Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1004: condition

Seeing Wu Tian's eyes flickering, Tie Jun knew that his condition was a huge attraction for him.

But he didn't intend to use this little bit of petty profit to dismiss Wu Tian. You must know that he had promised Wu Tian a certain reward before.

"Also, I heard that you have a very good relationship with the genetically modified person called Number One. If you are willing to promise me, I am willing to speak on behalf of the military and you will stay with this person."

After finishing talking, Tie Jun narrowed his eyes and looked at Wu Tian. He was looking forward to Wu Tian's next reaction.

If it were the conditions before, Wu Tian might still be able to think about it a little bit, but then when he said this about No.1, Wu Tian had almost no room for rejection.

In any case, No. 1 can be regarded as saving Wu Tian, ​​although it was not successful. Moreover, Wu Tian also felt that No.1 was a plastic talent, and if it were handed over to the military to study, it would very likely destroy the child.

"Okay, but I have a condition!"

Wu Tian finally gritted his teeth and agreed to this matter. Anyway, he had to take down the number one first.

"Okay, you mention it."

The Tie Jun was also very generous, showing an indifferent look. It seemed that no matter what Wu Tian asked, he would agree without hesitation.

"I can only promise to help you do three things, and what kind of relationship we will be afterwards, we will decide later."

Wu Tian can be regarded as leaving a way out for himself. He knows that once he gets involved with these people, he will probably get deeper and deeper.

It is also a very good result for Wu Tian to say things well in advance.

"You kid..." Tie Jun didn't expect Wu Tian to say that. He was taken aback for a moment, but then he laughed.

"Sure enough, I was right! You really are a talent!"

Although I don't know why Tie Jun suddenly started to praise himself, Wu Tian felt that this should be good news.

"I agree with your request!"

Tie Jun readily agreed, and the other companions gave each other glances. Although they thought this matter was a bit unreasonable, they still agreed with Tie Jun.

"I'm relieved with your words."

Wu Tian finally let go of a heavy burden in his heart. Now he, his company, and No. 1 should be safe.

"In the future, you can continue to research here. If there is any good biotechnology, we will also buy it from you."

The Tie Army left such a sentence when he left, which is regarded as giving Wu Tian a lot of green lights.

Originally, Wu Tian intended to do this, but he was not sure whether doing such a thing would violate the law. Since Tie Jun had already said so, Wu Tian could do this with confidence.

Seeing these leaders left, Xia Kejun hurriedly returned to Wu Tian's ward after sending them away.

"What did you say just now?"

Wu Tian looked at Xia Kejun's expression and thought it was funny. This guy is obviously a serious look, why is he still such a gossip.

"Guess what?"

"I have no time to guess! There are many things waiting for me!"

Xia Kejun didn't intend to joke with Wu Tian.

"What we talk about is confidential, so I can't tell you!"

Wu Tian pretended to be mysterious and said that he had previously imagined whether he would one day be able to say such things, but he did not expect that his dream would come true now.

"You love to say nothing, even if you don't say it, I will investigate it!"

Xia Kejun didn't talk nonsense with Wu Tian, ​​too lazy to argue with him, and turned away.

However, before leaving, they happened to meet Long Yun who came in. Xia Kejun was very polite to Long Yun, and the two nodded each other.

Seeing that there were no other people in the room, Long Yun quickly walked to Wu Tian's side.

"Mr. Wu, I commissioned some companies in the Eagle Country to investigate Zhang Zerui's previous itinerary in the Eagle Country."

Speaking of a document handed by Long Yun, Wu Tian quickly looked at it.

"He has been to several places, including this bmd company. We previously doubted whether he had any connection with Zhang Zerui. Now it seems that there is no doubt about this."

Wu Tian nodded his head. This is what he expected. If they are not in this relationship, there is really no need for bmd to go against Wu Tian.

He dared to do this naturally because he got the advice of Zhang Zerui, but this is good, it can make Wu Tian clearly see who is his enemy and who is his friend.

This alone was not enough, and Long Yun took out several more documents.

"These are some of the large consortia he has been to. This is nothing but one that makes me feel very concerned."

While talking, Long Yun pointed to a very inconspicuous place on the map.

"This? Guangyao Company?"

Wu Tian felt that this place seemed to have nothing to fuss about, but when he changed his mind, it happened that this place was unremarkable, and Zhang Zerui also went here, which was worthy of their attention.

"Yes, I investigated this company. Their official background or folk background is an ordinary construction company, nothing special, but I think there must be something wrong with it."

Long Yun continued to talk, the more it was because the other party was innocent, the more strange it made him feel.

Wu Tian frowned, and he began to be a little confused. After stringing these things up and down, Wu Tian found that nothing existed in isolation.

Let's talk about the mysterious biochemical people in front of them, for what purpose are they making trouble by Wu Tian's side.

When the body was lost, they had already arrived in China on the 1st, which means that at that time, these people were already prepared.

Later, the bmd company invested heavily in Zhang Zerui, which immediately reversed Wu Tian's adverse impact on him.

If you take all these up and look at it, it seems that the opponent is already in the next big game, and among them, it is not Wu Tian who is in charge of the chess piece, but Zhang Zerui.

After thinking of this, Wu Tian might as well take a deep breath. He didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. It was far beyond his imagination.

"Long Yun, don't spread this thing, and you should think of a way to investigate this Guangyao company. I want to see what the **** Zhang Zerui is doing behind his back."

Wu Tian sighed. He originally wanted to be in China, but as far as the current situation is concerned, he must go to Eagle Country if he wants to clarify these things.

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