Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1000: Transfer

Xia Kejun wasn't a fool either, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately ran out to practice his superiors.

Soon, this matter received great attention from the military. A large group of helicopters began to land on Huadao. Fortunately, Huadao is relatively remote and in the sea, so people are already thinking about planes landing in this place. No wonder.

Wu Tian's face was full of anxiety. He didn't know what to do with this matter. Would it be a good choice to let the military intervene?

But now, Wu Tian has nothing to do with these mysterious people.

With just such one or two, maybe he can still catch him.

However, judging from the current situation, the number of opponents is still unknown.

Look at a group of soldiers in military uniforms over there. They are busy and they have completely taken over this facility on the 3rd underground floor.

Wu Tian withdrew his security team. Of course, he couldn't let the army see the weapons in his hands at this time.

For the rest, Wu Tian just continued to communicate with Long Yun and the others, waiting for any results on their side.

After searching for a long time, they did not find any direct evidence. Now they have completely sealed off the residence of Boss Wu, looking for any clues that may exist.

In short, the most urgent task now is to quickly find these people and not let them cause more damage.

The military seemed to have made a decision very quickly. Xia Kejun quickly found Wu Tian and prepared to tell him the military's decision.

"We decided to transfer this person away. It is not very safe with you, and..." When Xia Kejun said this, he began to hesitate.

"What's wrong, and what?"

"That's the case. If the military wants to lead a snake out of the hole, we must take the initiative."

Xia Kejun said slowly, she didn't seem to plan to discuss this matter with Wu Tian, ​​but just told Wu Tian of their resolution.

Wu Tian thought for a while, this matter seemed to be not a bad thing to him, and the military's approach was completely understandable.

From their perspective, it is absolutely impossible to allow such a powerful enemy to appear on their own territory. So finding out and eliminating them is the most important thing in the first place.

"No problem! I have full authority to cooperate! But I have a request, you must treat Number One as a person! Although it is a bit special... but he is also a person!"

Wu Tian thought about it and explained the matter. Xia Kejun didn't expect Wu Tian to say such a thing. His expression was stunned, but he nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry about this, don't you know the style of our army?"

Saying that Xia Kejun turned around and left, and quickly drove two cars out of the underground facility.

Although it is said to be transferred, it cannot be done with fanfare, because it is equivalent to telling the enemy what we are doing.

The two cars drove in front of Wu Tian, ​​and Xia Kejun rolled down the window and waved to Wu Tian.

"Do you want to come up and we go together? After all, this is your person."

Wu Tian looked at Xia Kejun, then at number one on the back seat of the car, nodded and immediately opened the door and jumped up.

"Is this really possible? Don't you arrange someone else to protect the two cars? If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome."

The strength of the opponent was already deeply shocked to Wu Tian, ​​and he knew very well in his heart that just like them, for these genetically modified people, it is simply not a dish.

"Don't worry, everything is ready, we only owe Dongfeng, we can wait slowly now."

Xia Kejun seemed to have been prepared, her expression was a little subtle, as if she had already had some thoughts.

Wu Tian saw her like this, so he didn't say anything more. The car quickly left Huadao, and their target was a military base on the outskirts of city s.

This road has to go through most areas of s city, which can be said to be more dangerous.

But in Xia Kejun's words, it is hidden in the city, the more cautious you are, the easier it will be to be spotted by people on such remote paths.

On the contrary, in big cities, with so many vehicles, it is even more difficult for the other party to lock their positions.

Wu Tian also felt reasonable every day, and looked back at No.1's state, and it was still stable.

I had a lot of fun playing in the back seat alone. Anyway, this one-meter-eight guy, holding some simple children's toys in his hand, looks somewhat funny.

But behind this is a **** fact. This is a person who has been forced to undergo transformation, which is not necessarily a good thing.

At least, apart from Wu Tian, ​​no one has treated it as his own kind. Maybe he is still young and doesn't understand these things, but when he grows up, he will realize what a terrible barrier this is.

"Our convoy has more than two vehicles, and there are also several disguised convoys that have exactly the same configuration as ours and are driving on other road sections."

After Xia Kejun had been busy in the walkie-talkie for a long time, he smiled and said to Wu Tian. It seemed that he was very confident now.

Suddenly the car slammed the brakes, and the harsh screams of the brake discs pulled everyone's thoughts back.

"What's the matter?"

Wu Tian shouted nervously. He thought he had been attacked by the enemy, but after waiting for a while, he found that the surroundings were quiet.

"It seems that someone fell down in front of our car."

Xia Kejun was very calm and calm at this time, without changing his face and heartbeat.

She did not get out of the car but asked the driver to go down and take a look. She was in the car with Wu Tian. Only then did she discover that a person had fallen down in front of their car.

The driver helped him up in the past. The man was even a white man and nodded politely to the driver.

At this time, Wu Tian's cell phone rang, and he picked it up to see Long Yun.

"What's wrong, is there any result on your side?"

"Mr. Wu, I just checked the entry and exit information of our city s and found the news on No. 1, and we also intercepted such a picture."

Having said that, Long Yun sent Wu Tian a picture.

Wu Tian opened it and saw that several people appeared in the airport. One of them was No. 1.

And beside him, there were a few guys with white faces. Although their expressions looked very kind, Wu Tian and even these people absolutely couldn't look at their faces. It was meaningless.

"Why is this person so familiar..."

Wu Tian looked at this photo, always feeling that there was someone in it who seemed to have seen it here.

But he couldn't remember it again, so he handed this photo to Xia Kejun to see. After Xia Kejun glanced around, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of the car who was talking to the driver.

That person is a white man, and it corresponds to one of the faces in the photo!

Broken, they are going to hijack the car!

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