Millennium director

Chapter 464 Arrangements, return to China.

Liu Yifei pouted, and she knew that Wu Yuan was right.

In the past few years, her acting skills have indeed improved a lot under Wu Yuan's training.

In the first few years after her debut, her acting skills mainly relied on her suitability for the role and her quick and easy approach, and her knowledge of the performing arts was at a very shallow level. But now she is a qualified and even excellent actress. Actor.

She can also perform some images that are opposite to her personality purely by relying on her acting skills.

But to be honest, there is still some gap between her and the truly top actors.

The Best Actress trophy can only be obtained by top actors.

At least the Best Actress trophy, which is valued by Wu Yuan, is not something Liu Yifei can get now.

Perhaps Liu Yifei can indeed win the Best Actress in second- and third-tier awards such as the Macau Film Festival, Hundred Flowers Award, and College Student Film Festival, but will such second- and third-tier awards be a bonus for Liu Yifei now? ?

She must be aiming for the three domestic gold medals and the top three awards in Europe. No matter how bad she is, she will have to win trophies from the Tokyo Film Festival and the British Academy Film Awards, which are internationally influential, to be worthy of her.

To win an award of this magnitude, Liu Yifei has to work hard.


Sissi, I don't plan to make any new movies this year, but you can give it a try with You Are Young.

Wu Yuan remembered this book that Liu Yifei had talked about before and that she liked very much.

Young You has the potential to reach the top three gold medals in China. After all, the heroine shaved her head and was subjected to school violence, so the sacrifice is still huge.

As we all know, good-looking actors have to sacrifice enough in the movie for the judges of major film festivals to take a high look at them.

DiCaprio went to great lengths to get an Oscar winner, and then he went to great lengths to get the award.

Although Liu Yifei is not so exaggerated, it is indeed difficult to conquer the judges with her beautiful face without sacrificing her appearance.

Young You? Liu Yifei's voice rose a few degrees. Of course she remembered this movie, but Wu Yuan only verbally talked about the story at that time, and the script hadn't even been written yet.

Have you already written the script? she asked in surprise.

Wu Yuan nodded: I have taken time off and on to write out the script.

Can I not be interested in the movie you want to make?

Very good, Wu Yuan's excellent performance successfully earned him a kiss.

After wiping the red lip marks on his face, he continued: But I don't have time to shoot, and this movie is not my style.

Let Li Yang take the photo. He happens to be idle recently.

Li Yang is the first famous director in the Youth Film Director Support Program in the Light and Film Era.

Back then, his movie Whose Youth Isn't Confused became a small hit among the post-70s generation. Later, his movie Those Years brought another wave of tears to those born in the 1980s.

However, after Those Years, Li Yang filmed a youth TV series according to the company's arrangements, and then made a movie Silent written and directed by himself. It also focused on the student group, but this time it was not a campus romance, but It is a movie that focuses on the academic pressure and family conflicts of contemporary students.

Well, this is an art film.

This is the case for domestic directors. Once they become famous, they will definitely make a literary film of their own to compete for awards.

After all, the trend in the domestic film industry in the past few decades has been to put awards first, and directors who can win awards are the ones who deserve to be on the stage.

Then the box office of Silence was just like the name of the movie. It made no noise at the box office and only received less than 2 million at the box office.

However, Li Yang received the Best Director Award at the Brasilia International Film Festival and a nomination for the main competition unit at the Tokyo International Film Festival.

In the international literary and artistic film circles, this movie has been rated well, and it is very popular among some literary and artistic film lovers.

The loss is definitely still a loss, but the cost of this movie is only 3 million, and the pure newcomer Li Yang found is not a big deal in the light and shadow era where the family is big and the business is big.

Wu Yuan heard that Li Yang wanted to make another movie by himself, this time a commercial film to make a breakthrough at the box office.

Now that it's better, he doesn't have to fiddle with it himself. Wu Yuan can directly give him the script of Young You.

In the field of campus themes, Li Yang is considered one of the best directors in China, and he has a touch of love and literature, which is just right for this movie.

Director Li Yang. Liu Yifei nodded with a smile: We are old acquaintances, no problem!

She really didn't expect Wu Yuan to film Youth.

The Chinese-language films that Wu Yuan handled were either the annual box office champions in the Mainland or hit the top three art films in Europe. For him to shoot Young You was completely overqualified.

Liu Yifei is not the kind of person who would let her boyfriend condescend to cooperate with her just for the sake of her own awards.

She even hopes that her acting skills can be improved to a good enough level to make Wu Yuan's top-notch literary films with dignity!

Okay, let's settle this matter first. Wu Yuan thought for a while and arranged: The company will be making two blockbusters in a few years, and I guess the manpower will be a little tight.

When the time comes, let Li Yang gather a crew by himself and let him figure it out on his own, and the company will not get involved.

Hey, Sissy, do you want to make an investment?

Wu Yuan looked at Liu Yifei with a half-smile, and said in a seductive tone: How about you convert your remuneration directly into investment. It is estimated that your remuneration will be the highest cost item for this film.

If you convert the remuneration into investment, it is estimated that the production cost will be reduced by half.

And I'm still very optimistic about this movie. As long as Li Yang can produce to a high standard, I dare not say more, it is still possible to achieve a box office of 3.5 billion.

If you want to split the money with the box office, you will definitely make more money than the salary.

Three to five billion?! Liu Yifei's eyes widened: Can it be that much?

In 2009, last year's mainland Chinese-language film box office champion The Founding of the People's Republic of China had a total box office of only 420 million.

Wu Yuan's words cost 3.5 billion, which frightened Liu Yifei. Only a few mainland directors such as Wu Yuan, Zhang Yimou, and Feng Xiaogang could achieve this box office performance.

Yes, 3.5 billion. Wu Yuan said with some emotion: Starting from next year, the 3.5 billion box office will no longer be the biggest box office in the mainland.

Just like it has become commonplace for movies to have a box office of over 100 million in the past two years, it will only be considered normal for movies to have a box office of 3.5 billion in the next two years.

In another five or six years, the box office performance of Avatar in the Mainland will be crushed, and there will be a lot of movies that have exceeded one billion.

Liu Yifei's red lips parted slightly. This was the first time Wu Yuan mentioned his views on the future mainland film market in front of Liu Yifei.

Well, the answer surprised Liu Yifei a little bit. Even if she blindly believed in Wu Yuan's vision, she inevitably thought that Wu Yuan was a little too optimistic.

Well, let's talk about the future things later. Looking at Liu Yifei's unbelievable expression, Wu Yuan shook his head and laughed.

China's rapid development miracle is indeed beyond the imagination of the world, including China's own people.

People today can predict that China's film market will indeed take off, but they never imagined that it would take off to be even bigger than the North American film market.

Just like the military fans who are still dreaming about how to use third-generation aircraft clusters to defeat the old and American fifth-generation aircraft, they simply cannot believe that in more than ten years China will have three aircraft carriers, the navy will make dumplings, and fifth-generation aircraft will fly in the sky. It is preparing to carry If a man lands on the moon, he will become the country with the highest GDP in the world.

Similarly, practitioners in the film industry could not have imagined that in nine years the Chinese film market would surpass the United States, with a box office of more than 60 billion a year.

Now to say this, it is indeed a fantasy.

Wu Yuan wisely stopped the topic, reached out and patted Liu Yifei's butt: Okay, hurry up and pack your luggage. Tomorrow we will return to China to prepare for the mainland premiere of Interstellar. (End of Chapter)

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