call Mr. Li of the company and ask her to mobilize the company's trolls to spread the news.

I'm the victim! (End of chapter)

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