Millennium director

Chapter 90 Level 02 Acting Class

After closing the door of Xie Xiaojing's office and standing in the corridor, Wu Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

As he walked towards the dormitory, he thought about what the teacher just said.

Xie Xiaojing made a request to him.

Before the coming summer vacation, he must select a group of new students from the 02-level students to rehearse a classic play.

Xie Xiaojing doesn't have any specific requirements for what scenes to rehearse, as long as they can be rehearsed in the end.

This can be regarded as Wu Yuan’s homework this year.

Regarding this assignment, Wu Yuan had nothing to complain about.

At least the teacher didn't ask him to choose actors from 02-level vocational high school students!

And he really wants to practice more on his ability to train actors.

In the foreseeable future, if Wu Yuan wants to make well-received and well-received movies, he may really have to train a group of actors himself.

Otherwise, can we count on the batch of traffic kings and little fresh meat after 2012?

It's not that they can't do it at all, but it's not necessary.

Full of motivation, after Wu Yuan returned to his dormitory, he began to study which drama to schedule next.

As a director, Wu Yuan is naturally familiar with various Chinese and foreign dramas.

Xie Xiaojing did not make specific drama requirements for him, so Wu Yuan could choose as he pleased.

Western Prometheus, Agamemnon, Antigone, Oedipus the King...

China's Thunderstorm, Sunrise, Teahouse, Secret Love in Peach Blossom Spring...

There are so many dramas for him to choose from.

But after these classic dramas were played through Wu Yuan's mind, he quickly dismissed them.

Thinking that he would be filming a commercial romance film in China next, Wu Yuan felt that he could just take this opportunity to arrange a love-themed drama to practice first.

When it comes to the subject of love, in the field of drama, there is a drama (song) from China and abroad, which will definitely be mentioned!

That is Butterfly Lovers, which represents the Chinese love classic, and Romeo and Juliet, which represents the Western love classic!

Coincidentally, the final endings of these two classic love stories are so similar, with both the male and female protagonists succumbing to their love and dying.

Sure enough, only love tragedies full of regrets will be remembered and sung by mankind unforgettably.

After some hesitation, Wu Yuan chose Romeo and Juliet as the play to be rehearsed next.

No way, although the story of Butterfly Lovers is an eternal masterpiece, most of the domestic adaptations of Butterfly Lovers are based on various operas.

Although there is also a stage play of Butterfly Lovers, the performance of the stage play is definitely not as impressive as the opera.

But Wu Yuan doesn't know how to direct opera. He really knows nothing about opera.

Romeo and Juliet is different. This is a classic drama.

Because it is a classic, there are many versions for Wu Yuan to refer to, and it is also suitable for him as a new drama director to learn from!

That's it! In the dormitory, Wu Yuan pulled out the script of Romeo and Juliet from the computer.

From now on, he needs to deeply understand the script, find its internal logic and themes, and understand it thoroughly.

Only in this way can he guide the actors to perform in a targeted manner and present a correct performance!

Of course, the recruitment and rehearsal of actors must also be arranged as soon as possible!

The next day.

Film School Acting Department Building, Classroom Office.

Wu Yuan came to visit Teacher Wang Jinsong from the Performance Department early in the morning.

This Wang Jinsong is not the one who played Uncle Yaodong in Operation Icebreaker, but a classmate of Huang Lei and Jiang Wu, an outstanding graduate of Nortel in the Class of 90.

He first worked at the China Youth Art Theater, and then was transferred to teach in the Acting Department of the Film Academy in 1999. In 2002, he was promoted to the deputy dean of the Acting Academy.

At the same time, he is also the class teacher of the 2002 undergraduate performance department.

If Wu Yuan wants to borrow a grade 02 student from the acting department to stage a play, he must have negotiated with him first.

Fortunately, Xie Xiaojing, the mentor, had already helped Wu Yuan open up the relationship and links.

As soon as he saw Wu Yuan coming to the door, Teacher Wang Jinsong immediately stood up with a smile and said, Director Wu, I've been looking forward to seeing you.

Thank you, Professor, for telling me last year that you were going to rehearse a play.

This makes me extremely happy. For an international director to arrange a play, it is a rare opportunity for the students in the class!

As a result, I have been waiting and waiting for more than half a year without hearing any news from you. I thought you two, master and apprentice, had changed your mind.

Wu Yuan smiled and shook hands with him, and took the initiative to explain: Some work has not been completed in the United States, which has delayed some time.

I understand, I understand. Teacher Wang held Wu Yuan's hand and waved it up and down, and asked actively: Is Director Wu going to choose a suitable actor now?

Have you decided on the drama to be rehearsed?

It's decided, let's arrange Romeo and Juliet.

This play is great, Shakespeare's classic play! Teacher Wang agreed and took out a student material from the drawer.

Director Wu, let me first briefly introduce to you the students in our 02-level undergraduate class.

Teacher Wang flipped through the roster, and the first page was Liu Yifei's information, with a 2-inch photo of her posted on it.

This is the most outstanding student in our class currently. Although he is the youngest in the class, he has already acted in two TV series...

Jin Fen Family was launched on CCTV 1 last week.

Liu Yifei, who played the role of Bai Xiuzhu in the play and just finished filming Dragon at the beginning of the year, is undoubtedly the most famous one in the class even though she is the youngest student in the class.

She was the first person Teacher Wang introduced to her. She was also the most capable student in the class of 2002.

After spending a lot of words to introduce Liu Yifei, Teacher Wang briefly introduced the other students. In his mouth, every student was a good prospect and a piece of beauty.

Wu Yuan did see many familiar actors in it.

For example, Luo Jin returns with sweet love, Zhu Yawen, the last tough guy in Mainland China who is bursting with hormones, Jiang Yan who has not yet added one to her name, Zhou Yang, the third holy lady in The Legend of the Lotus Lantern.

Seriously speaking, level 02 is still okay. At least there are several actors who came out later, which is much better than level 03 and 04 where the entire army was wiped out.

After roughly listening to Teacher Wang's introduction, Wu Yuan asked with a smile: Are they in class now? Can I go meet these classmates?

No problem at all!

Downstairs from the performance department teacher's office is the classroom for the 02-level undergraduate class.

The students arrived very well today. There were 30 students in the class, and no one left behind came to class obediently.

As usual, the students who arrived in the classroom more than ten minutes early were gathering in small groups to chat.

Young people in their early twenties are all studying acting, so their chat topics are definitely inseparable from celebrity gossip.

Some people are talking about Jay Chou appearing on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine, and are debating whether he can be regarded as the king of music.

Some people are talking about Hero directed by Yimou. Even though the movie has been released, it is still the hottest topic in the industry.

Some people are also talking about the recent hit broadcast on CCTV, A Family of Gold Fans. Senior brother Chen Kun's performance in the drama has been praised non-stop.

When Luo Jin and others talked about this, they all had expressions of envy on their faces, thinking about when they would be able to star in a CCTV TV series.

Several female classmates also gathered around Liu Yifei, asking her about the experience of filming a TV series. The atmosphere on the set was full of envy and longing.

Actually, it's quite hard. Sometimes I have to get up at three or four in the morning to rush to the set in order to catch some scenes. It's also common to shoot late at night.

Liu Yifei's round face was flushed, and she excitedly shared her experience and feelings on the set with her classmates.

Peach Blossom Island is really beautiful, and the camera teacher on the crew is also very good at taking pictures. You must watch it when it is broadcast!

However, this is definitely not what her female classmates want to hear.

Jiang Yan, who was sitting next to Liu Yifei and holding her arm, asked with a smile: Sissi, is Little Tornado as handsome in real life as on TV?

I really like him!

Brother Zhiying? Liu Yifei tilted her head and thought for a moment, then nodded affirmatively: He is as handsome in person as on TV.

'And he is a very humorous person in private. He always likes to joke with everyone on the set and tell some jokes to liven up the atmosphere. '

Wow, I really envy you. The carefree Zhou Yang also said with envy: Being able to film with the gentle and humorous Brother Zhiying.

Asian cyclones are no longer popular in China.

He and the fifth elder brother acted in Two Prides, which can be said to have killed all the girls of this generation. Everyone disliked Jiang Xiaoyu and Hua Wuque in the play.

Hehe, brother Zhiying is really nice.

Liu Yifei laughed innocently and recalled that Brother Zhiying took good care of her on the set.

And recently I heard from my mother that brother Zhiying also helped introduce two movies from Baodao to her, both of which featured female leads. In one of them, brother Zhiying was the male protagonist!

But when she thought about this, Liu Yifei remembered what Wu Yuan said to her and her mother on the set of The Golden Family.

She has just finished filming Dragon Movie less than two months ago. If she were to make another movie, and two movies at that, she would probably not have time to study for the whole year.

She has only been in school for a total of three months from the beginning of her freshman year to now, and she has just gotten to know her classmates.

My mentor told me that if you want to build a building, the most important thing is to lay a good foundation.

If you don't learn acting knowledge first and then rush to become famous through filming, you will never be able to become an excellent actor in your life.

Liu Yifei looked out the window absentmindedly. Wu Yuan's previous words kept echoing in her mind.

At this moment, two figures walking together came into her sight.

The figure who is half a step ahead is her class teacher, Teacher Wang.

When she saw clearly who the young man behind Teacher Wang was, Liu Yifei opened her red lips slightly, widened her eyes, and looked surprised.

Director Wu?!

As she subconsciously exclaimed, the classmates sitting near Liu Yifei followed her gaze and looked out the window curiously.

Then, they were all dumbfounded.

I saw the head teacher, Mr. Wang, leading Wu Yuan into the classroom of the 02-level performance class with a smile on his face.

Everyone, please be quiet!

Let me introduce to you, the person next to me is your senior brother, Wu Yuan, director Wu who graduated in 1998 from the directing department of our film school!

Wu Yuan also showed a kind smile and nodded at the students in the classroom.

Hello everyone, I am director Wu Yuan.

The students who were chattering and discussing various celebrity gossips all fell silent in an instant, leaving only dumbfounded faces.

Wu Yuan looked at this scene with some humor and sighed inwardly.

Not to mention, it is indeed an actor class, all of them are handsome men and beautiful women. Even if their expressions are dull and dumbfounded, they still look very pleasing to the eye!

This chapter has 3,300 words, and the main thing is to write it in one go!

Don't worry, arranging the play is just an opportunity, an opportunity to lead to Wu Yuan's next movie. I won't actually write more than ten chapters of the play. I know that everyone is not interested in this.

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