Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1003: Special response group

As for how to wake up those people, Xia Kejun thought of getting them to be sedated by the military doctor, and once they had the tendency to wake up, they would get a shot quickly.

It's just that this approach is slowly losing its effect. These people are very resistant to drugs, and the effects of these anesthetics and tranquilizers for them are worse than every time.

In the end, this problem was solved because Long Yun recruited Su Cancan and others from the Five Poison Cult, and applied some of their unique poisons to these people, which made them sleep like a dead pig, unable to move.

And Wu Tian had already undergone another operation at this time, and now there is nothing serious about it.

It's just that the ribs in the chest were broken. Fortunately, they didn't penetrate into the heart. Otherwise, the ten dragons would not be saved.

When Wu Tian woke up, a large group of people surrounded his ward.

"Who is this...?" Wu Tian asked strangely looking at several figures he had never seen before.

Long Yun explained in a low voice in his ear: "These are people from the military. They are now conducting research underground."

Wu Tian nodded. Although he didn't know what happened after he was in a coma, he was not a fool. He came back alive and was still lying in the ward in Huadao, so he must have been rescued.

Xia Kejun and the others must have thought of some way to subdue those people.

"Mr. Wu, you are finally awake. Let me introduce them. These are all high-level representatives of our military." Xia Kejun didn't say any nonsense. After seeing Wu Tian with clear thinking ability, he started directly. Introduce to Wu Tian.

Listening to their introduction, Wu Tian nodded slightly to these old men, which was regarded as showing respect, but his heart was not so happy at this time.

"Um... what are you looking for me?"

"That's it, Mr. Wu, our military has already imprisoned all these enemies in your flower island, but you can rest assured that this is only a temporary expropriation, and we will take them away soon. "

Xia Kejun gave a simple explanation, which could be regarded as a relief to Wu Tian.

"It doesn't matter, but you are so serious, I think there must be something to tell me."

Wu Tian smiled. He struggled for a while and wanted to do it, but his chest hurt a lot after only moving his body.

"You really know this." Xia Kejun nodded to Long Yun. The two of them took the unrelated people out, leaving Wu Tian and a few old men to talk about things inside.

"You're pretty good boy, you have such a great ability at a young age, it's really awesome!" An old gentleman who looked like a big five and had a rough, loud voice looked at Wu Tian and couldn't help admiring him, with a smile on his face.

Wu Tian felt that he was rarely praised in this way, and he was a little happy for a while.

"You have exaggerated a bit, not so exaggerated."

"We are the leader of the military's special response team. When we first received the news, we were shocked. What shocked us even more was that after investigating what happened to you."

This old man who claimed to be the leader of the team talked eloquently, his eyes almost seemed to regard Wu Tian as his own son.

"Me? What is shocking about me..."

Wu Tian was a little puzzled. He always remembered that he was fairly honest, and he was usually as low-key as possible.

"Do you know what the identities of these mysterious people are? I tell you that we had received news from abroad a few years ago that Eagle Country developed such a biochemical warrior. Unexpectedly, you discovered it. , I caught one! Do you know how much credit this is?"

The other Wu Tian didn't have any special thoughts after listening for a long time, but when he heard the word credit, his eyes began to shine.

"Then since I am so brave, should the country give me some reward or something? After all, you see, I am already a little injured..."

Wu Tian immediately put on an aggrieved look, and laughed at these old men.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Tie Jun, you can call me team leader in the future, and you don't want to know about other positions for the time being. The confidentiality of our organization is still more important." Team leader Tie Jun smiled He didn't directly answer Wu Tian's words, but his actions already made it clear that Wu Tian would definitely not fall into his hands on this matter.

The military naturally won't let Wu Tian suffer. After all, Wu Tian has also made a great contribution anyway.

"Captain Tie, is there anything you want to tell me?" Happy and happy, Wu Tian also began to focus his attention on this matter.

Hearing this, Tie Jun put away his smile, and the room suddenly became serious.

"That's the case. Our military always wanted to investigate this organization before. It's just that it’s not appropriate to do this kind of thing in our capacity. It is easy to cause international disputes, but now it’s different. It's a perfect white glove now."

The Iron Army also said something, he has always been blunt.

Wu Tian understood as soon as he heard it. To put it bluntly, they need to do something for this special response team that is not convenient for them.

"This...I'm actually a businessman. To be honest, I'm afraid I can't handle this kind of thing..." Wu Tian quickly refused. Although he said that he thought this task was very glorious, there was still a lot of this kind of form. Less makes him feel a little awkward.

It's not his own business. He feels that he doesn't need to work hard, let alone put himself and the company in danger because of this matter.

He has a lot of people to take care of, so Wu Tian knows deeply that he can never get into trouble.

"Don't be anxious to refuse, we will not just send you missions casually, and we will not let you do it for nothing! As far as I know, your aerospace company has not been doing much recently. Mission, isn't your technology not enough?"

The Iron Army is not in a hurry, they have chips in their hands, and they can play them one by one.

Sure enough, Wu Tian immediately began to shake when he heard what he said.

The aerospace company's affairs have indeed troubled Wu Tian for a long time, and the technical level has been stagnant. If it weren't for these troubles, Wu Tian wouldn't be so worried about Zhixing Technology.

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