Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1013: Go deep into the tiger's den

Blood stains appeared in this kind of place, and it was not that kind of particularly small area, which immediately attracted Wu Tian's attention.

It must have an absolute relationship with their underground facilities.

"Don't worry, you speak slowly!"

Wu Tianxian asked him to calm down, but he took Qinglong to a corner.

"That's it. I just wiped the vent over there, and it was a bit dirty, so I went in and took a look... I found that there was blood on both sides of the vent... it was dry."

Qinglong lowered his voice and said in a low voice. This thing did sound scary, but Qinglong seemed a little excited.

Knowing this means that they have a breakthrough.

"So it's like this... Could it be that the vent may have something to do with the underground?"

Wu Tian hugged his arms and started thinking about this question. Anyway, they only have such a clue now, so they can only start investigation from this clue.

From the very beginning, Wu Tian wondered if this Guangyao company had anything to do with the biochemical people. The military’s special response team leader Tie Jun gave Wu Tian the task to make him investigate whether the biochemical people belonged to them. In what organization.

After investigating these things clearly, Wu Tian can complete the task.

"You guys are watching here, I'll go in and take a look!"

Wu Tian thought about deciding whether to roll up his sleeves or put it on himself.

As soon as Qinglong heard that, he was so scared that he hurriedly stopped Wu Tian.

"No, Mr. Wu, it's too dangerous for you to go alone! I'll go with you!"

Originally, Qinglong planned to go down by himself, but considering that Wu Tian has always been the kind of person who talks about one thing, he simply took himself into consideration. In this way, Wu Tian's acceptance range will become larger.

"What are you going to join in the fun... I can do this alone!"

Wu Tian shook his head. The three of them had a big goal, especially since there were people from Guangyao Company who were patrolling.

It's easy to find out that two people are missing at once. Besides, they want to leave Long Yun alone, she is a girl, and it is not easy to take care of anything.

"But, what if you are in danger..."

Qinglong is still reluctant, in his eyes Wu Tian's safety is the greatest responsibility and obligation!

Wu Tian smiled at Qinglong, his white teeth flashed with light.

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool! I will call for your help as soon as possible if there is anything, and if I can, I won't be surprised. This time I just go to check for information."

Wu Tian's thinking is also very conservative. He doesn't plan to lose himself. He still has to be careful about everything when he doesn't know what the situation is.

Listening to Wu Tian being so determined, Qinglong couldn't say anything in the end, so he nodded and agreed.

Soon, Wu Tian was ready, and when no one noticed, he crept into the ventilation duct.

Qinglong quickly installed the blocking net of the vent again, and then pretended to wipe it there.

At this time, the people from Guangyao Company happened to pass by, and after a glance, they found nothing unusual, so they walked away.

Qinglong and Long Yun are under tremendous pressure in their hearts. They are now on the enemy's territory, doing such a dangerous thing, I have to say that they are really too courageous.

The people outside are under pressure, and Wu Tian is inside the ventilation duct, and the pressure is not low.

He only knew at this time that the bad conditions inside the ventilation duct were far more serious than he thought.

The more you go down, the more blood will remain on the pipe, and I don't know what is left behind... Anyway, it looks very scary.

Wu Tian bit his scalp and continued to climb down. He didn't know how long he had climbed. He estimated that it was about tens of meters, and finally felt that he had touched the plane.

There is a solid feeling under the feet, indicating that he has reached the bottom.

Wu Tian quickly changed the direction, because in front of him was a three-way, and the ventilation ducts began to extend in three directions.

He didn't know which one to choose, so he just found one and crawled over.

When he got here, Wu Tian was cautious without moving, for fear of making any noise.

Even his breathing is as relaxed as possible, in short, safety is the first goal.

Soon, Wu Tian heard some voices and footsteps appearing under his body.

He found a space and looked outside, only then could he see exactly what was going on inside this underground facility.

It turned out that the basement had a huge square-like space with many glass jars in the middle, and many white people in white coats walked back and forth, seeming to be very busy.

This kind of place looks like a scientific research base... Wu Tian has often seen such scenes in various movies, and they are usually created by villains to study the human body.

Could it be said that this place is a research place for those biochemical people?

Wu Tian began to doubt this, because no matter how you look at it, it feels very similar.

In order to let himself see more clearly, Wu Tian continued to climb inside along the ventilation duct, finally he touched the vicinity of a glass jar and looked inside.

Unexpectedly, there was a human body floating inside, with various tubes connected to him, and a group of people in protective clothing were holding notebooks next to him, chatting to the experimental body in the jar. .

It seems to be researching this thing...

Wu Tian felt that these were enough to become evidence, but he still didn't directly see a finished product like No.1 them.

It may be that it is not easy to come by himself, Wu Tian decided to go deeper.

After passing through this large square, there is a tunnel with very strict security behind it. It takes several major security checks to pass through.

And the thickness of the gate here is also calculated in meters... it doesn't seem to be defending an ordinary person at all.

Wu Tian benefited from being on the ceiling, so he skipped these guards and security checks and went deep into it step by step.

After passing through this area, Wu Tiancai was suddenly enlightened, and he discovered the scene that made him beautiful.

Because in the back, there is a living area, ah, but it is separated by a large cage.

In the cage, many people like soldiers are constantly beating other people with whips...

It seems that they are being forced to do some tests or training in this way.

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