Wu Yuan's voice triggered fierce cheers as soon as it appeared at the show recording site.

Even though Teacher He and the on-site choreographer had already said hello in advance, the audience still had difficulty restraining their emotions.

No need to ask anymore, just by hearing the sound, Wu Yuan on the other end of the phone knew that it was being recorded.

So he smiled and said hello: Hello everyone in the base camp and viewers in front of the TV, I am Wu Yuan.

Well, my current identity should be actor Wu Yuan.

Thank you very much for your support of the TV series The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost. Unfortunately, due to work reasons, I really can't make up the schedule and can't come to Happy Camp with Sissi and the others.

Here, I solemnly say sorry to everyone, especially the audience.

There are still many good people in the world.

As soon as Wu Yuan said this, many spectators shouted loudly: It doesn't matter!

Director Wu's work is more important!

“We’re going to see a new movie!”

There was also a little girl with a blushing face and shouted loudly: Director Wu, be nice to Sissi!

Wu Yuan on the other end of the phone heard these shouts.

He was cheerful and didn't respond. He just let the audience express their excitement.

Teacher He, who was still on the scene, took the microphone and controlled the scene: Okay, dear audience friends, I know everyone is very excited, but calm down first and let our Director Wu talk to everyone, okay?

Teacher He took action, and the effect was very good. The excited audience quickly calmed down, suppressed their screams, and looked at Liu Yifei on the stage eagerly.

Living up to expectations, Liu Yifei was appointed as the communication representative and chatted with Wu Yuan.

Brother, the audience here likes you very much and wanted to meet you, but you let them go. Don't you express your gratitude? Liu Yifei said with a smile.

Fans of Liu Yifei at the scene were not surprised that she called Wu Yuan not an affectionate nickname, but senior brother.

Fans who have been fans of her for a long time know that when she was first selected to join the cast of Your Name, when she accepted various interviews and talked about Wu Yuan, she always called him senior brother.

Rumor has it that she knew Wu Yuan when she was still in school at Nortel, and she kept calling him that way, and she didn't change it after they fell in love.

Maybe I will change my title after I get married.

Hey, why are you thinking about getting married?

Many fans of Liu Yifei at the scene shook their heads in amusement.

Of course I have expressed it! Wu Yuan said plausibly on the other end of the phone: As the leading actor, it is indeed my fault for not being able to participate in promotions with the crew.

In order to compensate for the audience friends who came to the scene, I have prepared 20 personal posters of ghosts signed by me. They have been given to Sissi. I will give them to the audience friends at the scene!

In addition, I have also prepared a movie ticket for each of our theaters in the Light and Film Era chain for every audience. With this movie ticket, you can redeem it for a movie at any theater under the Era of Light and Film movie tickets.”

This is like me inviting everyone to watch a movie together!

Wu Yuan has always been very serious about promoting the development of the domestic film industry.

This time we also took the opportunity to give out free movie tickets to the audience. Maybe this will make some of the audience who have never gone to the cinema to watch movies become accustomed to going to the cinema to watch movies?

Moreover, if they take movie tickets from the Light and Shadow Era, when they choose a cinema in the future, they will inevitably have a more favorable impression of the Cinema in the Light and Shadow Era.

This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone!

Wu Yuan was very proud of his cleverness!


There was an uproar.

It’s a good thing to get free movie tickets!

Now Avatar is being released in full swing in China, and the box office is already on track to break China's historical box office record.

Whether the audience had watched Avatar or not, they all wanted to watch the movie again!

This movie ticket from Wu Yuan was given at the right time.

Seeing the satisfied and happy expressions of the audience, Teacher He smiled and interjected: What about us? Do our Happy Family also have movie tickets?

Of course! Wu Yuan said happily: Teacher He, you are here too. Thank you for taking care of Qian Qian and Mi Mi.

Okay, thank you very much to our generous Director Wu. Teacher He took over the communication with Wu Yuan without leaving any trace, and began the real interview.

Director Wu, the ratings of Ghost when it was broadcast on Hunan Channel were very good. It ranked first in the ratings at the same time.

I heard that the broadcast situation of this TV series in South Korea is also very gratifying. It is the most popular TV series in South Korea recently.

As the leading actor, have you ever thought that this TV series could achieve such good results?

To say there is no such thing would be a lie. Wu Yuan paused for a few seconds before slowly saying: The TV series Ghost was the TV series that our company attached the most importance to last year and put the most effort into creating. TV drama.

I even value this TV series more than Along with the Gods and Painted Skin 2.

The fact that this drama has been loved and praised by Asian audiences can only be said to be a reasonable and expected result.

To put it bluntly, Goblin is an epoch-making idol drama. This TV series is different from previous idol dramas and will lead the style of idol dramas in the next decade!

I am honored that this epoch-making change was created by our era of light and shadow!

As the boss of a film and television company, it is really difficult for Wu Yuan to view the TV series Goblin from an actor's perspective, even if he is indeed the protagonist of the show.

But what Mr. He wants is for him to talk to the audience about the show from the perspective of a company boss.

He interviews actors every day, and his rhetoric is no longer unusual, but the opportunity to interview the boss of a film and television company is very rare.

Teacher He nodded with great satisfaction. He originally wanted to chat with Wu Yuan for a few more words. After seeing the choreographer and director gesturing beside the stage, he nodded and said: Okay, thank you very much, Director Wu, for joining us live. Wire.

I hope that Goblin will be a hit in terms of ratings, and that this TV series will become a new benchmark for our Chinese idol dramas!

Wu Yuan had already discussed with the director in advance that five minutes of connection time was enough. As a guest who did not come to the scene, there was no need for him to overshadow the guest.

After exchanging a few words again, the connection was hung up, and Happy Camp continued to record the next session.

Although the audience was a little regretful that Wu Yuan could not sprinkle sweets with Liu Yifei at the scene, it was a surprise and satisfaction to be able to communicate with him.

As for Wu Yuan, after finishing the connection work, he immediately continued to invest in the post-production of Interstellar.

This movie has basically been scheduled for this summer!

It will be released together with Inception!

This is a head-to-head battle between 2DIMAX and 3DIMAX!

The entire Hollywood wants to know whether the 3DIMAX movies pioneered by Avatar will become the mainstream of future movie development?

The answer depends on the box office competition between Inception and Interstellar this summer! (End of chapter)

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