Millennium director

Chapter 421 Connection

In the studio of Mango Channel, there was a scene of demons dancing wildly.

After just finishing the recording of a funny and weird game, the leading actors and Happy Family of Goblin crew were resting in the corner of the stage out of breath.

Even though an episode of Happy Camp is only one and a half hours long, in fact each recording takes at least three hours.

Unlike the broadcast version, which looks smooth and silky, when recording live, pauses and rests are common from time to time.

Sometimes after half an hour of hard work playing a game, because the recording effect is not good, the entire game session may end up being cut short.

So despite the fact that they only play one or two games per episode during the broadcast, during the actual recording, they have to play three or four games, and the director will select two exciting ones from them to edit into the feature film during post-production.

Liu Yifei and the others played a game of musical chairs with the Happy Family, and then played a silly-looking loach-catching game, a two-person, three-legged game.

Because Wu Yuan did not come, Liu Yifei, who could only team up with Haitao, lost to Li Dongxu and Yang Mi in three games, which made her a little angry because she always wanted to win.

Haitao, did you let them do it on purpose? During the intermission, Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows and asked Haitao.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Haitao had let off steam just now, otherwise they would not have lost to Yang Mi and Li Dongxu because they were so tall.

This made Haitao panic.

When recording a variety show, isn't it normal for the host to deliberately lose to the guests?

Why is Liu Yifei still angry?

I'm not angry! Liu Yifei also reacted, pouted, and added: I just have a strong desire to win, well, a desire to win!

Okay, everyone is almost rested, right?

Let's start the next part!

The words of the host, Teacher He, interrupted the private chat between the two.

Yang Mi, whose makeup and hair were a little messy because of playing games, has already returned from touch-up.

Everyone stood back on the center stage.

Okay, after a wonderful advertisement, welcome everyone back to our happy base camp exclusively branded by Yili Dairy!

Wu Xin followed the script and began to read the naming speech in the middle. This may be the most useful thing for the newcomers to host.

The audience at the scene was very considerate, and most of them gave enthusiastic applause.

Of course, the loudest voice was shouting for Liu Yifei. At least half of the audience at the scene were fans of Liu Yifei.

It is precisely because most of the audience at the scene are fans of Liu Yifei, so when Teacher He announced the next segment, the cheers at the scene almost broke through the ceiling.

Next, we are going to connect with Wu Yuan, the leading actor of Goblin, and let him say hello to everyone!

Before Teacher He finished speaking, the screams at the scene were almost drowning out his voice.

He thought the audience would be enthusiastic about Wu Yuan, but he didn't expect it to be so enthusiastic.

But as soon as I thought about it, I understood.

Teacher He, who has many connections in the industry, has not seen Wu Yuan for so many years. He can only be seen from newspaper reports or news videos.

For Teacher He, Wu Yuan can be regarded as a mysterious star, let alone ordinary audiences.

To ordinary viewers, Wu Yuan is simply one of the most mysterious stars in the industry.

I never appear on variety shows and rarely appear on talk shows.

The only chance to see him is to attend the road show of his new movie, and then you can see him taking the curtain call with the cast and crew in the cinema.

Apart from that, you can only see him in some interview videos of press conferences related to his movies.

Although he is so handsome, he is very private, even during the publicity period he is very stingy about appearing on camera.

After the TV series Goblin in which he plays the male lead was aired, I don't know how many fans of Wu Yuan there are, as well as the public who got to know Wu Yuan again because of this TV series. They want to see him personally promote and participate in variety shows. .

As a result, this time everyone rushed to watch Happy Camp with high expectations, but found that only Wu Yuan, the lead actor of Ghost, was absent.

To say that I am not disappointed would be nonsense.

Fans including Liu Yifei were very disappointed.

Wu Yuan is Liu Yifei's publicly certified boyfriend, and they have been dating for many years!

Everyone has long recognized this golden couple, and of course they hope to see more public appearances of Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei.

You know, fans of Liu Yifei have been able to admire the scenes and photos of Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei walking together on the red carpet of the film festival for a long time!

They've already wanted more sugar sprinkles to knead!

Now when I hear that Wu Yuan is going to have a live connection, although he still hasn't shown up, at least he can have a public interaction with Liu Yifei in front of the public!

Sweet, sweet!

It seems that everyone is looking forward to Director Wu's online session, right? Teacher He had a bright smile on his face, and he wisely swallowed back some of the words he originally wanted to foreshadow.

Then let's use Sissi's cell phone to call Director Wu.

My dear audience members, please keep quiet.

In fact, the original program team planned to have Liu Yifei say the words I like you to herself when she was connecting with Wu Yuan without revealing that she was recording Happy Camp.

Of course, these are all scripts, and they will be communicated with Wu Yuan in advance. When he answers the phone, he will pretend not to know, and then cooperate with Liu Yifei's inducement to say these four words.

However, it is a pity that Wu Yuan refused without hesitation after hearing what the program director wanted.

He had no intention of selling industrial saccharin to Liu Yifei in front of the public.

If the program crew really hid it from him and asked Liu Yifei to do this on the spot, then he was indeed willing to cooperate with Liu Yifei in playing such a small game without knowing it.

But now the program team has communicated with him in advance and hopes that he will cooperate and say I like you. What was originally an interesting little touch has turned into a fake.

I'm sorry, Wu Yuan is unwilling to cooperate with the fake.

He also has the right to refuse the program team's fake invitation.

Ever since, the on-site connection session has become such a nondescript situation, which is very different from the previous connection session of Happy Camp.

But the excited audience didn't care at all.

They could see Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's exchanges live, even if they just said hello to each other, it would be enough to climax for several days.

There is no way, this young couple is too stingy and rarely sprinkles sugar in public.

The last time I sprinkled sugar was when Wu Yuan won the Venice Golden Lion and went on stage to thank Liu Yifei.


The sound of a phone call came from the speakers in the studio.

A magnetic and steady voice appeared in the recording studio after the dial sounded three times.

Hello, Sissy?

Are you recording Happy Camp? (End of Chapter)

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