Millennium director

Chapter 465 Starts China Propaganda Tour

On September 2, the crew of Interstellar concluded their half-month road show in North America, took a transoceanic flight, and arrived at China Capital International Airport.

For Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei, it was just a normal return to their motherland, but for Anne Hathaway and Mads Mikkelsen, it was a novel journey to the East.

Wow, Daniel, Beijing is so prosperous, not inferior to Los Angeles at all.

Although I have carefully understood the current China because of you, it is still surprising to see it with my own eyes.

After leaving the airport, on the way to Wu Yuan's mansion, Anne Hathaway started cheering.

Daniel, I have read reports about your real estate in the United States. I heard that you have a large villa in the United States, which is bigger than the one you have in Beverly Hills!

Damn, you top directors are so rich!

Oh no, I forgot, you are not only a director, you are also an evil capitalist!

During this trip to the capital, they did not book a hotel. Instead, they stayed directly at Wu Yuan's mansion in Shunyi. Who wants to stay in a cold hotel when there is a mansion to live in?

Of course, although Wu Yuan's mansion was large, it could not accommodate the assistant team of more than ten people between the two of them. The assistant team who followed them to China had to find a nearby hotel to stay.

At this moment, Anne Hathaway was very interested in Wu Yuan's mansion in Beijing, and kept clicking her tongue all the way.

Wu Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, shook his head in amusement: Annie, actually I haven't lived in that house for long after I bought it.

It's because you are coming this time that I asked a housekeeping company to clean it up. You may be disappointed.

Wu Yuan has bought a lot of real estate in Beijing, but there is no purchase restriction order yet.

But what he really knows how to live in is the two large flats and villas he bought first.

Most of the time, he and Liu Yifei lived on the same floor. He would only use the large villa when he needed to entertain friends, have parties, or have parties.

Compared to the large villa, there is a very large front lawn, which is very suitable for gatherings.

Of course, this kind of house is also most in line with the preferences of Americans like Anne Hathaway. She was very interested in Wu Yuan's large villa, and kept asking Liu Yifei questions along the way.

Finally, she said with envy: Crystal, I really envy you.

I've searched the entire Hollywood, but I can't find another Prince Charming who is as rich, talented and handsome as Daniel. You don't know, there are so many actresses in Hollywood, I'm almost crazy with envy.

You have to keep an eye on him.

When she finished speaking, she deliberately licked her lips and made a salivating look, which made Liu Yifei and Mads Mikkelsen, who were sitting on her left and right, laugh out loud.

Annie, I believe him. Liu Yifei said proudly with a smile on her face.

Well, it's such an enviable love. Anne Hathaway shrugged, showing a pity expression.

What a pity for her.

Sometimes what you do as a joke is exactly what you mean.

Although Anne Hathaway once dated Italian industrialist Raffaello Farieri, who was considered a wealthy and handsome man, this is all in the past.

The relationship between her and her current boyfriend is relatively stable, but this current boyfriend was just a small actor, and now he has turned into a jewelry designer.

It is definitely impossible to say that the other party can help her in her career.

Every time I see Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei facing each other like this, Anne Hathaway feels a little regretful in her heart. If she could have chosen the role of Elizabeth Swann when she made Pirates of the Caribbean in 2004, maybe everything would have been different. Same.

Of course, this was just a small thought buried in her heart, and it would not affect her relationship with Liu Yifei.

How long until we arrive? The resting environment on the plane is not good at all. I just want to have a good sleep now. Anne Hathaway asked coquettishly as she put her arms around Liu Yifei's waist.

At this time, Mads Mikkelsen, who had been silent all this time, took over the topic and said calmly: It's not a good idea to sleep now. It's only two o'clock in the afternoon Beijing time.

Maybe we should find a place to try some Chinese delicacies first and then hold on until night.

We will be engaged in busy work tomorrow, but there is no time for us to slowly adjust to the jet lag.

Oh, work! Anne Hathaway sighed in frustration: I know, work is the most important thing.

But as a beautiful lady, staying in shape is the most important thing.

At this time, Wu Yuan also spoke. He smiled and comforted: It doesn't matter. Tomorrow's trip will only start in the afternoon. We have specifically taken your time difference into consideration.

You can arrange whatever arrangements you want for today.

As one of the bosses of the sponsor, Wu Yuan can also make decisions when promoting Interstellar. However, unlike other directors, he is just like the actors when promoting Interstellar, they are the puppets of the sponsor. How you do it is what you have to do.

Many actors in China have lost ten or twenty pounds due to exhaustion in a month just because of road shows.

I will take you back to the villa first. You and your assistant can decide what to do next. I will also arrange local staff for you. Wu Yuan continued to give instructions.

There are not too many staff at Light and Shadow Times who are proficient in English, and they are happy to accompany the two Hollywood superstars to eat and drink in the capital.

When Wu Yuan made this arrangement, Anne Hathaway immediately beamed: Daniel, I know you are different from those capitalists in Hollywood.

It's better for you Chinese people, you know how hard it is for actors of all sizes.

Ha. Upon hearing this, Wu Yuan sneered.

If the bosses of domestic brokerage companies heard this, they would probably laugh out loud.

Without going any further on this topic, Wu Yuan closed his eyes and rested.

Anne Hathaway didn't care, and continued to grab Liu Yifei and whisper about where to have fun in the capital and where to go shopping.

Mads Mikkelsen also lowered his head and quietly checked for food recommendations in Beijing on his mobile phone, planning to take his assistant to try them later.

Although he has not played Uncle Ba yet, his gourmet temperament is still clearly revealed.

By the way, Mads, our company has a series of action movies planned next. Thinking of another thing, Wu Yuan opened his eyes again and asked with interest: Have John talked to you?

John had already talked to me before leaving for China. Looking up, Mads Mikkelsen smiled gently: I am very willing to join this project.

I'm honored that Light Times would choose me to star.

Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows and chuckled inwardly.

It looks like The Hunt is going away! (End of chapter)

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