Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1002: Successfully arrested

If you think Wu Tian would give in like this, you really underestimate him.

He staggered step by step towards Number One, the enemy did not stop Wu Tian, ​​probably because he thought he was already like this, and there should be no threat.

But Wu Tian didn't think so. There was a dagger hidden in his sleeve. When he came out, he had an extra heart and prepared in advance. He didn't expect that it would actually come in handy.

The two enemies there seemed to be looking at Wu Tian with a mocking look. Although Number One was in their hands, he was still trying his best to kick them with his fists and feet.

But his power did no harm to these two people.

Wu Tian was already very close to that person, and the straight-line distance was only two meters. Wu Tian could almost hear the heavy breathing of the other party.

Like a venomous snake ready to go for a long time, Wu Tian suddenly began to violently walk away. He swiped past the enemy's throat at an unobservable speed.

At such a close distance, even if the opponent reacts extremely fast, it is impossible to avoid the knife.

There was a gust of wind in the alley, blowing up the leaves that fell on the ground. Suddenly there seemed to be something flashing in the air, and then there was a crisp sound.

A dagger with a broken blade fell to the ground with a clatter, and at the place where the sound was just made, Wu Tianzheng looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

With his shot, the knife actually seemed to hit an iron plate, and the blade didn't go in at all. Even the dagger broke in two due to the huge impact.

Wu Tian's surprised effort, the other party was not idle. He punched him and hit Wu Tian's chest. He only heard a click. Wu Tian felt his chest feel tight and his eyes started to turn dark.

Suddenly, he couldn't move, and he fell heavily.

Before he landed, Wu Tian had already fainted in the air. The two were about to leave, but at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire from all directions.

A group of special warfare soldiers in military uniforms rushed out from the neighborhood. The weapons in their hands were constantly touching the two men. They even took out the stun gun used to capture the Eleven Fiends. arms.

These two invincible big men turned out to be without the ability to resist in front of this kind of weapon, and suddenly fell to the ground. When fighting with Wu Tian just now, the kind of walking in the courtyard brought a huge contrast.

"Quickly, see if there is anyone else!"

Luo Huaicheng's voice came from the side, but he did not expect that he had seen Wu Tian lying on the ground unconscious.

He ran to check Wu Tian's life characteristics. After confirming that he was still alive, he quickly breathed a sigh of relief and ordered several people to take him away for treatment.

The genetic warriors were arrested and placed in a specially made cage. Even No. 1 was given the same treatment.

The situation on Xia Kejun's side was not much better than that of Wu Tian's. Their weapons were of little use to that enemy, but fortunately, Xia Kejun's strength was good, and he just managed to rush over to Luo Huaicheng.

"A total of four were caught!" Luo Huaicheng counted the number of people. This result can be said to be quite satisfactory, even a little bit beyond their expectations.

Xia Kejun quickly took a breath and looked at the mess nearby. This place is still not short of their military base. If they continue to rush past, the road ahead will be even more dangerous.

"Let's go back to Huadao!"

"Are you not going to the base?" Luo Huaicheng was a little surprised, but looking at Xia Kejun's appearance, it seemed that it was not a casual decision.

"That place is convenient for us to defend, we can't go wrong there!"

This is the truth. Every time they stay here for a period of time, the greater the danger they bring. On land, the enemy may attack them at any time.

However, if there is no need to worry about this in Huadao, they can calmly concentrate on the defense, even if a seagull flies in the sky, it can be monitored.

"Yes, sir!" Luo Huaicheng hurriedly respected a reason and said that he accepted the order. Soon, the prisoners were sent back to Huadao by the same route.

Long Yun, who received the news, had already prepared an open space for them, but what made her a little worried was that Wu Tian was injured again.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect the other party to shoot halfway..." Xia Kejun looked at Long Yun with a little embarrassment. She took Wu Tian away. This matter should have happened. Xia Kejun will bear the responsibility.

"It's okay, it would be nice if I passed the news to you earlier." Long Yun also felt a little ashamed. If her speed was faster, maybe they could avoid those people.

After the two people comforted each other a few words, Xia Kejun hurriedly sent these enemies to the underground facility.

Originally, it was only designed to be used to detain No.1, but now when four people are locked in, it seems very crowded.

Luo Huaicheng didn't come up with a good plan after making arrangements there.

They didn't dare to lock them together directly. They had seen the power of these people before.

"What are you doing here, hurry up! If they wake up, they won't be able to deal with it!" Xia Kejun looked at the slow progress, very anxious. No one knows when those people will wake up.

Luo Huaicheng wiped the sweat off his head. He is a very powerful commander, but not a civil engineer, so he has no good way to do this.

"I don't know what supplies they have here. I am now asking the soldiers to hurry up and build several prisons!" The walls of these prisons alone are more than two meters, and they are steel and cement plus tens of centimeters thick. Layer by layer of steel plates.

This amount of work simply cannot be completed in a short while, Xia Kejun and the others are justified in their anxiety.

"What can I do?" Xia Kejun's tears were about to shed, and Long Yun, who had been watching by the side, walked over at this time.

"Well, why don't I help you."

Xia Kejun glanced at Long Yun gratefully, she really didn't think this girl could bring them anything.

"Thank you really, but what we need here is..."

It's just that before Xia Kejun finished speaking, Long Yun walked over and began to conduct command in a precise manner. And mobilized the materials from Huadao and transported them to this place urgently.

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