Millennium director

Chapter 451 The big one is coming!

I hope so.

Faced with Wu Yuan's impassioned speech, John, an old man, was not aroused by it in any way.

However, his point of view is consistent with Wu Yuan's, Interstellar will definitely be successful!

Light Times borne half of the investment cost of this movie, investing US$100 million in it!

To be honest, the money invested is not very profitable.

In the Twilight series, the investment in a single film is only tens of millions of dollars, but it can earn a global box office of six to seven billion dollars.

The cost of Interstellar is US$200 million, but can the box office of this movie exceed US$3 billion?

This is obviously unrealistic.

In addition, Universal spent US$200 million in publicity and distribution expenses, and they have to take more distribution accounts.

In fact, even if the box office of Interstellar is as strong as Avatar, in terms of profit ratio alone, it may not bring as much profit to the Age of Light as The Twilight Saga.

However, for a film company, making high-investment blockbusters is the only way to go. If it only makes small and medium-cost movies, although it can make money, it will not form a company's influence.

Many of the high-investment movies produced by the Big Six in Hollywood cannot recoup their costs by just relying on box office sales, or their profits are very low, but they still persist in making blockbusters.

On the one hand, blockbusters can make money by selling DVDs, peripherals, co-branded products, copyrights and other aspects.

On the other hand, it also increases the company’s influence.

Light Times' current annual net profit is two to three billion U.S. dollars, and sometimes it can be four or five billion U.S. dollars. It can already withstand commercial blockbuster projects with an investment of one to two billion U.S. dollars, and it will not hurt even if it loses money. bone.

So John fully supports Wu Yuan in making blockbusters.

Daniel, after the release of Interstellar, will you start preparations for your next movie, the one you agreed on with Matt Damon? John asked expectantly soon. .

Light Times' filming plan for next year is still very loose. In addition to continuing to prepare for The Twilight Saga 4, there is only one film that has been delayed for a long time and is finally about to be filmed. World War Z.

Now the time is ripe to turn World War Z into a movie, and it will be shot in IMAX 3D next year.

With the current scale of Light Times, it can already launch three film projects at the same time.

That movie. Wu Yuan pondered and thought: Don't worry, let's check the schedule with Matt first. We can start preparations next year and try to release it in 2012.

Speaking of which, I have been away from Chinese movie fans for a long time. The last commercial film Gravity released in China was in 2008.

Next, I should make a movie in China first.

Although China's commercial film market has not yet reached the golden age of billions in box office per film, after experiencing the baptism of Avatar, the number of domestic movie fans willing to go to cinemas to watch movies has indeed more than doubled.

The next few years will be a period of explosive box office growth for domestic films. The mainland box office record for domestic films held by his Gravity may soon be broken.

Wu Yuan still intends to defend the dignity of the country's number one commercial film director.

But this time he doesn't plan to make another special effects blockbuster that requires a lot of special effects.

Special effects blockbusters require high investments and long production cycles, so making one is really tiring.

Interstellar took him a year and a half and nearly two years from preparation to release. It was really not an easy task.

In Hollywood, he wants to make The Martian which has relatively few special effects and focuses more on plot interpretation. In China, he doesn't want to make any more special effects blockbusters.

And to put it bluntly, except for The Wandering Earth, there are no blockbusters with very good special effects in Chinese-language movies.

Of course, Wu Yuan will not do that kind of low-budget comedy.

Although 囧囧 is really profitable, he really couldn't pull it off, so he just asked the company to contact Xu Zheng's team.

Hong Kong film director Yip Wei-min's film The Journey was released in the mainland in early June and performed very well at the box office, making Xu Zheng quite popular.

It’s not surprising that the Light and Shadow Era took the initiative to contact him.

Wu Yuan is not going to let the light pick up the leaks of 囧.

It’s better to let Light and Shadow Era work hard for this money and pocket it.

As for himself, Wu Yuan has also been thinking about filming a feature film recently.

After all these years, none of the Chinese commercial films he has made can be considered serious dramas.

Your Name should be considered a youth fantasy genre, Painted Skin is a fantasy movie, and Gravity is a space science fiction...

He has never made a commercial film that relies entirely on plot as its core selling point, and that relies entirely on the collision of several characters.

For example, he has not set foot in commercial dramas such as Let the Bullets Fly, I'm Not the God of Medicine, The Unknown Man and Donkey De.

Of course, it is a pity that movies like The God of Medicine and The Unknown were filmed in 2010, as the box office market cannot accommodate these good movies.

But there was a movie for which Wu Yuan still had some ideas.

After the release period of Interstellar is over, I will return to China to prepare for my new Chinese movie. Wu Yuan spread his hands and said to John: This movie will not use any special effects technology, so the filming It will be done very quickly, at most before the middle of next year.”

When I come to the United States to prepare for The Martian, everything will be ready.

Wu Yuan, who was born with a hard life, could not escape the work situation of working for two and a half years and taking half a year off.

OK, you can make your own decisions about your movie. John shrugged. He had no control over Wu Yuan's shooting plan.

Then it's settled for now. I have to meet with Universal to start the promotion of Interstellar. Wu Yuan stood up and said with a smile.

At the same time, not long after Wu Yuan arrived in Los Angeles, paparazzi released news about Wu Yuan's return to the United States on the Internet in North America.

Wu Yuan's new movie Interstellar is no longer a secret in the United States.

Unlike Nolan, he doesn't have such strict ideas about keeping secrets. He held a press conference for this movie from the moment it was launched, and nothing that should be promoted was left behind.

Now most North American movie fans who pay attention to movies and Hollywood already know the news that Interstellar, a movie directed by Wu Yuan, is about to be released.

North American movie fans are still looking forward to Wu Yuan, a director with a billion-dollar box office club.

Especially when Interstellar is also a movie shot through native IMAX 3D shooting techniques like Avatar, North American movie fans are even more interested.

[Daniel Wu ends his vacation and arrives in Los Angeles! Interstellar is scheduled to be released in August this year, and it's coming in a big way! 】

[Direct photo of Daniel landing at Los Angeles International Airport! Are you ready to be bombarded with new films from this top Chinese commercial director? 】

Two pieces of news from the Los Angeles Times and the Hollywood Entertainment News were immediately trending on Twitter.

The big one is coming! (End of chapter)

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