Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 999: The beginning of cooperation

Seeing Wu Tian's excitement, Xia Kejun didn't know what was wrong with him. He actually thought he hoped Wu Tian could find some clues.

I saw Wu Tianxing rushing to the underground, this place only built three floors before Wu Tian, ​​ready to be used as a warehouse.

Now that it has been completely transformed, the lowest level is now as tight as a prison, because the captured mysterious person is inside. Now Wu Tian and the others have given this person a name, called Number One.

This has a sense of scientific research, and it was also decided by Wu Tian himself.

After boarding the elevator to the underground, Wu Tian remembered at this time that he seemed to have forgotten something. After looking around, he realized that he didn't seem to stop Xia Kejun outside.

Wu Tian didn't report the matter here, and the military didn't know it, but now Xia Kejun was in the elevator, and it was impossible for Wu Tian to drive her off.

"What's wrong with you? It looks like you are very nervous!" Xia Kejun looked at Wu Tian and thought he was a little strange, his body seemed to be shaking slightly.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm just a little cold!" Wu Tian tried to hide his nervousness, but his voice began to tremble.

The more Xia Kejun looked at Wu Tian, ​​the more suspicious he felt, but there was no evidence, so he could only close one eye.

"Where are you going..."

Wu Tian swallowed, knowing that he can only let her know the truth here, and his eyes solemnly looked at Xia Kejun.

"In a while, you may see a very confidential thing, so I hope you are not surprised!"

Xia Kejun did not say this because of Wu Tian, ​​but was a little scared or surprised, completely indifferent.

"No need, I'm a soldier!"

When Wu Tian heard her say this, he didn't say anything anymore. After coming down from the elevator, he came directly to a place that was extremely guarded.

There are almost five steps, one post and one post. In a short corridor, dozens of security team members are arranged.

They all have weapons in their hands, and they are not non-lethal weapons, but genuine guns.

When Xia Kejun saw this scene, he gave Wu Tian a fierce look.

"You are only a company, and you cannot hold weapons. You are breaking the law!"

Wu Tian seemed to know that she would say that, and he smiled bitterly, "After you understand the situation, you will know why I did this."

Xia Kejun didn't know what Wu Tian was talking about, but she still started to get a little nervous. God knows if this guy has caused some trouble again.

"Open, I want to go in." Wu Tian said to the security team guarding the gate. The gate in front of him is very heavy and doesn't seem to be used to detain anyone. It's fine to turn off a blue whale.

When she really wanted to go in, Xia Kejun began to hold her breath. This atmosphere made her feel a little heavy involuntarily, but she was still relatively calm.

Such a small scene is really nothing to Xia Kejun.

With the heavy door closed behind him, Xia Kejun also saw a structure inside. Unlike what she had imagined, this prison was not a prison, but more like a bird cage.

On the outer layer is a huge metal cage made of metal, but inside is a bed, cabinet, TV, etc. There are a lot of facilities.

"this is?"

Xia Kejun didn't see the prisoners inside, and didn't know who this place was prepared for.

"Number One, are you there?" Wu Tian shouted into the inside. At this moment, a young guy who looked a little timid, stood up from inside.

"HI..." One is still not very proficient in Huaxia, but his Eagle language is still good.

"Foreigner?" Xia Kejun was even more confused now, completely wondering where Wu Tian had caused it.

"Yes, no, he is not an ordinary person." Wu Tian smiled at this number one and beckoned to him. When they asked before, they learned that this young man was actually only twelve years old.

But his body was already in his twenties. Wu Tian immediately realized that he could better communicate with this number one, so he completely stopped the harmful research and started to give He brought these things for life and entertainment, and tried to make friends with No.1.

"Come on, show this sister your ability!" After Xia Kejun said these words, although No.1 was a little reluctant, she still came to Xia Kejun like a teleport, and then took her. hat.

Xia Kejun was shocked by such a hand. Although his expression was basically unchanged, the expression in his eyes betrayed her mood.

"I see, our number one is a very fast person. Our preliminary judgment is that he is a genetically modified human." Wu Tian said with a sad commentary on the side. To be honest, he Now for this number one, more people feel that he is pitiful, because he actually doesn't know anything, but others have decided his life for him.

He is not a resource for the bad guys.

"I will report this matter to the military department." Xia Kejun was shocked for a while, and immediately took out his mobile phone to record the place.

"I know, the reason why I didn't inform you of this matter was because I was worried that you would make some radical actions. But now, there should be some people out there who are also his companions. I think it's me alone. It won't work."

Wu Tian didn't hide it at this time, and he didn't come to this one to play this time.

"Do you know these people?" Wu Tian showed the video he got to Number One.

"This... my companion..." Number One gestured laboriously, but getting the news was a great improvement for Wu Tian.

"Things are getting serious, and I need your help this time!" Wu Tian looked at Xia Kejun solemnly, and suddenly he felt that Xia Kejun's coming was really the right thing.

It is definitely not that simple to catch the other genetically modified people this time, so it is absolutely impossible to rely on Wu Tian's own power alone.

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