Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 995: retribution

The boss surnamed Wu drank a lot of wine, and he didn't know when he became drunk.

It's just that when he woke up, he was lying next to the table and didn't know how long had passed.

Coming out of the bar, a breeze blew by, and the boss surnamed Wu felt that he seemed to be itchy, so he scratched.

But I didn't expect that this tickling didn't matter, the whole body started to itch like ants everywhere.

"It's weird... Am I not taking a shower? Or is it allergic?"

The boss surnamed Wu felt very puzzled, why all of his body suddenly itchy at the same time.

He hurriedly scratched here and there, but such an approach was only a drop in the bucket.

Just when he was about to collapse, the itching on his skin suddenly subsided, and at the last moment, the Wu boss could calm down.

He thought about it to decide whether he should go home early, maybe he would be fine after taking a bath.

I thought I was allergic, but when the boss went home to take a bath, he found that there was no redness or swelling on his skin, so he just wanted to forget about it.

As a result, the next few days can be said to have made him fall into hell.

Every day, I don’t know when it suddenly starts to itch, and there is no good place on my body.

No matter how you scratch it, use ice cubes, or apply hot water, the boss surnamed Wu has tried almost anything he can do, but they are of no use at all.

Realizing that something was wrong, the boss surnamed Wu hurried to the hospital, but the doctor couldn't say anything.

Because his skin looks doesn't seem to have any skin disease, and many doctors even suggested that he go to the psychiatric department, thinking that the boss surnamed Wu is suffering from psychosis and has that kind of fantasy.

Knowing that going to the hospital has no effect, the boss surnamed Wu really doesn't know what he should do.

At this time, someone told him that in a small clinic in S city, a doctor might be able to treat such a disease.

At this time, the boss surnamed Wu can be said to be in a hurry to go to the doctor, and the dead horse will be treated as a living horse doctor. Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, he decided to go and see it.

After arriving at the place, it was Long Zaian who received the boss surnamed Wu. Regarding his situation, he gave him a medicine without saying anything.

"Your disease can be cured with only one medicine, which is the scales on the colorful butterfly."

Long Zai'an said thoughtfully, but at any rate he gave him a treatment plan.

"Doctor, where do I have to get this medicine?"

"I don't know about that. It is said that this medicine is very expensive, and there are not many people who sell it..."

"But it doesn't matter! What I have now is money!"

The boss surnamed Wu doesn't care about anything now. He already vaguely feels that his next round of harassment is coming soon. That feeling really makes him scratch his heart, and sometimes even wants to die.

So if he could spend money to solve the problem, he would of course be happy.

"Well, I can ask you about this medicine, but you have to be mentally prepared. I am afraid that the price will not be less."

Long Zai'an nodded when he saw him like this. In fact, this thing was a game set by Wu Tian.

Although it is a bit insidious, Wu Tian feels that this is also the way to treat his body.

Had it not been for this boss surnamed Wu, he would not use such methods to deal with him at first.

Soon, Long Zaian bought a packet of medicine for the boss surnamed Wu. Just such a small packet of medicine can take two days, but the price has exceeded one million.

Although it was a bit painful, the boss surnamed Wu paid the money, and it turned out to be very useful. He did not experience itching for two consecutive days.

You are the wireless Lao Bai who came here one after another to buy, but the price is also rising all the way.

"It's already five million now...Doctor, how could it be so expensive!"

Although the boss surnamed Wu had so much money of 100 million, if the money only went out and couldn't get in, even he couldn't support it.

"I can't do anything about this. The less the raw materials, the more expensive the price. I only get the goods from others. If you feel unreliable, you can actually take the initiative to find others."

It doesn't matter if Long Zai'an is, anyway, he is willing to treat the disease, but he is not willing to treat it. After all, the person who is itching is not Long Zai'an.

Although the boss surnamed Wu was reluctant, he still gave the money.

In the past week, he basically spent his 100 million dollars.

It cost countless to buy medicines. The boss, surnamed Wu, was worried that the money for the antidote would continue to rise, so he simply bought a lot at the price of five million packs and hoarded them.

However, spending money like this is not enough. After the 100 million yuan is spent, I think the boss will have to focus his attention on his company.

He is the boss of the company and began to embezzle some of the company's working capital.

One come and two, but in two weeks, the boss surnamed Wu almost spent all his savings.

However, the disease that has tortured him for a long time is still not good, and it can only be maintained by one packet of medicine and two packets of medicine a day.

And this itch has even become more severe, and once it occurs, it will make people feel painful.

To make matters worse, some of the upstream and downstream suppliers and customers of the company all expressed their own protests.

Because Wu's boss misappropriated funds, causing problems in their delivery, these people chose to stop cooperating with him.

For a while, the entire company stalled, and Wu's boss didn't know what to do.

Stopping work means that he can't make money. If he doesn't make money, it means he can't buy medicine. This is an endless loop.

The boss of the Wu family had reached a desperate moment at this time. He remembered the incident that Wu Tian had come to buy Niu Tengyun back then, and couldn't help but regret it secretly and beat his chest.

If I had collected the money and released it, I might not have suffered this retribution.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he might still have another chance. If Wu Tian still wants this Niu Tengyun, he might be willing to pay another sum of money to buy him.

Don't know where the courage came from, Wu's boss hurriedly contacted Wu Tian and expressed his thoughts.

His expectant Wu Tian would agree to his request, but he didn't expect Wu Tian to directly hang up the call of Wu's boss.

What a joke, when I was playing around with Wu Tian, ​​at this time I thought that I had no money, and turned my head to look for Wu Tian. Isn't this playing him?

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