Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1011: Threat

Speaking of this, Wu Tian and the others knew what this sister Xing was planning.

To put it bluntly, I just wanted to take this opportunity to cheat Wu Tian and the others. The threat from the other party is already obvious, and basically there is no need to say more.

Before Wu Tian could speak, Qinglong had already stood in front of him. He started to move his fists and feet. He just moved a little, and made a click, which made people feel scared. Don't talk about his size.

"What are you doing? I'm telling you, my sister Xing has been in this scene for so many years, she's so stunned to you, she doesn't know how much she has seen, you think you can be fine if you beat me up?" Sister Xing was not only not afraid at all, but sneered.

Wu Tian showed his smile at this time, and was not angry because of this, he walked over and pulled Qinglong back.

"Sister Xing, I think there must be a misunderstanding between this and the inside. Let's not worry, we can discuss everything."

Anyway, stabilize this guy first, and then see what she intends to do later.

"You kid knows me, Sister Xing, I don’t want to embarrass you. No matter which company you are a spy, I don’t really care much about it, but you borrow my identity to do this kind of thing. The risk is me. A person is carrying it!"

Sister Xing was really bullying the hard and afraid of the weak. Seeing Wu Tian said something nice, her attitude began to ease.

"Then what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Let me carry this risk. Do you have to say that if my voice is messed up because of what you did, you can pat your **** and go, but this dumb can't let me eat! "

Sister Xing said slowly, her eyes constantly sweeping back and forth on Wu Tian's body.

Hearing what he said, Wu Tian immediately understood what this guy was going to do, and she took out another bank card from the clothes without hesitation.

"This bank card has five million in it. I wonder if it can be used as our security deposit and put it with you?"

Wu Tian handed over the bank card with a smile on his face. Sister Xing, who was a little aggressive just now, changed his face directly.

The smile on his face made people unable to see that he was still persecuting Wu Tian and the others.

"It would be fine if you said that earlier... But this little money is not enough... You must know that in Eagle Country, the consumption level is very high."

Not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, Wu Tian saw this woman continue to open her mouth to ask for money, the first sentence that came up in his mind was this.

However, in order to hide their identities and keep things quiet, Wu Tian still bite the bullet and took out another bank card.

Anyway, money is not very important to him, solving problems is the most important.

"Sorry for making me ill-conceived. There are ten million in this bank card..."

As soon as Sister Xing heard these words, she snatched her bank card without saying anything, turned around and left.

"Okay! Since you are so sincere, what do you love to do, I will never say anything."

This guy will behave when he gets the money, and he doesn't entangle with Wu Tian and the others.

Qinglong looked at her leaving figure, picked up the stick next to her, and wanted to follow. He had never been so wronged before, and it would be fatal to ask them for money.

"Qinglong! Leave her alone!"

Wu Tian said coldly, the most important thing for them now is to deal with Guangyao Company first and know what they are doing here.

As for this woman, to be honest, a rascal-like person is really worthless. Worrying about her is a waste of brain cells.

"But... Mr. Wu, he is too bullying! Really think we are muddled!"

Qinglong was a little unhappy. He could accept that the enemy was stronger than him, but he could not accept that someone looked down on him and down on Wu Tian.

"It's alright, you forgot. When we came, did Mr. Chu say anything? He said, Eagle Country is a commercial country, and only interest relations are here!"

Wu Tianda made such psychological preparations at the beginning, but he did not expect that the things this sister Xing did were much worse than he thought.

Obviously they are all Chinese, but this guy only dared to play against his own people.

Even Wu Tian and the others are cheating, and they have already given her money for bribes. If they didn't do this, I don't know what they will do this time this week.

"That is, when we take care of the affairs of Guangyao Company, this woman, we can put a finger on her and we can level her out."

At this time, Long Yun also joined the persuasion of Qinglong. Seeing her companions say so, Qinglong had to pinch her nose to admit it.

The three of them temporarily put this matter aside, ready to think about how to study this Guangyao company.

Now we have found clear evidence to prove that there are absolutely any facilities in the basement of Guangyao Company. Otherwise, why do they carry so much food in?

There must be a lot of people inside, and if you want to know more specific things inside, you can only find a way to get in.

Wu Tian and the three of them surreptitiously observed from a distance, but they did not come up with a good idea, because their faces were the biggest obstacle.

"It would be great if Sister Xing could receive a job from their company..."

Wu Tian murmured. The only identity they could use was the cleaning team of Sister Xing. This identity was very safe. Don't worry.

However, something like that just happened between them and Sister Xing, to be honest, no one wanted to talk to this woman.

"She seemed to have said before that there hasn't been much work for the past few days..."

Long Yun thought about it for a while and said, if you think about it this way, it is very likely that the other party has deliberately done the act of demolishing the river.

Interrupt her business in advance, so that no matter what Wu Tian does, she can't rely on her.

"Since this is the case..."

Wu Tian dragged his chin, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"We might as well create a condition for her..."

Long Yun and Qinglong looked at Wu Tian with doubts, wondering what other bad idea Wu Tian came up with.

But at night, they knew what Wu Tian wanted to do.

The three of them each carried a large bucket of dirty things, what kind of paint and dirty water were in it, in short, what looked dirty and could not be handled, what was inside.

When the night was black and wind was high, there were no people around. Wu Tian and Qinglong carried a bucket one by one, stepped on their feet, bent over and slipped to the vicinity of Guangyao Company.

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