Millennium director

Chapter 472 The Situation of Yellow Spring and The Legend of Shushan Immortals

September 25, Beijing.

The domestic release of Interstellar is still in full swing.

Across the Taiwan Strait and the three places, a science fiction trend has been blowing up in the past half month. Regardless of whether they understand it or not, regardless of whether they like it or not, all netizens have to talk about quantum mechanics and black holes whenever they chat with others online. Professional terms such as horizon and five-dimensional space are used to show that one has already watched Interstellar.

Otherwise, you would be too embarrassed to chat with others unless you explain a few of the profound theories presented in this movie!

Facts have proved that in this era of pretentiousness, netizens are really strict.

First, the top of Inception became popular all over the Internet. Everyone was talking about it. They always suspected that they were in a dream and wanted to spin the top.

Then the five-dimensional space theory of Interstellar became popular again, and everyone made fun of it on the Internet. Some said they saw a line of vague words in their cellar, and suspected that it was the future self passing it to the present self through the five-dimensional space. Information.

Some people say on the Internet that they can enter the five-dimensional space and even see a black hole. It is really the same as the one in Interstellar!

All in all, netizens are very good at having fun based on the movie Interstellar.

Although there are no such terms as meme and fun person yet, they are indeed doing similar behaviors, which also made the movie more popular.

The three-day box office in the mainland during the first weekend exceeded 100 million yuan. The seven-day box office in the second week was still high, with a weekly revenue of 217 million yuan and a cumulative box office of 328 million yuan.

A lot of mainland box office records have been broken, such as first-hour box office, first-day box office, first-week box office, fastest to break 100 million, fastest to break 200 million, fastest to break 300 million.

Yes, but there is a premise, that is, the subject must be records of mainland directors, and those of foreign directors do not count.

No matter how strong the box office of Interstellar was, it did not produce the same dimensionality reduction impact as Avatar.

After all, the first time was legendary, but the second time was not so novel and rare.

Yes, although Interstellar is a Hollywood-invested and filmed film, it cannot be classified as a domestic film, but the media has cleverly created another preposition - directed by a mainland director. Movie.

This allows this movie, which is not a mainland film, to compete with mainland films.

In a sense, this is the real dimensionality reduction blow.

When Avatar is released in mainland China, it will not be compared with domestic movies.

However, no matter how the media hypes up the topic and uses Wu Yuan and Interstellar to stimulate other domestic movies, Wu Yuan himself does not pay much attention to this.

After taking Anne Hathaway and others on some programs and interviews, they ended their week-long promotional work in the mainland and returned to the United States.

Wu Yuan is also completely liberated and no longer needs to put all his energy into the promotion of Interstellar.

There were pre-recorded promotional interviews and movie channel shows, and the crew's promotions for Interstellar could be seen on television for a month after its release.

After all, this is a Hollywood movie, and Hollywood blockbusters are not yet in the habit of going to China to promote it vigorously.

Wu Yuan was also happy and relaxed. After resting with Liu Yifei at home for two days, he took her back to the era of light and shadow.

The company has been progressing this year's projects in an orderly manner since the end of the year. Wu Yuan has been busy with a series of work on Interstellar in the first half of the year, and it is true that he does not have much energy to care about the affairs of mainland companies.

Now that everything is done, it's time for him to come and see the situation.

Mr. Li, is the filming of Soul Ferry: Huangquan going well?

In the office that Wu Yuan rarely used in the Light and Shadow Era, Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei and sat on the sofa in the reception room. While looking at the quarterly report in his hand, he chatted with Li Xiaoping about the company's current situation.

Everything went well. Li Xiaoping, wearing an OL uniform, reported calmly and calmly: The actual shooting of Underworld has almost reached the completion stage, and the next step is half a year of post-production.

It is expected to be released in time for next year's summer release.

The company's other film The Legend of Shushan Swordsman, which is being produced at the same time, is expected to start production next month. The shooting period will be three months. We will try to release it in time for the National Day next year.

National Day period? Wu Yuan frowned: The National Day period is not appropriate, let's put it in the Lunar New Year period.

A pure fairy tale movie like The Legend of Shushan Swordsman is not suitable for the special schedule of National Day.

I didn't watch his Interstellar, which wasn't even scheduled to be released on National Day, but instead was scheduled to be released half a month in advance.

And if everything goes well, with the preparation of Soul Ferry: Huangquan ahead, there should be many movie fans looking forward to The Legend of Shushan Swordsman with an overlapping world view. This movie has the strength to go head-to-head with other blockbusters in the Lunar New Year period. .

Speaking of which, Light and Shadow Times has been established for so many years, but it has never participated in the competition for the Lunar New Year stalls. Every year during the Lunar New Year stalls, they are just spectators.

Next year it’s time to make a sound of the light and shadow era in the Lunar New Year.

Lunar New Year slot? Li Xiaoping thought for a while and nodded: The company's capital chain is very healthy, and there is not much pressure on repayment. It will be no problem to release it in the Lunar New Year slot.

Whether a movie is released sooner or later mainly depends on whether the producer is under a lot of pressure to repay the money. If it is the kind of movie where the pressure is high to repay the money, then you can't wait to finish production today, edit it tomorrow, and release it the day after tomorrow to make money.

In the era of light and shadow, the family has a big business and there is definitely no such pressure.

Well, who did you choose as the male protagonist in The Legend of Shushan Swordsman? Wu Yuan asked curiously.

The roles of Soul Ferry: Huangquan were decided relatively early. For example, the actor Zhu Yilong, the actor who plays the heroine Sanqi, Tan Songyun, and the actor who plays the heroine Meng Qi invited Alyssa Chia, and Wu Yuan knew all this.

But the follow-up The Legend of Shushan Swordsman was confirmed relatively late. At that time, Wu Yuan was already busy in North America, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The male protagonist is Zhu Yawen. After all, he is the number one brother in the company. Li Xiaoping said with a smile: As for the heroine, the role of the junior sister is determined by Jinsha, and she can also be regarded as the number one sister in the company.

The role of senior sister was given to Wang Likun.

Tang Yan, Wang Ou and other actresses from the company also appeared in it.

Considering that the company will launch more personal movies in the movie universe in the future, we have not arranged roles for actors like Luo Jin and Yuan Hong who may be the mainstay for the time being, or they have only made guest appearances.

Yuan Hong guest-starred as a little demon king in The Legend of Shushan Swordsman. If this series does well, we can give him a personal movie.

Overall, the entire company is very confident in the movie universe plan proposed by you, Director Wu!

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