Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 997: Current world

Several people felt very surprised that Boss Wu would do such a thing. They never thought that this guy who thought it was very wicked and only had money in his eyes would also do such a thing.

Nangongying suddenly didn't know what to do, and he had never seen such a scene.

"This... we can't guarantee..."

Boss Wu suddenly burst into tears, tears streaming down.

"Please, please, really please!"

Nangongying and the others glanced at each other, and finally they could only nod their heads before agreeing to the matter.

"Well, I promise you that in five years, this company will definitely stay here."

No matter how long-term it is, Nangong Film can't guarantee it, but Wu Nian is nothing to the Wu Group.

"Great! Thank you! Thank you."

After getting such a reply, Boss Wu felt relaxed in his heart, so he wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Niu Tengyun looked at Boss Wu's expression also began to become soothing, the two even looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Boss Wu got the money, so he completely separated himself from the company.

After obtaining the legal representative of the company and other documents, Nangong Ying and the others are also excitedly preparing to return to the company.

What Boss Wu didn't notice was that when he left, one of the women lightly spilled something on him.

Of course, these small movements are very slight, and no one will notice if you don't pay attention.

"This matter is finally over. Fighting with us is really tender. If I say anything, I shouldn't give him the antidote."

Nangongying was still chattering in the car going back.

"Okay, Mr. Wu also has his considerations. Since he doesn't look like a complete bad guy in the end, then we don't have to do this thing so absolutely."

Su Cancan slowly uttered his voice. He was among these people just now, and his task this time was to detoxify him from the poison.

The reason why Boss Wu felt itching was because he had been poisoned by Su Wenxin and the others. The poison of the Five Poison Education could not be detected by the hospital, so naturally they would not have the antidote.

And this kind of poison specially used for torture, used on this boss Wu, really made him feel better.

Even in the past few days, he has lost several catties, and the effect of losing weight can be said to be exceptionally powerful.

"But I didn't see him when he became ill. Was it really terrible?"

Nangongying was very curious about this, he regretted such a thing now, it was too early to leave.

Su Cancan glanced at Nangong Ying coldly and hummed softly from his nose

"If you want to try, I can get you some."

"No way...If I try it myself, I don't want it."

Nangongying saw the scratched clothes on Boss Wu, and she was able to do this, which already represented how powerful this medicine was.

He had lingering fears when he saw it.

Going back and reporting the matter to Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian can be said to have finally laughed.

"Very well, you did a good job of this."

Wu Tian patted Nangong Ying on the shoulder and praised them loudly.

Su Cancan gave Wu Tian a white look, and said angrily: "Okay, what you did is not a good thing! Heaven has reincarnation, I think you will suffer sooner or later!"

"Hey, you don't know this, I am a lucky person with my own natural form, and I have never been avenged by God. I want to know what is meant by retribution!"

After Wu Tian listened to it, he didn't take it seriously and was proud of it.

Just as soon as the voice fell, Long Yun hurried over here.

"Mr. Wu, the big event is not good..."

The smile on Wu Tian's face disappeared, and Su Cancan couldn't help but snickered.

"What's bad...Don't talk nonsense..."

"It's Xia Kejun, she brought people here."

Hearing this name, Wu Tian thought about it in his mind, and then suddenly recalled the heroic woman in military uniform.

It's her, but what is she doing?

Just thinking about it, Wu Tian froze there, because he remembered that he seemed to have not returned the mined metal.

It should still be in Boss Wu's hands now.

"Broken broken..."

Wu Tian frowned immediately, knowing that he had caused a disaster, but he hadn't told anyone about this, so Xia Kejun knew how.

"What? Long Yun, send someone to investigate the whereabouts of the metal! See if it's in the hands of Boss Wu!"

Wu Tian hurriedly ordered, and at the same time he was ready to receive this Xia Kejun.

When Xia Kejun came this time, his expression was very serious, and he looked angry.

Seeing Wu Tian, ​​he walked over immediately.

"Oh, I didn't even know you were here, so I didn't say anything in advance..."

There was a smile on Wu Tian's face, although he was guilty in his heart, but on the surface he was still acting quite alike.

"Okay, Boss Wu, you don't need to say such things in front of me."

Xia Kejun is not a fool either, how could Wu Tian's little tricks fool her.

She stretched out her hand and took out a document, grabbed it in front of her, staring at Wu Tian with piercing eyes, looking at him a little hairy.

"Explain to me why the above amount doesn't match."

Wu Tian suddenly broke down in a cold sweat, what he was really afraid of, he really looked like what Su Cancan said, he was condemned by the sky.

"This...actually that's the same thing. We will inevitably drop a little bit of star during transportation..."

Wu Tian didn't know how he should bring this matter back to Yuan, so he had to talk nonsense.

"Really? But my statistics, when it is delivered to your company, and when we leave the mine, the weighing is exactly the same, which means that if it is to be lost, it can only be lost in your company. ."

Xia Kejun is not a fool, and she is not that easy to deceive. This time she came to show that she wanted to find out what happened.

Wu Tian knew that he could not escape the catastrophe, so he simply couldn't tell what had happened.

Including how I planned it, and who it was given to, I am now hurriedly recovering it.

Taoist Xia Kejun did not express any opinions on Wu Tian's doing this, but the expression on his face was still stern and serious.

"If you chase this thing back and make up for our loss, then this thing will be fine, if it doesn't work, you will be at your own risk!"

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