Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1010: Underground anomaly

If this guy finds out, he will definitely try to get a lot of moths out for himself.

Therefore, for such a difficult role, Wu Tian's countermeasures are also very simple, avoiding it.

On this day, Wu Tian basically had no useful discoveries.

Until the next day, they spent another boring day on the rooftop. Did not find anything about Guangyao Company.

It's just that a few people walked in and out of Guangyao Company, and there was nothing else.

However, when Wu Tian and the others were monitoring, Wu Tian also deliberately asked Richard, saying that the Guangyao company had conducted a Doppelganger special currency transaction in the past two days.

And when converted into money, it is said that the amount has exceeded one billion.

It is impossible for such a huge scale to be so calm.

Sometimes, Wu Tian even began to wonder if he was looking for the wrong place.

Even for several days, nothing useful was found in this place.

And sister Xing, who was very interested in them before, did not reappear at this time, and it must be said that it was a good situation.

The progress of the matter fell into a stagnant loading at this time, and the three of them also began to feel a little impatient.

"I'll go downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes..." Qinglong said hello, preparing to go downstairs. Wu Tian beckoned and motioned Qinglong to be free.

Qinglong walked down the stairs very happily, but he didn't notice that near a shadow in the stairwell, a pair of eyes were staring at his departure.

As soon as he left, the slightly fat figure hurried upstairs, sneaking to the top floor like a thief.

Since Wu Tian and Long Yun had long been used to someone watching over there, they didn't pay attention to this stairwell.

Still standing by the wall and continuing to observe Guangyao Company, at this time, Sister Xing was constantly approaching them.

She didn't know what Wu Tian and the others were doing, but it was obvious what their purpose was.

Upon closer inspection, Sister Xing discovered that Wu Tian and the others seemed to be looking at which company, and seemed to be monitoring them.

The well-informed sister Xing immediately knew what Wu Tian and the others were doing. They must be commercial spies!

She smiled slightly, and walked down from the rooftop quietly, without attracting Wu Tian and the others' attention.

On the other side, Qinglong came downstairs, looked left and right, and found no shop selling cigarettes. Moreover, the streets were full of eagle language, and Qinglong couldn't understand it, and for a while, he started to get blind.

But he wouldn't just admit it. Qinglong began to wander down the street, preparing to visit one by one, and it was always available.

It didn't go far, even without even noticing him, Qinglong turned out to be near Guangyao Company.

There was a vending machine at the root of the wall here, and he quickly ran all the way, stuffing money in to buy cigarettes.

But at this time, Qinglong suddenly felt that something was wrong under his feet, and there was a slight vibration like an earthquake.

If Qinglong was not keen, I am afraid that ordinary people would not notice this problem at all.

He looked at the neighborhood a little strangely, and found that the surrounding buildings seemed to be completely unmoved, that is to say, only the ground under his feet was wrong.

Qinglong didn't delay much in this place. He also saw that he was near Guangyao Company, so he left immediately after buying the cigarette.

Back on the rooftop, Qinglong quickly told his discovery.

"Vibration?" Long Yun was puzzled, what does this mean?

Qinglong nodded, his feeling couldn't be wrong, the vibration was like someone beating the wall constantly.

"Wrong, this vibration is very slight. If you don't pay attention, you will never feel it."

Wu Tian put his eyes on Guangyao Company again, looking strangely.

At this time, a food truck drove past, and someone came out of the company to unload the goods.

The materials moved this time are almost enough for their company's people to eat for a year.

This strange phenomenon immediately aroused Wu Tian's curiosity, because it was obviously something wrong.

"Look, is there something wrong with what they have eaten? There are too many, and these foods are not easy to preserve. If they are not eaten for a long time, they will spoil."

Suddenly, Wu Tian felt that they should have discovered some important information, but they didn't understand this yet.

"If this is related to the thing Qinglong said... Does it mean that they are not just the people we saw?" Long Yun felt that she was a little bit more open.

She turned the infrared camera in one direction and pointed it at Guangyao Company. At this time, she clearly watched the people carrying food not moving these things upstairs to the company, but underground.

The scope of detection is limited, so they can only see those people disappear one by one on the horizon.

The three of them looked at this picture, and they suddenly felt like pelican initiation.

"Oh, if we were to observe closely, we might have known that they still have underground facilities!"

Wu Tian was very helpless, and said with a wry smile, no one thought that such an oolong would have been created. From beginning to end, they are only one step away from the truth.

"Mr. Wu, it's useless for us to continue to observe here. Let's move the position." When Long Yun said this, she was already packing their things.

The three of them quickly packed up and were about to go downstairs, but at this moment, Sister Xing suddenly rushed over and looked at a few of them, holding her arms to block the road.

"Several people, what are you going to do?"

Wu Tian's expression frowned calmly, but it soon eased.

"Oh, isn't this Sister Xing? Our work on the top is almost finished. Don't you want to go downstairs and take a break."

Sister Xing was smiling and not smiling, she looked like a big villain.

"Really, haha, that's fine, you can go, but..."

Hearing that Sister Xing seemed to have something in the words, Wu Tian looked back at her again.

"But what?"

"What you do on the rooftop, don't you really think that no one will know? I never thought that you actually used me!"

Sister Xing suddenly narrowed her eyes and began a showdown in front of them.

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