Millennium director

Chapter 436 Start building China’s own movie universe!

New Era?

The word Wu Yuan threw out made many executives present look at each other.

This term is not unfamiliar, but when it comes to the entertainment industry, it is a bit unfamiliar.

I’ve never heard of the term “era” in the entertainment industry?

The entertainment industry is not like the Internet industry, where all kinds of slander is spread every day.

Seeing the confused expressions on the faces of the executives present, Wu Yuan also smiled. He had indeed used the word casually.

In order to make them understand his meaning better, Wu Yuan paused and began to explain:

The company's previous movies and TV series were all disorganized and worked independently.

It doesn't mean that this production method is bad. In the past few decades, both domestic and foreign film and television companies have done this.

Different movie series, different story concepts, background concepts, and a movie or TV series have nothing to do with each other. They all work on their own.

In this way, if we do more than ten projects a year, even if only 1-2 are successful, the benefits can offset the remaining failed projects, and we can even make a small profit.

If four or five projects are successful, it will be even more profitable.

This operating model is very good, and all six major Hollywood companies do this.

But now, I want to introduce you to a new production system.

After taking a sip of the tea prepared by Xiao Zhang to moisten his throat, Wu Yuan faced everyone's curious eyes. Instead of continuing, he suddenly asked: Have you all watched Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk released the year before last? Bar?

Marvel Studios is playing a big game now.

On May 2, 2008, Iron Man was released.

On August 20, 2008, The Incredible Hulk was released.

Iron Man 2 has been filmed and is scheduled to be released on May 7, 2010.

In addition, the personal movie of Thor, another superhero from Marvel Comics, is already being filmed. If everything goes well, it will be released in May next year.

In addition, Marvel Studios also has a top superhero, Captain America, a symbol of American will. His personal movie is also being filmed and will be released to the audience in the summer of 2011.

Marvel is also disclosing to the outside world that they are preparing a big movie that will bring all the above-mentioned stars together to star in it!

This is called a big event in Marvel comics!

The first big event movie Marvel is preparing is The Avengers, which is expected to be released in 2012.

Marvel refers to this series of movies collectively as the first phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Yes, Marvel has come up with a concept called the Cinematic Universe!

Many executives understood what Wu Yuan said.

Wu Yuan has been laying out the movie universe one after another before, and has also instilled this concept with some senior executives.

However, at that time, they were limited to letting the screenwriters of the TV drama department connect the story of Soul Ferry 2 with the backgrounds of Along with the Gods and Painted Skin 2. Everyone simply thought it was a linkage easter egg and did not think about going that deep.

Now Wu Yuan talks about the layout of Marvel Studios. As a senior executive of the Light and Shadow Era, everyone is not a fool.

Movie universe, this is a very interesting and ambitious plan. Wu Yuan put his hands on the table and said with bright eyes: Once it is completed, the entire movie universe will become a steady stream of gold. mine.

Take Marvel as an example. Because of the excellent performance of the first part of Iron Man, the audience and fans are looking forward to Iron Man 2. However, at this time, Marvel did not immediately make the second part, but continued to win The movie The Incredible Hulk came out.

Although Li Yu failed and failed to make The Incredible Hulk, because this movie has not been linked to Iron Man, it is just a story that takes place in another city in a larger context, so the failure will not affect it. The overall layout.”

After that, Marvel will have two independent superhero movies, Thor and Captain America.

Once these two superhero movies are successful, and Iron Man 2 is also successful, the stories of these three superheroes will be connected together.

Although I haven't seen the film, I can definitely guess that Captain America or Thor will definitely appear in Iron Man 2, whether it is in the form of an easter egg or a side mention.

Just like in our story of Soul Ferry 2, we borrowed Zhao Li's words and mentioned the stories of catching monsters and monsters in the Han Dynasty. This is to let the audience know that these stories take place in a complete world and are not completely independent.

In this way, the audience and movie fans will naturally look forward to the next new works and more interesting stories that will happen in this world.

Once Marvel's first phase of layout is successful, they can continue to add new superheroes and new world views.

Successful movies will be included in the Avengers, and failed movies will not affect the main line.

It's like planting a big tree. The trunk keeps growing, and the branches keep growing, and eventually it grows into a towering tree. Even if some branches and leaves are broken, just cut them off and it won't affect the development of the entire tree. .”

This is much more vital than the independent film IP produced by the six major Hollywood companies. A single story IP, whether it is Pirates of the Caribbean or Lord of the Rings, there will always be stories to tell in three, five or eight films. When it comes to the end.”

But a cinematic universe won't, because this universe is too big and there are too many stories to write.

Ten, twenty, even thirty or fifty years, we can continue to shoot.

Audiences will also develop inertial dependence. After an audience has watched five, eight, or ten movies derived from this movie universe, even if the subsequent movie universe works are not as good as the previous ones, everyone will continue to watch them.

Because they have already watched more than ten movies, the sunk cost of giving up this huge movie universe at this time is too high.

As long as it doesn't feed the audience shit, a work with a passing score of 60 points can sell at 80 points with the support of the entire movie universe.

Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Black Widow and The Eternals, these peripheral films and TV shows released by Marvel in the third and fourth phases, are they really good to watch?


But in the North American base camp, these works, whether they are TV series or movies, have achieved very good box office results and ratings.


Because North American audiences have been watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe for more than ten years. From the first phase to the fourth phase, there have been more than ten or twenty movies.

Everyone is used to watching this series, and they no longer just give it up.

Marvel has become a gold mine. As long as you dig casually, you can continue to produce gold.

Wu Yuan was too greedy for this kind of sustainable fishing.

The excellent movies and TV series in his mind will eventually be emptied out.

But if he can create a Marvel-like movie universe in China and even the Asian film industry before going out of business, he will really have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life.

As long as a movie universe system can be maintained, the subsequent production of various derivative movies and TV series will naturally be born continuously in this system.

Marvel's advantage is that they have a library of comic rights to back it up.

But Wu Yuan is not without this advantage!

If you look further back, you will find that China's mythology system can be considered to be of the same origin. There are a large number of legends and stories about the whole system from prehistoric times to gods to immortals.

Looking further, the Internet novel IP library that major Internet film companies are constantly digging is also a good thing for continuously producing IP.

Based on these two unique treasure houses of film and television resources in China, the Light and Shadow Era has the opportunity to create a film universe with Chinese characteristics!

The premise is that they must act quickly and build the first stage of the moat before Internet film and television companies can react!

Next, we have to race against time! Wu Yuan said firmly to the company's senior management.

Five years, I will give you five years to complete the first phase of our light and shadow era movie universe! (End of this chapter)

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