Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 996: Sell ​​company

Although the boss surnamed Wu was full of expectations, he even found Wu Tian's company.

But Wu Tian was also very interesting, and he drove this guy out.

"Now that I don't need it anymore, you should go a little further." Wu Tian just said this and drove this guy away.

Now that he heard this statement, Boss Wu didn't know what to do with him anymore. On the way back when he drove, he was in a trance.

When he arrived at the door of the company, looking at the door, it seemed that a few people were standing there, holding a briefcase and pointing inside.

"You are?" Boss Wu got out of the car, looking at them and wondering what they were going to do.

"Are you an employee here? We heard that this place is going to be sold, so we wanted to come and have a look, but it seems that the boss is not there."

The leading man in a suit spoke very politely, and even handed a cigarette to Boss Wu.

Boss Wu is a little confused, but he has never said these things before, so why do these people say they are here to buy the company? It really makes people a little confused.

"I don't know, you should go back." What a joke, boss Wu hasn't planned to sell his company yet.

"Sir, please stay. This is our business card. If your boss has this idea, please let him contact us."

With that said, the man in the suit handed over a business card with XX Investment Company written on it.

Boss Wu originally didn't want it, but he took it down after a ghost. Seeing these people go, this boss Wu still looked at their back, feeling very strange.

"What kind of person is this, it's inexplicable." As soon as he finished speaking, Boss Wu hadn't even walked to the door of the company. Suddenly his itch began to break out, and he couldn't stand still, lying on the ground like a bug. The same, constantly twisting.

Many people in the past saw his sudden movements, and no one knew what was going on, and they didn't dare to come over. They didn't dare to speak when they looked at this side and pointed.

Only Boss Wu himself was at the door of his company, screaming helplessly, but he didn't say a good way. It was not the first time he had encountered this kind of thing.

Boss Wu also summed up some experience somewhat. He insisted on the itching all over his body, trying hard to climb to the side, turning on the faucet and using cold water to stimulate himself.

But seeing the faucet by his side, he couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't even continue to think calmly in his mind.

At this time, the talents in the company saw their boss collapsed at the door of the company and hurried out to move him back.

After some tossing, after half an hour, Boss Wu has eased down, but the clothes on his body are already ripped and ripped, and his clothes are already soaked in sweat.

"Boss, are you okay?"

A clerk came over to look at his boss. He was lying on a sofa, already unable to move.

Now that there is no business in the company and even wages are no longer available, many employees have resigned.

It was originally a relatively prosperous company, but only a few people remained at this time.

Of course, Niu Tengyun still did not leave this company at this time.

Boss Wu looked at the clerk who was talking to him, his weak eyes closed, and he tremblingly took out the business card from his body.

In the past, he thought he would never be able to do this. After all, he put a lot of effort into this company, but now, compared with the heart-piercing itching, boss Wu just wants I can get such a moment of peace.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. In the past, I was a bit sorry for you." Boss Wu took out his cell phone, smiled at his employee, and then went to the side to call.

Soon, those in suits drove to this company in a hurry.

Seeing Boss Wu's now listless and weak appearance, several people were shocked, not knowing what happened.

But they still exchanged glances with each other and talked about the acquisition quietly.

"That's it. We are an investment company. Our main business is to acquire some companies that are about to fail, then restructure them, and then sell them. You should know this."

The headed person is actually Nangong Ying. This guy has now been arrested by Wu Tian. The senior executives of their original Nanhe Securities have been squeezed out.

"I know, but my company is very good! It's not about to go bankrupt!" Boss Wu seems to be very dissatisfied with this, but now he has no reason to say such a thing.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, I know what you mean, but with us, lowering prices is affirmative. You must be mentally prepared for this."

Nangongying smiled. He didn't know how many times he had done this kind of thing. He had been ridiculous for a long time, and there was nothing to be surprised.

"I see, you can set a price. I want to sell... to sell the company..." Boss Wu seemed to be in a trance. At this time, he felt that the next itching was about to hit. The whole body is beginning to be a little awful.

Only the few remaining employees not far away heard this at this time, and their expressions were also very complicated.

"I thought the company would work harder, oh, but after it's sold, will this place still be there?"

"Yes, I don't think it matters who is the boss. The key is that if the company is still there, my house is close to this place, and I can pick up and drop off children."

Niu Tengyun said nothing, but silently looked at this boss Wu.

"The price? From our point of view, we can only pay 100 million yuan now." The price of Nangong Shadow is very low. To be honest, this place is not small at all.

"One hundred million..." Boss Wu didn't think the price was low. To be honest, now such a company with no people, the remaining value is these machines and space.

Boss Wu looked at his few remaining employees at this time, and suddenly his eyes fell on Niu Tengyun.

"Yes, but I have a request, this company, please keep it!"

Boss Wu stood up suddenly, then knelt down with a plop, shocking everyone present, not knowing what he was doing.

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