Millennium director

Chapter 450 The universe is the ultimate romance of mankind

If it were the past, even if Interstellar was invested by Universal and Paramount, and directed by Wu Yuan, one of Hollywood's top commercial film directors.

As a distribution company, Universal is not necessarily willing to spend US$200 million to promote this movie.

But things are different now.

After the emergence of Avatar, the world's film industry has been severely refreshed like primitive people seeing industrial civilization.

It turns out that movies can still be made like this!

It turns out that the global film market is so huge!

Before Avatar appeared, everyone thought that the global film market would be the limit for a single film to reach more than one billion US dollars.

The global box office of Titanic has reached an insurmountable ceiling, a record that even Cameron himself cannot break.

Then, Cameron used Avatar to tell capitalists in the global film industry that Titanic is far from the limit.

US$2 billion is not a short-lived box office limit, but something that can be replicated or even surpassed.

The method is to use this new technology called IMAX 3D to attract global audiences back to the cinema with a more shocking and exciting movie experience!

Is this the truth?

At least in the Chinese film market this is indeed the truth.

In the 1980s, the average annual box office revenue of Chinese films reached more than 2.2 billion yuan, the average ticket price was about 0.3 yuan, and the average annual audience reached 7.3 billion.

Before 1994, the mainland film market also maintained a total box office of 20+ to 30+ billion every year.

However, since 1995, the total box office of domestic movies has dropped to less than 1 billion.

State-owned cinemas, which were very popular in the 1980s and 1990s, have gone bankrupt on a large scale.

After experiencing a movie winter that has lasted for more than ten years, in the first decade of the 21st century, the new generation of Chinese people are actually not in the habit of going to movie theaters to watch movies.

Even after 2003, the mainland film industry began to recover, with blockbusters emerging one after another, and the total annual box office has returned to more than 3 billion, and even reached 5 or 6 billion.

But at this time, the price of movie tickets in mainland China also increased from the average ticket price of 0.3 yuan to 30 yuan.

In other words, the total box office of mainland movies will have to rise to at least 20 to 30 billion, and the number of moviegoers will return to the level of the 1980s.

It can be said that until 2010, the number of moviegoers in the mainland was not even half of what it was in the 1980s. A large number of Chinese people were no longer interested in going to cinemas to watch movies.

So how did the mainland film market start to explode again?

This is all thanks to the emergence of Avatar.

The 3D viewing experience introduced in Avatar is revolutionary.

This way of watching movies makes it impossible for viewers to experience it by watching pirated discs and free resources.

If you want to watch 3D movies and experience this kind of immersive viewing, you must go to the cinema.

Countless Chinese people who have never gone to the cinema to watch movies bought movie tickets for the first time and went to the cinema because of the 3D movie era brought about by Avatar.

After that, 3D versions of movies continued to emerge in the mainland, and the mainland movie market exploded.

China is not alone.

Many parts of the world have experienced rapid growth in movie box office performance since 2010. Hollywood blockbusters released globally have broken box office records every year. From the past, you can count the number of movies with a global box office of over 1 billion US dollars on one hand. There are more than 100 movies in 2020, all thanks to the emergence of IMAX 3D movies.

IMAX 3D movies have ushered in a comprehensive recovery and a new era for the global film industry.

Of course, Universal's top executives and analysts can't all be stupid.

Maybe they couldn't be sure before Avatar was released, but after this movie took the world by storm, everyone around the world knew that what a glorious era of movies would follow.

And Interstellar is the second true IMAX 3D movie in this era, besides the pioneer Avatar!

No matter how much publicity money is invested in this movie, it is worth it!

Because you will really make a lot of money!

Following Avatar, Arthur and His Little Kingdom 2, Alice in Wonderland, How to Train Your Dragon, Shrek 4 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have sprung up. 》 and other movies, although they all provide IMAX 3D versions, they are all converted from 2D to 3D, and they were not even shot with IMAX cameras when filming.

The IMAX 3D effect they presented is very poor. The 2D to 3D conversion brings problems such as blurry images and too deep shadow rendering, which makes the IMAX 3D version of these movies not a very good experience.

Especially when ordinary film is converted to IMAX film, the widened and raised frame makes the proportions of the characters somewhat imbalanced.

These behaviors of following the trend of IMAX 3D will not only not bring them more box office, but will make the fans who came here disappointed, making them more like watching real IMAX 3D movies.

This is actually more beneficial to Interstellar.

When movie fans are hurt by these fake IMAX 3D movies, the release of Interstellar will definitely make them burst with enthusiasm.

These fake IMAX 3D movies of Before the King unintentionally brought about the effect of Interstellar's desire to advance before it suppresses.

As long as Universal does a good enough job in global publicity and seizes on the gimmick of being the second true IMAX 3D movie after Avatar as a selling point, the box office of Interstellar is likely to become a miracle.

After all, Avatar is a predecessor who planted trees, and Interstellar stands on its shoulders. It is too easy to succeed or even surpass.

The mysterious universe has always been what humans yearn for and want to explore most.

Wu Yuan and John lamented: From Europe to Asia to the Americas, the ancestors who were still in slavery in ancient times had already looked up to the sky and carried out endless daydreams and deconstructions of the universe.

“From the very beginning of primitive religion and theology, the universe has been its most important component.”

The gods in world mythology all live among the stars above the sky of the universe.

Divination, occultism, and astrology are all inseparable from the interpretation of the stars and constellations in the sky.

Before we even understood how big the land was under our feet, how high the mountains were, and how deep the water was, humans were already exploring the stars and exploring the mysteries and unknowns of the universe.

It can be said that the development history of human beings for tens of thousands of years is also a history of exploration of the universe.

Human beings have never given up exploring and seeking knowledge about the universe and stars.

“The universe is humanity’s ultimate romance.”

Interstellar is a movie that tells the story of the mysterious universe. It is a movie that tries to figure out what the universe looks like from a realistic scientific perspective.

I believe that this movie will definitely attract the attention of movie fans around the world, just like the universe has attracted humans for tens of thousands of years, making people obsessed! (End of this chapter)

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