Millennium director

Chapter 91 A chance to change your destiny

Who is Director Wu? I don't need to introduce you too much, right?

Teacher Wang looked around at his students, the expression on his face was one of pride.

Although it was Xie Xiaojing who asked Wu Yuan to come to the 02-level acting class to select actors, these students didn't know.

In the eyes of the students, Wu Yuan's appearance in the classroom must have been specially invited by Teacher Wang!

Thinking of this, Teacher Wang, who said no introduction was needed, couldn't help but praise Wu Yuan:

Director Wu is the box office record holder for mainland directors, the best director in Berlin, and an internationally renowned director who is well-known in Hollywood!

His The Night the Comet Came, Juno and The Embalmer were all excellent films that were well-received and well-received!

Director Wu came to our class today for important matters.

Some smart students had already guessed it, and their expectant eyes looked at Teacher Wang and Wu Yuan in front of the podium.

Is it possible that Director Wu’s new movie will come to our class for casting?

They were not disappointed. Teacher Wang held the podium with both hands and said in a seductive tone:

Director Wu is currently preparing to rehearse a play Romeo and Juliet!

He came to our class this time just to choose some actors to play the main roles in this play.

Although he is not acting in a movie, being able to act in Wu Yuan's play is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these students who have not yet left school!

Wu Yuan is not an ordinary drama director, his main job is to make movies!

As long as you can act in Wu Yuan's drama and leave a good impression on Wu Yuan in the drama performance, are you afraid that you won't have the chance to make Wu Yuan's movie in the future?

The students sitting under the podium were immediately eager to try, with excitement and excitement in their eyes.

They don’t know what it means to be nervous. Nervous students simply can’t pass the art exam!

Seeing that everyone was highly motivated, Teacher Wang turned his head and looked at Wu Yuan with a smile, indicating that he would be free to express himself next.

Although some of these classmates may be one or two years older than Wu Yuan, the gap between them is really too big.

Wu Yuan met the expectant eyes with a very calm expression, and just said lightly:

I'm going to rehearse Romeo and Juliet and it will be performed in the school auditorium at the end of this semester. Some teachers from the directing department will come to watch it.

All the actors in the play will be selected from among you. Students who are interested in starring will go to the small auditorium for interviews at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Some of the more courageous male classmates immediately shouted: I must go tomorrow!

Director Wu chose me. I rehearsed Romeo and Juliet last semester!

Wu Yuan nodded calmly, thought about it, and decided to give these people a little more motivation, and then said: If the selected actors' final performance satisfies me enough, they may also get the role in the next movie I am preparing. Opportunities to star.

He's not trying to make a big deal this time.

Regarding the next movie, Wu Yuan already has an idea.

I came up with it yesterday when I was studying the script of Romeo and Juliet.

Since he has to arrange this play and he has the idea of ​​​​training new actors, why not use this group of actors in the next movie?

Luo Jin, Zhu Yawen, Zhou Yang and Liu Yifei are all considered talents who can be made.

Luo Jin later acted in The Mistake, which was nominated for the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, was shortlisted for Best Picture at Cannes, and won the Cannes Best Actor Award!

Zhu Yawen's later acting skills were pretty good, at least more than enough on the small screen, and with some training he could be on the big screen.

As for Zhou Yang and Liu Yifei.

The former is a bit of a pity. He was at his peak when he debuted, but he has been unable to act in dramas since then. This has nothing to do with acting skills, but lacks some luck and capital behind him.

The latter's blood is really too thick, and the high-profile performance during the TV series filled it up, so that although the movies he acted in later had a bad reputation, none of them lost money, and they all made money for the investors.

Wu Yuan felt that an actress who would not lose money to investors was worth cultivating.

If Liu Yifei can make up for her shortcomings in acting and become Yuan Girl, it will add a lot of box office to his movies!

In short, in Wu Yuan's eyes, the actors in Class 02 who came into their own later are considered to be talented people.

So despite what he said, there will be an open casting call tomorrow. In fact, the four of them, Luo Jin, have already decided on the leading roles, and other students can only compete for the remaining supporting roles.

Of course, if there really is a hidden pearl among this group of students, Wu Yuan wouldn't mind being the one to discover it.

The premise is that in tomorrow's interview, someone can give Wu Yuan a stunning performance.

That's it, I won't disturb your classmates in class.

Everyone who needed to be notified was in place, so Wu Yuan didn't stay any longer. After saying hello to Teacher Wang, he left the classroom.

Until he walked far away and could no longer see his back, fierce cheers and screams immediately erupted in the classroom of the 02 performance class.

Every student, both male and female, hugged and celebrated, cheering for joy.

Director Wu actually came to our class to select actors!

Hahaha, we also have the opportunity to act in Director Wu's movie!

It's better to be the director of your own school!

Teacher Wang also watched everyone cheering with a smile on his face, without stopping him at all.

Not to mention these classmates, even Teacher Wang felt envious when he heard Wu Yuan say that students who performed well would have the opportunity to star in his next movie.

To be honest, he also wants to act in Wu Yuan's movie.

In the whole of China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, which actor now dares to say that he doesn't like Wu Yuan's movies and doesn't want to act in his movies?

Are you kidding me? This is the director who won a Berlin Best Actor!

Liu Yifei, who had become quiet after Wu Yuan entered, also had a happy smile on her face.

She also wants to star in Wu Yuan's movie!

But the prerequisite is that you must first choose Romeo and Juliet that Wu Yuan will schedule next!

She is still somewhat confident about this.

Not just her, but every student in the class was full of confidence, feeling that they would be chosen by Wu Yuan and start acting!

There are about ten characters in the play Romeo and Juliet, and there are five or six important roles.

There are only 30 students in the 02 form, and the selection rate of one-third is already very high!

No one wants to admit that they are inferior to other students.

Including many female classmates, they don’t necessarily think that Liu Yifei is better than themselves, and they also have a chance to win the role of Juliet!

Everyone is holding their breath and wants to make a splash in tomorrow's interview and leave a deep impression on Wu Yuan.

This is an opportunity that can change your destiny!

Luo Jin and Zhu Yawen, who were sitting in the front row, looked at each other and saw deep desire and expectation in each other's eyes.

The two of them smiled in unison and said in unison: You want to try Romeo too?

You can't beat me! Zhu Yawen raised the corners of his mouth and said confidently.

Luo Jin chuckled: Then give it a try!

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