Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1009: Sister Xing's attention

When they do this, they need to keep it confidential and must not be discovered by outsiders.

Knowing one more person will expose their identities a little more dangerous.

If it is really like Wu Tian and the others guessed, this Guangyao company has something to do with the biochemical people. If Wu Tian and the others reveal their identity, they will be waiting for them to die.

Qinglong was the quickest to respond. He was also the person closest to the door. Without a word, he ran to the back of the door in three steps and two steps, and with his body to withstand the door.


"It's me, Sister Xing, I'll take a look at your work."

Sister Xing's voice came from inside, but Qinglong still did not let her go, but continued to obstruct her. He glanced back, Wu Tian and Long Yun were packing things up at this time.

When the two of them were about to clean up, Qinglong opened the door and let this sister Xing come up.

Sister Xing felt a little curious just now, what exactly these people are going to do again, how can they not let people come over to see them well.

"Well, I don't mind if you do something here, but I have to make it clear that it won't affect my business." Sister Xing said, her eyes gurgling on the roof. Obviously, they wanted to find Wu Tian what they wanted to hide.

But when she came up, Wu Tian and the others had already put away all the things that were easy to be seen.

"Sister Xing, don't you worry about that? We are absolutely honest here. You should believe us on this point."

Wu Tian winked at Qinglong and motioned him to walk away, for fear that this guy could not help his emotions and what happened to this sister Xing.

Their current status still needs sister Xing's gang leader to be able to maintain.

As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. At this time, Wu Tian prefers to take a low posture by himself, rather than making troubles casually.

"Well, I still believe in what you say, but fancy way of saying that, if you really cause me any trouble, I will tell you, I will not wipe your ass..."

When Sister Xing said this, her eyes were not meant to be joking, but Wu Tian and the others are not fools, and they will not be intimidated by her short words.

Seeing Sister Xing leave, Qinglong also deliberately guarded the stairwell for a while, making sure that no one came up, so he was relieved.

"This guy, shock me!" Wu Tian rubbed his chest. Just now, he thought their actions had been exposed.

For the rest of the time, they began to conduct long surveillance operations on the roof, which is actually quite boring. Just staring at a picture and then doing nothing, ordinary people can't hold on for long.

But Wu Tian and the others persisted for a long time, for several hours.

It's just that this Guangyao company basically doesn't have any special personnel exchanges. It looks like a construction company.

Even some people who are able to come out did not find out.

Until the evening, Wu Tian rubbed his eyes and decided to stand up and go down from this place.

"Let’s go, let’s go back, it’s no good to stay in this place." Sister Xing’s voice already rang from downstairs. At this time, the other employees also took the mop in their hands and started to download. floor.

Wu Tian and the others joined the team and went downstairs together leisurely.

When I got downstairs, Sister Xing didn't say anything, and gave everyone a salary, which seemed to be dozens of eagle yuan...

Wu Tian didn't know the local price very clearly, but he knew the exchange rate quite clearly. The other party obviously didn't give them a salary that was suitable for their job.

"Let’s go to this place today. You should go back first. The bus is already waiting at that place." Sister Xing yelled carelessly, and then greeted everyone to get on the bus, even Wu Tian and the others were driven away. Go up.

Only this time, Sister Xing did not stay with them, but stayed under the car. Wu Tian and the others did not take this matter to heart. Their biggest idea now is to go back to the hotel and have a good rest.

By the way, see if there is anything going on in that Guangyao company.

In fact, this time they only installed cameras on one building. In fact, according to the predetermined plan, Wu Tian and the others hope to make such arrangements in at least two or three buildings.

However, judging from the current situation, whether it can be done in the future is not so sure at present.

On the way back, Long Yun's tablet suddenly heard the sound of an alarm.

She turned on her tablet strangely, only to see a slightly obese figure appearing on the rooftop.

This person knew who it was at a glance, and apart from Sister Xing, there would be no other people.

"Mr. Wu..." Long Yun quickly showed Wu Tian this picture, she didn't know what to say.

A few of them didn’t regard this sister Xing as the same thing, but they weren’t idle at all. I’m afraid they’ve been staring at the rooftop where Wu Tian and the others are, and they’ve already figured out where they are What the hell.

Although this matter has nothing to do with Sister Xing, the actions of this guy obviously pose a very big threat to Wu Tian and the others.

As soon as Qinglong saw it, he immediately squeezed his fist and said viciously, "Mr. Wu, leave this woman to me. I promise no one will be able to find her body!"

Qinglong was not joking at this, but Wu Tian could only give him a blank look, and had nothing to say.

"Look at what she is going to do first. If it doesn't affect us, then it's better for us not to act rashly for the time being." Wu Tian thinks it's better for them not to have trouble at the moment.

At this time, Sister Xing in the screen seemed to have found nothing strange on the rooftop. Although she was confused, she turned and left. Long Yun and the others were relieved at this time.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is such a ghost, no wonder it is so powerful." Wu Tian also began to admire a little, this sister Xing is really not without two brushes.

And no matter what they do in the future, I am afraid they will have to avoid this sister Xing.

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