Millennium director

Chapter 435 A new era of light and shadow!


Participate in investment?

Wu Yuan was stunned for a moment and quickly started using his smart brain.

The new movie directed by Kege should be called The Orphan of Zhao!

If he hadn't brought Chen Kaigo to film Painted Skin 2, he would have finished filming The Orphan of Zhao last year and it would have been released this year.

Is The Orphan of Zhao a good project?

For 99% of mainland film and television investment companies, this is definitely a high-quality project.

Especially after director Kege returned with Painted Skin 2, his commercial value has increased again.

Let's put it this way, whenever Chen Kaige publicly says that his new project is short of money, there will immediately be countless employers waving banknotes to give him money, and he can choose whatever he wants.

Logically speaking, Chen Kaige would never worry about insufficient funds for his film, and he would never take the initiative to find someone to cooperate with. People would just cry and yell to give him money.

After a little thinking, Wu Yuan understood that Chen Kaige was showing his goodwill and wanted to deepen cooperation with him.

In Chen Kaige's view, The Orphan of Zhao is a film project that will definitely make money, and whoever invests will make the money.

Now there is a sponsor. Because the film was delayed for a year before preparations were started, the financial chain was broken and the film was launched. It just introduced Wu Yuan's era of light and shadow, allowing him to make a fortune along with it.

This is a real benefit.

He didn't think The Orphan of Zhao would lose money!

This is his masterpiece after his commercial exploration matured!

But Wu Yuan didn't see it that way.

He knows the movie The Orphan of Zhao very well.

With an investment of 150 million, the scene was full of atmosphere, but the final box office was less than 200 million, and the film was too damaged to end.

Even if the film is delayed for a year before its release, Wu Yuan will still not be optimistic about the film if the script does not change at all and remains the same as before.

Perhaps because of the increase in the film market, this movie can do better than its original results, but it won't be much better. It topped the box office of 250 million, which is far less than the cost recovery line of 300 million.

Investing money in this movie is an act of pure charity.

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Yuan didn't refuse on the spot, but he didn't agree either. Instead, he said ambiguously: Well, I just got off the plane and I don't understand many things about the company yet.

Director Kege, if it's convenient, can you send me a copy of the script of the new movie? Our company will do some business evaluation internally before considering whether to participate in the investment in this project.

The company is not my word, so I can't decide on such an important investment project in just a few sentences.

Chen Kaige said matter-of-factly: This is what it should be. I will send you the script soon.

As he spoke, he was still confident.

After being educated by Painted Skin 2, Chen Kaige feels that he has learned a lot about commercial films.

Some things, no matter how much others say it, or no matter how much you watch others do, it will only appear on the surface. Only by experiencing it yourself can you discover the true meaning.

After personally directing a mature commercial blockbuster like Painted Skin 2, Chen Kaige had an unforgettable experience of the definition of commercial film.

He was originally very satisfied with the script of The Orphan of Zhao. After filming Painted Skin 2, he felt that there were problems everywhere, so he discussed and revised it with the screenwriter team again.

He has held more than a dozen script seminars in private, changing almost half of the entire story structure, and drastically changing the rhythm and narrative line.

Now Chen Kaige is full of confidence in this movie, and even thinks it will create a better reputation and box office than Painted Skin 2!

Chen Kaige's arrogance has always been there and has never disappeared.

Here, after answering Chen Kaige's call, Wu Yuan disbanded the Gravity expedition team on the spot.

Gong Li and Wang Xueqi have a pile of interview notices waiting for them, and they don't have time to rest for a moment.

Liu Yifei is not part of the Gravity crew, but she doesn't have so much work. She can go back to her and Wu Yuan's love nest to rest and cook.

But Wu Yuan, a great director, couldn't take time off.

Although he can turn down some announcement activities such as interviews, he cannot turn them down all.

After leaving the mainland company for several months, Wu Yuan had to return to the company to hold some important meetings and arrange some work matters for the next stage of the company, even though he had been in contact with him by phone and email.

In short, with a lot of things pressing on him, he also rushed to the company in the car where his assistant Xiao Zhang came to pick him up.

Director Wu, congratulations, you won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film again.

With your Oscar achievements, you are already considered the first in the country, right?

Li Xiaoping stood at the door of the company and greeted Wu Yuan personally.

Looking at his top general, Wu Yuan showed a sincere smile on his face.

He can stay in North America for several months at a time, all thanks to this female general to support the domestic affairs.

In a blink of an eye, it has been six or seven years since Li Xiaoping joined the company. From the beginning, she was an urban OL elite in her early thirties, but now she has some crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

Although he looks more mature and his temperament is much more energetic, he still cannot escape the urge of time.

For some reason, Wu Yuan was particularly sentimental today.

Suppressing the inexplicable emotion in his heart, he waved to Li Xiaoping.

Notify the company's executives to gather in the conference room for a meeting.

Ten minutes later, the conference room of Light and Shadow Times was filled with senior managers from more than a dozen departments of the company.

After so many years of development, the Light and Shadow Era has become larger and larger. It is even larger than Huayi in terms of size. The company has already become full-fledged from actor management to film and TV series production, distribution, docking, publicity, personnel and other departments. .

I have read the company's annual financial report. Everyone has done a great job in the past year!

Standing at the top of the conference room, Wu Yuan first smiled and praised.

In 2009, Light and Shadow Era had a book profit of RMB 526 million, of which more than RMB 400 million was generated by Painted Skin 2 and Along with the Gods, and about RMB 100 million was generated by the company's TV drama department.

The remaining bits and pieces are the company's artist management department and some profits from copyright operations.

This achievement is undoubtedly very impressive, firmly occupying the top spot among domestic private film companies.

Wu Yuan is already very satisfied with this income situation, but the next 10 years will be the blue ocean decade when the Chinese entertainment industry explodes.

The era of light and shadow, which now holds the top spot, cannot be taken lightly.

Huayi was so awesome in the original time and space. It was the first listed stock in the film industry and it was once the leading entertainment company in China. It is well known to everyone how quickly it fell behind.

Wu Yuan did not dare to make the same mistake again.

Everyone's year-end bonus this year must be very generous, right? He smiled and mentioned the benefits and benefits the company has brought to everyone, then straightened his expression and said seriously:

But don't rush to be proud!

This achievement is just the beginning for the vast domestic film industry!

Next, we will start a new era for the company! (End of chapter)

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