Millennium director

Chapter 473 The Little Prince of Literary Films

Rather than saying that the company has confidence in this Xianxia movie universe plan, it is better to say that they have confidence in Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan, who has never failed, has already gained full charisma in the hearts of company employees.

As long as it is a plan or suggestion he puts forward, everyone in the company believes that it will be successful, and naturally they are full of energy and confidence.

However, in fact, Wu Yuan himself was not convinced that he was going to create a Xianxia movie universe this time.

He very much hopes that this strategy will be successful, so that in the next ten or twenty years, Light and Shadow Times will become one of the top film and television production companies in the country, just like Marvel.

But he is not sure that it will succeed. After all, this time he is really building a movie universe from scratch. It is no longer the case that successful works can be copied directly.

Soul Ferry: Huangquan can be regarded as an adaptation based on the original work, while Shushan Fairy Tale is really a work written by the company's screenwriting department after integrating the backgrounds of Shushan and Soul Ferry.

Whether it can succeed or not, Wu Yuan is also beating the drum in his heart.

He couldn't show any timidity in front of the company's employees, he could only look confident.

That's right. After reporting on the progress of the company's two blockbusters, Li Xiaoping suddenly remembered something interesting and said with a smile: That little prince of literary films has been in contact with the company recently and wants to sign in our company.

The little prince of literary films? Wu Yuan was stunned.

Not many mainland actors can win this title.

The last person to be called this was Liu Ye, who has now risen to star in mainstream big-budget movies!

Qin Hao! Li Xiaoping reminded: In 2004, he made his debut by starring in Li Xiaoshuai's literary film Green Red, and later collaborated with Lou Ye in The Night of the Drunken Spring Breeze.

This year I also starred in Wang Xiaoshuai's Rizhao Chongqing.

Speaking of which, you are still his senior on the road to becoming an actor.

If you hadn't turned into a director after filming Seventeen Years Old Bicycle, you might have been the one to play all the roles he played.

Hey! Wu Yuan interrupted Li Xiaoping: I'm not transitioning. I was originally studying directing. Being a director is my real career. Acting is just fun.

Qin Hao, he is a good actor.

But why does he want to come to our company?

Speaking of Qin Hao, ordinary viewers and fans who don't know much about literary and artistic films, their first impression of him should be that he is married to Yi Nengjing, a female star who is ten years older than him.

In later generations, Qin Hao mostly used the title of Yi Nengjing's husband to work in the entertainment industry. It was not until the movie The Hidden Corner that Qin Hao truly left his own reputation among the public.

But among a niche group, that is, among domestic literary and artistic film lovers, Qin Hao's name is famous.

Starting from Green Red in 2004, he has contributed superb performances in many literary and artistic films, making many literary and artistic film lovers remember his face and his name.

From Green Red to The Love of Tangbula, Spring Breeze Night and Sunshine in Chongqing, he has left a deep impression on domestic literary and artistic film fans.

After Liu Ye, he was the most outstanding performer in the field of literary and artistic films. He was even spotted by Zhang Yimou and got the opportunity to star in Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

However, Guangying Era has never had any intersection with Qin Hao, that is, Wu Yuan and Wang Xiaoshuai have a personal relationship.

What else could it be? Li Xiaoping shrugged: I can't stand the loneliness anymore and want to transform into a business.

Although Qin Hao is known as the little prince of literary films in the field of literary films, this is the only name he has left.

The remuneration for the literary films he took was only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and the producers wouldn't be able to pay more.

What really makes money is commercial films, but no commercial films are willing to ask him to shoot them.

A well-acted literary and artistic film can gain fame, but it also limits profits.

Especially now that the literary and artistic film market is becoming more and more sluggish and the commercial film market is becoming more and more competitive, they, the artistic film actors, are in an increasingly difficult situation.

Liu Ye is also lucky. He transformed a few years ago and the transformation was successful, otherwise Liu Ye would have ended up in Qin Hao's situation.

As long as there is some pursuit of money, actors in literary and artistic films are eager to break through into the field of commercial films.

Mainstream actors who can act in commercial films are now paid half a year, and can earn hundreds or tens of millions for acting in a movie!

However, actors in literary films such as Qin Hao can only earn tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands per movie. This gap is not as big as usual.

In particular, these actors who acted in literary films were still at the top of the contempt chain a few years ago. They looked down on those commercial film actors who were full of copper smell and felt that they insulted the profession of actors and were just a group of people who were obsessed with money. It's just a tool for walking with your nose in your mouth.

Only by acting in literary films, winning awards abroad, and showing off your outstanding performing arts can you be a truly good actor.

It's quite a bit like the literati in the past had a high opinion of themselves.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, actors in literary and artistic films have become worse than chickens, and the market trend has changed drastically.

The commercial film actors who originally had similar salaries to them have seen their salaries rise like rockets one by one, but they, the group of actors in artistic films, are still treading water.

Will this keep them mentally balanced?

Qin Hao, a literary and artistic film actor who actively moves closer to the commercial film market and wants to transform, can be considered the best among them who can adjust his mentality.

More actors in literary and artistic films simply have a mental breakdown, stop working in the industry, and transition to other things.

Qin Hao's acting skills are indeed good. Wu Yuan thought for a while, nodded and said: The fact that he came to us at Light and Shadow Era instead of Huayi also shows that he is more optimistic about us.

That's certainly not going to keep him out.

It just so happens that I also have a script for a Chinese-language commercial film, which I plan to shoot next year.

There is a character in the book that suits him very well, which saved me a lot of effort.

Then sign him.

Tell him specifically that after joining the company, he will get the opportunity to star in the company's A-level film as the leading actor next year.

Is it your next movie? Li Xiaoping asked doubtfully, Do you already have a plan?

That's not true. Wu Yuan shook his head: I wrote the script. I plan to let Leslie shoot it next year. It will be a golden rooster. The investment will not be very big. The cost of a 2D feature film will be controlled at 50-60 million, which is enough.

Although it is only a 2D feature film, I believe that as long as it is well shot, the box office performance will not be bad.

The Love of the Hawthorn Tree directed by Yimou is very good. The market has also proved that feature films will never be out of date.

As for my new movie, this time I also plan to make a drama about love. The investment will even be lower. A budget of 30 to 40 million is enough.

Ah? Li Xiaoping was confused.

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