Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1005: Adventure on the plane

As a plane vacated from the airport in city s, Wu Tian also took Long Yun and a few of them, and left China.

It was the first time that Qinglong went abroad, and he seemed a little excited, and they still bought first-class cabin, and they still felt a little uncomfortable with this kind of service and seemed very nervous.

"Mr. Wu, don't we really need to bring the security team this time?" Long Yun was still more worried, after all, they had already seen the combat level of those biochemical people.

At their level, dealing with ordinary people is not a big problem, but if you want to deal with them, you don't have to think about it.

Wu Tian rubbed his temples, how could he not know these truths, but now that Wu Tian can do so much.

"The security team should forget it. They are too eye-catching. We are acting secretly this time and we cannot let the enemy know."

After listening to Wu Tian's words, Long Yun stopped saying anything, lowered her head and quickly gathered information about Eagle Country.

"I have been investigating carefully these past few days. The Guangyao company has disguised itself as perfect. I can't find any flaws, and even some overseas accounts that concern them."

It was the first time that Long Yun felt that she had encountered a challenge, and she had encountered such a difficult opponent.

"That's right. They don't necessarily use cash for transactions. Anyway, let's not be too anxious about the matter." Wu Tian had already expected it. The other party's preparation room in this regard is far beyond. They imagined.

If you don't go there in person, you won't find anything useful.

The voices of several of them were not very loud, but Wu Tian did not deliberately want to avoid anyone. There are not many people in this first-class cabin, and if it makes sneaky like this, it will make people next to him suspicious.

At this moment, a white man stared at Wu Tian for a long time, as if he knew Wu Tian, ​​picked up his glass and walked over slowly.

"This gentleman, are you Mr. Wu Tian?"

Wu Tian looked at the white man in a suit and leather shoes in front of him, and he was polite to him with a glass of wine.

"It's me." Wu Tian also quickly picked up the wine glass next to him, touched the glass with him, and began to look at the man carefully.

To be honest, Wu Tian really felt that he had never seen him before, and he didn't know why this person came to find him.

"I'm really so lucky. I didn't expect to be able to meet Mr. Wu Tian here!" This man speaks an accented Chinese language, and he was very excited while holding a cup, as if it was Wu Tian. What a big star.

Wu Tian also felt a little embarrassed when he looked at him so exaggerated. He cast a look at Long Yun and asked her what it meant.

"I don't know, you are now a person, big and small. Someone knows who you are, or even worships you. These are all normal."

Long Yun didn't have much thoughts about this, even thought it was normal.

"Um... Excuse me, is there anything you came to see me for?" Wu Tian saw that he couldn't get any good advice from others, so he asked the person directly.

"Yes, yes, it's like this, Mr. Wu Tian, ​​this is my business card." As he said, the man took out a business card from his body with his name and the company's name clearly written on it.

"Richard Liu? Vs Capital Corporation? Could it be you..." Seeing this name, Wu Tian looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. He didn't pay much attention just now. If you look carefully, , It seems that he is indeed a little Chinese.

Richard Liu smiled and said shyly: "I am a mixed-race, my mother is from China, and my father is from Eagle. Now I am working in a transaction management company. The business involved is exactly what you promoted. Special currency."

Hearing him say this, Wu Tiancai finally let go of his worries. Just now, he had always wondered if this guy was an enemy who came to snoop on intelligence.

Looking at it now, it seems that he is just a pure admirer as Long Yun said.

"Fortunately, we will have a good time. Maybe we have the opportunity in the future to cooperate well."

Richard Liu and Wu Tian shook hands. Only then did he ask: "By the way, Mr. Wu, are you going to Eagle Country? If there is anything I can help, you can just speak up. That's it."

Wu Tian nodded. Although he didn't know if it would happen, he still felt very moved by Richard's statement. Some people are sincerely willing to help themselves. From a certain perspective, this is a blessing.

"No problem, maybe we really have a chance to meet again at that time." Both sides smiled, and as they talked, they greeted the business of Fangte Coin again.

Anyway, Wu Tian has nothing to do, and it seems a bit boring if he doesn't speak on the plane.

"Recently, many companies in Eagle Country have begun to use FangteCoin. Using this can avoid a lot of taxes. It can be said to be very convenient."

Wu Tian really didn't expect that it would develop so quickly abroad, he always thought that this thing was still relatively small after all.

"Isn't this FTC that can't be tracked, so does your government say that there is no way at all? Watching so many tax losses?"

Wu Tian thinks that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, because he heard that the tax officials of Eagle Country are the most powerful in the world, as long as they believe that they are tax evasion, they will never let it go.

Richard smiled, it seems that they also have corresponding countermeasures.

"Of course, the tax officer is watching this matter very closely, so now these companies have a special method, which is entrusted transactions. They don't handle the FTZ themselves, but store this thing in our company and use us uniformly. The company will come forward for the purchase and settlement. In this case, the tax officer will not be able to find them, and will only come to us for supervision."

Richard is very clear about these, because he did this line of business.

"It turned out to be like this..." Wu Tian was thoughtful after hearing this. If it was really according to Richard's statement, then he had an idea instead.

He raised his eyes, looked very seriously and said to Richard: "Yes, I have a request, I hope you can help me."

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