Millennium director

Chapter 390 Liu Yifei also realized it!

Wu Yuan will definitely release the song Marry You as a single.

Even if Liu Yifei doesn't take the initiative to mention this matter, he will definitely find time to do it after he finishes filming Interstellar.

He doesn't have any system cheats. He can redeem songs or film and television scripts, and once he redeems them, it will be impossible for others to create them again.

If he had only sung this song to Liu Yifei and her friends privately and not officially released it, maybe Martian Brother would still release this single two years later.

By that time, Wu Yuan was sitting on the wax and didn't know how to explain this matter to Liu Yifei.

To be careful, Wu Yuan is definitely going to make the song Marry You bigger.

Liu Yifei's suggestion was exactly what he wanted.

Record it, definitely record it. Wu Yuan nodded with a smile: When we finish filming Interstellar, I will go back to China to record this song. Now the accompaniment tape has been entrusted to Haidie Music in China to produce it.

It was their music director who personally helped me improve the arrangement and master the accompaniment.

To be honest, if Hans Zimmer hadn't really had time, he would have been busy composing the score for Interstellar, otherwise I would have wanted to ask him to help me with my accompaniment.

The soundtrack engineer for Interstellar is Hans Zimmer, a well-known Hollywood composer.

He is one of the best film scorers in Hollywood.

Since winning the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for Best Film Score for the animated film The Lion King in 1995, Hans Zimmer has scored countless classic films.

Shattered, Gladiator, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, The Last Samurai, Batman Trilogy, Madagascar...

There are also Wu Yuan's Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3, as well as Wu Baige's Broken Arrow and Mission: Impossible 2 soundtracks, all written by Hans Zimmer.

This time Wu Yuan has collaborated with him for the third time, becoming the director who, like Nolan, has collaborated with Hans Zimmer the most.

By the way, the future soundtracks of Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2 that are full of Chinese style are also produced by Hans Zimmer.

This is a legend in the music field. He can integrate and flexibly apply music styles from different countries. Whether it is Mediterranean style, Caribbean style, Spanish style or Chinese style music, he can easily play it.

To ask this music master to arrange the music for Marry You is to be honest, it is overkill, and it may not be done well.

After all, there are specialties in the field of film scoring and pop music production, and the differences and skills are quite profound.

Okay, I will accompany you to record the song then. Liu Yifei said happily.

This was a song written by Wu Yuan himself and sung to her personally. She had to witness the production of this song with her own eyes.

I have already thought about it. When we hold the wedding, this song will be used as the background music before the vows.

Wu Yuan was stunned, Aren't you going to have a Chinese wedding?

Chinese style? Liu Yifei frowned slightly. She didn't quite understand what a Chinese wedding was like.

So-called new Chinese-style weddings are not as popular in China now as they were ten years ago.

People nowadays get married in either a Western style, a combination of Chinese and Western styles, or a traditional Chinese style.

Liu Yifei's impression of traditional Chinese weddings basically comes from those in TV dramas, where she wears a red hijab, serves tea to her parents, bows in the hall, and the couple bows to each other.

It’s not that this kind of wedding is not good, but in Liu Yifei’s opinion, it is indeed not as beautiful as a Western-style wedding.

After all, princesses, castles, white wedding dresses, and romantic Western-style wedding scenes should be the dreams of many girls born in the 1980s.

The wedding of Brother Xiao Ming and AB, the wedding of Jay Chou and his beloved wife, are all beautiful scenes that have appeared in the dreams of many girls.

It's not a traditional Chinese wedding. Wu Yuan explained with a smile: It's a new Chinese style, which combines the advantages of Western weddings without abandoning Chinese traditions.

It will also be very beautiful and aesthetic, and it will definitely be something you will never forget for the rest of your life.

Let's do this. After I finish the planning document, we will decide whether to do this or not. If you don't like it, we can adjust it then.

Wu Yuan looked at the time and saw that it was already getting late. He had to film a movie tomorrow, so he didn't go any further into the topic.

Anyway, there is no rush for their wedding. It will not be held for at least two years, so there is plenty of time for discussion.

It's time to go to bed, I have to go to work tomorrow morning.

The next day, before nine o'clock in the morning, the crew of Interstellar began a day of filming.

Still in a large studio in Los Angeles, wearing a space suit with a sci-fi atmosphere, Liu Yifei and Mads Mikkelsen sat in the more than 10-meter-long Landing spacecraft.

This ship is an almost one-to-one replica of the model, with hydraulic landing gear, an airtight cabin, a waterproof layer, a freezing bed and a hydraulic seat designed inside. Even the screens are genuine.

Moreover, Wu Yuan set up a wrap-around giant screen around the set, showing black holes and rotating stars.

During filming, the actors could see through the portholes a scene that was exactly the same as in real space. The precise and huge projection allowed them to quickly immerse themselves in the space situation.

This is also a little trick he came up with when filming Gravity, which can make it easier for the actors to get into the scene.

Are you all ready? Wu Yuan's voice came clearly from the loudspeaker on the set.

Sitting in the login room full of seats, Liu Yifei and Mads Mikkelsen looked at each other and nodded.

Okay, all units are ready!

Three, two, one!


Following Wu Yuan's command, the standby cameras were instantly activated, and the cameramen controlling them all adjusted their camera positions to the best angles.

On as many as six surveillance screens in front of Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei and Mads Mikkelsen appeared on the screen from different camera positions, from the front, side, and back.

My daughter is only ten years old.

I didn't have time to teach him Einstein's theory before I left.

Mads Mikkelsen, whose head was covered with sweat, stared deeply at Liu Yifei sitting opposite him, his emotions full of complaints and regrets.

Liu Yifei, who was in the filming state, seemed to be touched by the lines in her heart. Although her emotions were still restrained, her eyes were already red and wet: Can't you tell her that you want to save the world?

No. Mads Mikkelsen shook his head firmly. His eyes were deep and his expression was affectionate and restrained: When you have a child, one thing becomes very clear.

That means you will do your best to give your child a sense of security.

So you can't tell a ten-year-old that the end of the world is coming.

There are countless dying humans on Earth.

Wu Yuan looked at the monitor and nodded with satisfaction.

Mads Mikkelsen's acting skills are of course nothing to say. He can play the extremely difficult male protagonist in The Hunt, so it will not be a problem at all to play the emotionally reserved father in Interstellar.

What really surprised Wu Yuan was Liu Yifei's performance.

Maybe it's because Wu Yuan has been teaching her through words and deeds over the past few years, or maybe it's because they spent more than three months training day and night when they were filming Ghost.

It seems that Liu Yifei's transformation in the field of acting, which originally took place after she was thirty, is now enlightened and completely enlightened!

Although she was just a backdrop in this scene, and Mads Mikkelsen was really responsible for expressing the main emotions, Liu Yifei used her red and moist eyes to successfully make herself alive in this scene.

She is not only a background for raising questions, but also a companion with rich self-emotions.

See the real details in the subtleties.

Originally, Wu Yuan only needed Liu Yifei to prepare the background for this scene, but she gave Wu Yuan a little surprise with her perfect performance.


Great performance!

Wu Yuan gave a thumbs up: Qianxi, you have performed very well. If you keep up this state, you will leave a memorable role for the audience! (End of Chapter)

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