Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1012: No conditions create conditions

Doesn't your company need to be cleaned? I will stain it for you now. In this case, you won't be able to clean it.

Wu Tian's solution was very simple and rude. Although it was a bit inhumane or even bad, it was too much to achieve their goals.

The two immediately parted ways, one went to one side, and then the same things were continuously splashed on the walls of Guangyao Company.

Fortunately, this company seems to be very satisfied with their security, and does not over-manage the buildings on the ground.

At night, there was not even anyone on duty, and their surveillance cameras, now under Long Yun's control, could not capture Wu Tian and his actions at all.

Soon, the masterpiece of the three people was completed. The Guangyao Company, which originally looked a little glamorous, has now become a ruined house like a slum.

If you don’t know, what kind of tramp occupied this place...

At dawn the next day, many people saw that Guangyao Company had become like this when they passed by here, and walked away from it with disgust, covering their mouths and noses.

Sister Xing was laughing and laughing in her residence with a lot of money at this time. She couldn’t stop happily, but it was the first time she saw so much money, and she didn’t expect that she just moved her mouth. Earn the money into his hands.

"Oh! It's so easy to make money! I feel like I can't spend it all my life!"

Sister Xing thought of Wu Tian and their expressions at the time, and I thought it was funny. In fact, she was not so sure at the time, but she could see that the handle she had caught was really a weakness for them.

If that's the case, don't you want money in the future, just go to them and threaten it! Isn't this just your own dedicated cash machine?

At this time, sister Xing's phone rang suddenly, interrupting her self-entertainment.

"Hey who?"

Sister Xing's attitude was obviously not good at first, and now she no longer needs to look at whose face is acting.

"That's it, I want to ask you to clean up our company... I don't know who committed the evil last night and soiled the walls of our company..."

After hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, Sister Xing realized that a customer had come to the door.

"Won't go or not, we are on vacation now..."

The current sister Xing doesn't want to work at all, so she wants to refuse this matter without saying a word.

"Don't don't, we are willing to pay a higher price! Anyway, we are also a company, what kind of style the wall makes this appearance, please."

The other party began to beg, after all, the nearest cleaning team that can be found nearby is sister Xing and the others.

"Really, then I ask for three times the price. This is not too much! You must know that we are on vacation!"

Sister Xing thought that since this was the case, she had a chance to kill a pig so she wouldn't kill the white.

"Good, good, no problem!" The other party did not bargain with Sister Xing, and directly hung up and called the money.

Seeing that the other party had already paid the money, Sister Xing had no choice but to organize her own staff.

Originally, she didn't want to call Wu Tian and the others. After all, she couldn't take care of these people after receiving money from others.

But after thinking about it, Sister Xing decided to tell them about it. As for whether they will come, it depends on their own.

And all the developments were basically the same as Wu Tian and the others had expected. The three people had already been excitedly holding the tools and came to the meeting place first.

Sister Xing looked at the three of them so happy, and she didn't know what was wrong, and she thought whether the three of them had a problem with their brains.

"That we now have a new task... Go to Guangyao to clean up!"

Sister Xing looked at these people underneath, and simply arranged the task. When it was Wu Tian and the others, they started to hesitate, then opened their mouth and turned away without speaking...

Wu Tian and Long Yun looked at each other, not knowing what this sister Xing meant, and hurried to catch up.

"You gave them all tasks, why didn't you schedule tasks with us?"

"Isn't it what you want to do? If you are not given a task, you can do whatever you like..."

Sister Xing waved her hand. She doesn't want to worry about this kind of mess now. The pile of money that goes home to guard her is the most important thing.

"Since you have said this, then I can rest assured!"

This is what Wu Tian waited for. Since they can act at will, they can naturally move around Guangyao Company.

Because this time Guangyao company intends to carry out a comprehensive cleaning from the inside out.

It is estimated that they rarely let outsiders in, so many people in the plot are very excited about this, and many people are curious about what is in the company.

But after really going, it will make people feel very disappointed.

Because their company is very simple, and everything is very ordinary, which is what a construction company should have.

There are not many people, but the cleaning seems to be quite simple.

Soon the Spring Festival began to work, but Wu Tian and Long Yun, the three of them, were calm and started looking for the underground entrance on the first floor.

At the beginning, they saw the people carrying food disappear on the first floor, but where they went from is completely unknown.

The other party would definitely not put such a channel blatantly in front of them.

But just by taking the opportunity of their cleaning and cleaning, this is a good time to find this place.

The three hurriedly searched everywhere, but the people from Guangyao Company had been watching them carefully, and Wu Tian didn't dare to move too much.

I can only pretend to be cleaning, and then touch here and there from time to time.

As long as there is such a rag in the hand, it feels completely reasonable to do these things.

After tossing for a long time, Wu Tian and Long Yun didn't find any relevant clues. The three were about to meet. At this time, Qinglong seemed to have discovered something, and his face was a little strange and ran over.

"what happened?"

Wu Tian looked at him and asked quickly.

"I seem to know something, I found a little blood over there..."

Qinglong looked at the neighborhood vigilantly, and made sure that no one was eavesdropping on their speech before he said this sentence.

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