Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1001: Sudden attack

Xia Kejun quickly drew out his pistol and at the same time called for support in the walkie-talkie.

Wu Tian also curled up his body, turned his head and said to Number One: "You protect yourself! Don't go with them!"

The number one is very important to Wu Tian, ​​so he must not let it go so easily. Nor can he be taken away by these companions.

The people outside seemed to have noticed their identities in the car, so they suddenly violent. The man knocked down the driver with one punch and ran directly into the car.

Xia Kejun hurriedly jumped into the cab, he wanted to drive the car to escape from this place.

But before he started the car, the white man punched the glass of the cab. If Xia Kejun hadn't dodged fast, this fist would have hit his head.

"Be careful!"

Wu Tian exclaimed, because the other party saw that a hit was missed, and the second fist immediately followed me, but Xia Kejun had nowhere to hide at this time. At the moment of the moment, Wu Tian quickly grabbed her clothes .

Pulled towards him fiercely, and saved his life in this way.

No one thought that this enemy was so powerful. The door was covered with steel plates, and this steel plate was not much different from a piece of paper in front of his fist.

"Get out of the car!"

Xia Kejun hurriedly said that if they continue to stay in the car, they are seeking their own way of death. Fortunately, there are no people around, and basically no one pays attention to this place, otherwise it is likely to cause more damage.

Wu Tian and Xia Kejun quickly opened the door and got out of the car from the back seat.

Xia Kejun took out his pistol at the first time, guarding the side with a very professional posture.

"You go with number one!" At the same time, the security personnel on the car behind also rushed down and ran over to support.

Wu Tian also knew that it was useless to rush up now, so he quickly pulled Number One and prepared to escape in the other direction.

It may be that they felt their purpose, and the opponent directly bypassed the defense line formed by Xia Kejun and the others, and rushed directly to Wu Tian and the others.

But the guns in Xia Kejun's hands were not decorations, and every soldier was a brave warrior.

Although that enemy was very fast, it was unable to break through in a short time.

But the other party didn't seem to be in a hurry, just playing with Xia Kejun and the others.

Wu Tian hurriedly took No.1 and ran into the nearby alley, planning to hide in a hidden place nearby, and then call for support.

It's just that when Wu Tian just picked up the phone, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The tall figure blocked the sun. Wu Tian clearly felt that his eyes were dark.

He slowly raised his head and looked up, only to see this tall white male who was as strong as a mountain, standing in front of him with a grinning face.

The muscles on his body are as hard as granite, and the whole figure is like a sculpture. His every move is full of powerful force. It seems that as long as he pushes gently, he can see a wall.

Wu Tian didn't say anything, he subconsciously began to attack this person. But his fist hit this person, as if he was attacking a mountain, and the other person didn't move at all.

"How could this be…"

Wu Tian muttered. He felt that the opponent's speed should not be too fast, so an attack failed, and he immediately jumped back to avoid it.

However, before Wu Tian fell to the ground, he only felt a whistling wind behind his ears.

Looking back, another enemy was holding a stick in his forehand, and hit the back of his head.

Wu Tian hurriedly bent over and avoided this. All this happened so quickly. Between the lightning and flint, Wu Tian was attacked twice.

Fortunately, he had practiced Alien Boxing, otherwise, in such a situation, he really wouldn't be able to take advantage of it.

The cooperation between the other two people can be said to be seamless. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they would have died just now.

After avoiding the blow, Wu Tian quickly got up. He looked behind him for a moment, and found that the other party hadn't done anything to Number One, and he felt a little relieved.

He immediately placed his eyes on the two enemies in front of him. The breath of the opponent was very peaceful. The power that the two of them exploded just now seemed to be beyond the reach of humans.

The movements of the two men seemed to have stopped. Wu Tian was still surprised, but then he knew what was going on. When Wu Tian was attacked just now, No. 1 rushed to the enemy. .

You know, these two people were his companions before, but now he is actively willing to help his enemy Wu Tian.

Wu Tian saw that No.1 was firmly controlled by those people, and No.1's original speed had no ability to resist in front of them.

"Hurry up and let him go!" Wu Tian yelled, and suddenly he began to feel that his energy and blood was surging, and all kinds of alien fists he had practiced before began to appear in his mind.

He wasn't a sick child without the power to restrain the chicken. Seeing that No. 1 was so desperate, Wu Tian couldn't care so much anymore, and couldn't let his efforts for such a long time become nothing.

After Wu Tian roared, he jumped directly on the ground and rushed towards one of the enemies, trying to let him let go of Number One.

But the other party was not in a hurry. He kept grabbing No.1's neck with his hand, and waved his hand directly towards Wu Tian, ​​easily blocking his attack.

Wu Tian wanted to struggle again. Another companion of the other party hurried up and knocked Wu Tian to the ground with three blows. Although his alien fist was already very powerful, he could not perform in the face of such absolute force. What's the effect.

"You..." Wu Tian forcibly supported his body on the ground and wanted to stand up, but the attack just now made him feel painful.

With just a few moves, Wu Tian could feel the heart-piercing pain in his chest.

It may be a fracture. Wu Tianxin was suddenly cold. At this moment, he suffered such a serious injury. How would he save this number one later?

The thought of No. 1 desperately trying to save himself just now, Wu Tian suddenly began to be full of courage again, regardless of his pain, he stood up again.

The body was swaying, but it seemed weak, but he burst out a glance that people couldn't ignore.

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