Millennium director

Chapter 452 Global Attention!

Since the end of 2008, there has been a lot of excitement in North America. The news that the well-known Wu Yuan's new movie Interstellar is scheduled to be released in August quickly spread across the North American Internet and quickly spread to the world.

Young people in North America who follow Hollywood movies are no strangers to the movie Interstellar.

From the start of filming to the completion of production, this movie has been widely reported by the media.

The crew has appeared in the United States, Canada, Iceland and other places, and a large number of Reuters photos have been circulated on the Internet.

The beautiful Anne Hathaway and Liu Yifei have been discussed on the Internet for a long time by netizens around the world.

Needless to say, Anne Hathaway is a world-famous sweetheart princess. Although she has mixed reputations in North America, her popularity is still very high.

Liu Yifei is definitely not as famous as Anne Hathaway, but because she starred in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and also left a deep impression on the audience in the movie, plus she is Wu Wu Yuan is Yuan's public girlfriend. Wu Yuan often takes her to attend award ceremonies and has been in the press many times.

Therefore, audiences in North America and even around the world are quite familiar with Liu Yifei, an Asian beauty. At least they can recognize her by name after seeing her photos.

With two Asian and European beauties joining the cast, Interstellar has never lacked attention.

On the contrary, the leading actor Mads Mikkelsen's international reputation is too low. Ever since the news of him becoming the leading actor came out, fans all over the world have been dissatisfied, thinking that he is not worthy of Wu Yuan. s work.

Who were the actors Wu Yuan worked with in Hollywood before?

Captain Jack Sparrow Johnny Depp.

Elf Prince Elf Prince Orlando.

Black actor Will Smith.

International Kung Fu superstar Cheng Long.

Who is Mads Mikkelsen compared to these people?

Such an unknown Danish actor suddenly became the leading actor in a blockbuster with an investment of 200 million US dollars. No one would think that he is lucky, they would only think that he is not worthy.

So much so that now that the movie is about to be released, few people are still discussing him on the Internet, and they all ignore him.

Everyone is more willing to discuss the two beauties Anne Hathaway and Liu Yifei, and look forward to how many beautiful scenes they will contribute in the movie.

As for Mads Mikkelsen with double dead fish eyes?

Not familiar, really unfamiliar.

This is a real IMAX 3D movie! Just like Avatar!

Shit, I'm really fed up with fake IMAX 3D movies like Alice in Wonderland and Shrek 4. It's a complete waste of money!

I have been looking forward to it for more than a year, and it is finally coming out. As a science fiction movie fan, this movie is definitely not to be missed!

Cool! Avatar is not enough to watch. Finally there is a real IMAX 3D movie. Daniel Wu is a very good director. I believe he will make a great film!

Ha, it stars Daniel's girlfriend and Anne Hathaway. I have to say that Daniel understands that movies must have beautiful women to attract people. Starting from Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean, and even going back to When it comes to ‘Juno’, there will definitely be a beautiful girl in Daniel’s movie.”

It looks like the people upstairs haven't seen Rush Hour 3 that Daniel took over!

NONONO, Rush Hour 3 also has Keira playing the kidnapped president's daughter, right?

Why didn't Daniel invite Keira, a British rose, to star in Interstellar this time? It seems that Anne Hathaway has become his new love?

Holding the latest iPhone 4 in his hand, Mads Mikkelsen looked at the heated discussions on Twitter among North American netizens on the topic of Interstellar with a smile on his face.

Well, it’s just that his eyes lingered for a long time on the last few comments discussing who is more beautiful, Anne Hathaway or Liu Yifei.

No one even mentioned me. Mads Mikkelsen sighed inwardly.

Hey, Mads, stop sighing here. With a snap, a pair of big hands patted Mads Mikkelsen on the shoulder.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Wu Yuan's handsome face with a smile.

Come, it's just you, come watch the trailer!

Today is an internal movie screening organized by Universal. In the morning, the leading actors of Interstellar have already watched the full version of Interstellar in Universal's IMAX 3D theater.

A very exciting feature film that made everyone feel relieved.

No one doubted that the film wouldn't do well.

Even Anne Hathaway believes that the box office of Interstellar may surpass Avatar and reach a global score of more than 2 billion US dollars.

Because she feels that the story of Interstellar is deeper and more watchable than Avatar.

But Mads Mikkelsen had exactly the opposite idea.

The more in-depth and difficult to understand a movie, the smaller the audience will be.

Precisely because the story of Interstellar is so in-depth and involves aerospace science and quantum mechanics, it is destined that this movie will not be accepted by all ages.

It is estimated that it is impossible to achieve a global box office of more than 2 billion US dollars like Avatar.

However, Mads Mikkelsen is also optimistic that even if it is just for the title of the second real IMAX 3D movie, Interstellar can have a box office of more than one billion US dollars!

After all, this is indeed a wonderful movie, isn't it?

Standing up, Mads Mikkelsen and Wu Yuan touched shoulders and walked to a small screening room together.

Today they came to Universal, not only to watch the feature film, but also to have a preview of the trailer that Universal had already cut.

When Wu Yuan and Mads Mikkelsen walked into the screening room, the leading actors and behind-the-scenes creators of Interstellar were basically already there.

Of course, the trailer is only a 2D version. After all, it is intended to be posted on the Internet for publicity.

But the 2D graphics alone are already very exciting.

With a burst of majestic atmosphere and a soundtrack created by Hans Zimmer, the best soundtrack master in Hollywood, an endless cornfield first appeared at the beginning of the trailer.

Overlooking the golden cornfield, Mads Mikkelsen is running fast, and the screen follows him closely, and a tense atmosphere is constantly brewing.

As the screen gradually increased, the scene behind him began to appear in front of everyone's eyes, and an endless sandstorm was sweeping over.

Disasters, riots, barren land, and numb faces of passers-by kept flashing in the trailer, and finally settled on a rocket launch ceremony.

We have to face reality.

Nothing in the solar system can save us.

It's accompanied by Mads Mikkelsen's narration and the sound of a rocket launch countdown in the background.

A deep, silent, boundless, empty and endlessly attractive space scene occupies the entire lens.

A huge space station, or space city, stands in the center of the picture, and behind it, the gorgeous Milky Way occupies everything.

The scene turned again. Inside the space station, Mads Mikkelsen was floating in the air wearing a spacesuit inside the cabin. He looked up at the camera with an expressionless face and asked: How long should I go?

A magnetic voice answered in an old voice-over: I don't know either.

Only by finding a planet suitable for human habitation can humanity's crisis be resolved.

It's time for us to go.

As the voice-over ends, the camera slowly zooms in on Mads Mikkelsen's pupil, until the entire frame is occupied by a dilated pupil, and the background score reaches its most magnificent climax.

The picture suddenly stopped, leaving only a line of English written in white on a black background.

Directed by Daniel Wu.

Interstellar (End of this chapter)

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