Millennium director

Chapter 389 Chen Kaige: Haha, I understand!

Northwest Gobi.

Painted Skin 2 is also being filmed intensively.

Although a director was changed, the leading actors are still the same cast.

The three leading actors, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun and Zeng Li, return, and Yan Kuan, who replaces Zhang Guorong as the demon hunter, and company artist Wang Ou, who plays the innocent bird spirit, are added.

Because Yang Mi had to play Ghost, she naturally couldn't get another chance to play the role of Bird Spirit Bird, so this role was absorbed by other artists within the company.

In addition, a large number of golden supporting actors have also joined the filming of Painted Skin 2, and the cast is much stronger than the first one.

For example, for the male protagonist Huo Xin's adoptive father, Uncle Tat, the producers actually invited Mr. Ng Man-tat from Hong Kong to make a guest appearance.

You Benchang, Liu Jiahui, Ji Chunhua, and Sun Honglei also have outstanding supporting roles in Painted Skin 2.

Although Painted Skin 2 is a Hong Kong film title, this drama was completely funded by Light and Shadow Times itself. It only acquired a small film and television company in Hong Kong Island, and then used the name of this film and television company and Light and Shadow Times It is jointly produced by the head office.

This can be regarded as exploiting a loophole in the current co-production policy.

However, Light and Shadow Times is not the only one to do this, and it is not a new thing.

But for the director of this film, Chen Kaige, the experience of filming this film was still very novel to him.

It turns out that this is how a fantasy movie should be shot! Chen Kaige sat behind the monitor, looking at the shot script in his hand and the lens effects captured on the monitor, thinking thoughtfully.

In order to ensure that Chen Kaige could make Painted Skin 2 according to his ideas as much as possible, rather than making a Chen Kaige-style Riddler movie, Wu Yuan even prepared several thick stacks of hand-drawn script shots for him.

If anyone else did this, Chen Kaige would definitely not accept it and continue to go his own way.

But the person who did this was Wu Yuan, the only director in China who has made achievements in the field of fantasy films and can even be said to be authoritative.

Chen Kaige also had to take seriously the splitting script given by Wu Yuan, and try to understand why the splitting was done in this way and why it was shot this way.

In actual operation, after more than two months of shooting, Chen Kaige did gain a lot of experience.

After letting go of his pride, Chen Kaige really felt what a real magical movie is.

There is no need to tell any in-depth truths, and there is no need to create a bunch of parallel narrative lines, cramming too many complex story backgrounds into the two-hour movie duration.

As long as you use a linear narrative method to tell a direct and clear magical story, you can make a movie that is above the standard.

For Chen Kaige, the process of filming Painted Skin 2 was a subtraction for himself.

He is trying to adapt, not to show too much desire to talk in the movie, and not to try to stuff too much abstract aesthetic art into the movie.

There is no doubt that Chen Kaige is an excellent director.

Precisely because he is excellent, he always wants to express his excellence in movies and create all kinds of high-brow content.

No one could capture his desire to express himself before, not even Chen Hong.

But now that Chen Kaige has joined the crew of the Light and Shadow Era, Wu Yuan's script and storyboards are holding him back, preventing him from acting recklessly. Instead, for Chen Kaige, it is an experience of self-examination.

More than once during filming, Chen Kaige felt that the shots were too simple, too straightforward, and without depth.

But after it was actually shot, he had to admit that such a shot was indeed suitable for this film.

Although Painted Skin 2 still inevitably adheres to Chen Kaige's personal style. Compared with the first film shot by Wu Yuan, the picture is more delicate and beautiful, and the composition is more extreme. However, Chen Kaige did not add any materials and tried his best to capture the picture. A more commercial piece.

When the filming of Painted Skin 2 was coming to an end, Chen Kaige also felt that he had enlightened and understood how to make a qualified commercial fantasy film. He no longer had the confusion and feeling of crossing the river by feeling the stones when filming The Promise.

Hey, Wu Yuan asked Chen Kaige to be his tool man, he has to thank us!

Xiao Chen, Xiao Zhou, come on, come on, let's do this scene again. I want to change the camera to shoot it, and let's add another group.

Chen Kaige, who had an expression of realization, waved excitedly to Chen Kun and Zhou Xun who were resting, and continued shooting with great interest.

The filming of Painted Skin 2 not only fulfilled his fantasy movie dream, but also gave him new ideas for the script of The Orphan of Zhao that he had already perfected.

Maybe he should also make some subtractions in the script of The Orphan of Zhao. Don't try to tell the audience such a complicated story. Just tell a simple classic three-act commercial film of family destruction-survival-revenge is enough!

Chen Kaige feels that after filming Painted Skin 2 this time, his The Orphan of Zhao will definitely take on a completely new look and make a big turnaround!

He is already enjoying how he will return as the king after Painted Skin 2 and The Orphan of Zhao are released next year, dethroning Zhang Yimou from the throne of the national master.

Among domestic directors, Chen Kaige is the best!

North America, Los Angeles.

While the country was still working normally, it was already night here in Los Angeles.

Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei had finished work and returned to the hotel. After briefly washing themselves, they lay on the bed.

One of the two was checking tomorrow's shooting schedule, and the other was dealing with some official documents from the country.

Although Wu Yuan lives in the United States, there is such a big problem in the country that he cannot really ignore it.

Wu Yuan regularly tracks the filming progress of Along with the Gods and Painted Skin 2, the important work of some of the company's artists, and the preparation and filming of TV series.

Wu Yuan also has to take charge of the development of cinema brands in the Light and Shadow Era and the daily operational data of Light and Shadow Express.

After finishing work every day, he may not have any leisure time.

In comparison, Liu Yifei was much more leisurely. It only took a few minutes to finish reading tomorrow's shooting schedule. Although she was also one of the leading actors, she did not have many roles. Sometimes she was not available for several days in a row. Playing, very leisurely.

And when people are free, they will think about all kinds of things.

No, Liu Yifei, who was in a daze after reading the shooting list, suddenly remembered something.

Hey, senior brother!

Did you write the English song you sang when you proposed last time?

I searched the Internet later, but I couldn't find this song.

Yes, it was specially prepared to propose to you. Wu Yuan nodded casually. He couldn't say that this song was Brother Martian's new single two years later.

Then do you want to record it as a single and release it?

Liu Yifei thought happily: I think this song is very nice. I must play this song at our wedding in the future.

And if it is released as a single, it might become a must-have song for weddings like Today You Will Marry Me.

This can be considered as letting people all over the world witness our happiness! (End of this chapter)

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