Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 998: Murder again

Speaking of it, since childhood, Wu Tian's most annoying sentence is that he takes the consequences.

Because he always felt that those who said such things were using his rights to oppress other people.

Now Wu Tian felt the same way, but he couldn't say anything. Xia Kejun was behind the entire military.

What can Wu Tian do before the military? However, what the other party did was actually right. It was Wu Tian that shouldn't give this thing out casually.

According to their previous agreement, the ways and uses of each small piece of metal have clear indicators and plans, and they all need to be approved by Xia Kejun and his military.

If Wu Tian wants such a piece, no matter what his purpose is, he should logically apply for it.

Only in this way can it be used, but Wu Tian didn't do it. He broke the rules first, so he couldn't blame others for using the rules to punish him.

"I'm sending someone to chase it right now!" Wu Tian said quickly, swallowing fiercely, and now he can only put all his expectations on Long Yun.

On Long Yun's side, she was already taking the helicopter with the security team to the destination.

At this time, they don't care about any messy things like the majesty. The most important thing is to get the metal back quickly.

"They have a live broadcast, you can watch it with me!"

Wu Tian released goodwill to Xia Kejun one after another, hoping that she could temporarily stabilize her emotions.

Seeing that Wu Tian was like this, Xia Kejun stopped saying anything, but nervously looked at the big screen, because it was the recorder carried by their security personnel.

The group of them seemed to have arrived at Boss Wu's house at this time and was searching inside.

But it stands to reason that Boss Wu should be at home at this time, but none of them saw the existence of this person.

"It's weird..." Wu Tian murmured from the side, he had some bad feelings.

"Why haven't found it yet."

Xia Kejun began to feel a little anxious, because half an hour had passed since their actions, and all the security team members were rummaging through boxes and cabinets, but they could not find anything.

"It shouldn't... I'll rush them!"

Wu Tian hurriedly called Long Yun, but the reply was that they were still making slow progress.

It was at this moment that a security team suddenly ran over from a distance, and said to Long Yun out of breath: "Secretary Long, we found something wrong over there."

As soon as this sentence came out, not only including Long Yun at the scene, but also watching Wu Tian and the others in real time here, they all became very nervous.

"What's the situation, take me there!"

A group of people rushed to the abnormal scene described by the security team and found that it was a storage room that had not been opened for a long time.

"There seems to be some **** smell in it, my nose is better, I think there should be something inside..."

After the following words, the security team had not finished speaking, everyone began to become nervous.

Wu Tian looked at Xia Kejun and found that her eyebrows were frowning, knowing that the development of the latter might cause a lot of trouble.

"Open it now!"

Wu Tian gave them the instructions, and a few people opened the door easily, but they didn't expect everyone to look at it, and they were stunned.

Because in this storage room, there is a corpse directly opposite the door, with blood flowing all over the floor.

Long Yun went up and took a look, and found that the dead man was exactly the target she was looking for, Boss Wu.

She went up to check his pulse. Boss Wu had already died very thoroughly, but his body was still warm.

The time before and after the death should be only an hour, which means that before the arrival of the security team, Boss Wu had just been killed.

"Let's see if that Uncle Kim is still there!"

Wu Tian hurriedly told him at this time, although Boss Wu's death made him feel very surprised, but more importantly, the metal should not fall into the hands of other people.

The sudden death of Boss Wu now clearly illustrates that there are still people staring at this thing.

It's just that there is no way to know who ordered it here.

"What the **** is going on... you better explain it to me tomorrow!"

Xia Kejun felt that he didn't need to watch those videos anymore at this time, but instead set his sights on Wu Tian.

"This... I have already said it, it's really not intentional."

Wu Tian also felt wronged, and he never thought that boss Wu would be killed. Is it true that at the very beginning there were people who had already focused on the behavior of not owing them?

Xia Kejun knew that it was meaningless to blame him blindly, and turned to his guards and said, "You go back quickly and take this news back! I will stay here to see if I can find it."

The two soldiers behind him nodded and immediately turned and walked away, and the rest was Xia Kejun and Wu Tian.

"I think about it, no one has been in contact with us these days... How do they know these things, you know I made this gift but it's top secret..."

Few people within the Wu Group Company knew about the existence of this metal.

"There are not so many, but I must quickly investigate this matter for me! If there is a big trouble, we can't eat it."

With Xia Kejun's reminder, Wu Tian no longer had that unclear attitude. He also knew that the most important thing he should do now is to investigate quickly.

Long Yun and the others immediately launched an investigation nearby, while Wu Tian was investigating a piece of surveillance video nearby to see if they could find any clues.

Because the small box containing the piece of metal is no longer found, which means that the other party must have taken this thing away.

So what exactly did it do, Wu Tian himself was a bit uncomfortable.

He didn't even have a clue, but when he thought of the disappearance of the corpse before, Wu Tian immediately had an idea as to whether the two things were connected.

Thinking of this, he quickly turned on the satellite video and began to search some of the previous records.

Sure enough, near Boss Wu's house, there really appeared a figure almost similar to the mysterious person. From the video, the speed of the other party was obviously not below the mysterious person.

"I might know it." Wu Tian immediately noticed something and quickly stood up.

Xia Kejun looked at him like this, and followed him closely, wanting to see what Wu Tian knew.

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