Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1019: warship

Without drinking water, the people in their boat estimated that they could only drift at sea for two days, and they had to return.

But this time is far from enough for them to reach a voyage to Korea.

And there is a vast ocean in the middle, and there are few islands where they can stop for supplies.

Seeing this result, the captain can be said to have a look of distress, the entire ship is under his command, so he is naturally the one who has the most responsibility.

If such a big incident happened this time, the company would definitely be sternly responsible if I returned.

Although this was actually a price paid to help Wu Tian, ​​the captain did not know if the company would understand him in this way.

Watching the medical staff running back and forth on the deck outside, Wu Tian and the others couldn't sit still, and came out of the cabin one after another to help.

Wu Tian walked to the captain's side and patted his shoulder gently.

"Thank you really, I really don't know how to thank you."

The captain gave a wry smile, sighed lightly but said nothing.

This was their own choice after all, but they did not live up to their expectations of themselves, and they still kept it confidential.

"Nothing, this is what we should do. It's just...something may change... The water on our boat is polluted, maybe after a day I will choose to return..."

The captain was also helpless. They couldn't live without water, and when those people left the ship, they contaminated the water-making equipment on the ship.

Although they can still use some methods to desalinate seawater, the amount is too small to meet their needs.

"How could there be such a thing..."

Wu Tian frowned his eyebrows. Sure enough, these people in black were not easy to deal with. They were really cruel.

But since the captain was in trouble, he should find a way to help him solve it. Wu Tian quickly found Long Yun and asked him to see how to arrange personnel to come over to supply supplies.

If they want to return to the voyage and dock again, then Wu Tian and the others are really in vain.

"Okay, don't worry! I will arrange the plane now!"

Although the weather is not very good now, Long Yun feels that she has no other choice.

The Wu Group Company does not have its own dedicated aircraft, because they usually do not need to use this method for transportation and other things.

Fortunately, the reputation of Wu's Group Company is outside, and it easily borrowed seaplanes from other companies.

A dedicated person loaded a large amount of fresh water, and then quickly flew towards their place.

"Captain, don't worry, I have arranged for someone to come and rescue us."

After getting Long Yun's affirmative reply, Wu Tian hurried to comfort the captain. This is also the best result Wu Tian and the others can do now.

"Really? If it's true, I'm not going to return home!"

The captain is also very excited, because returning on time is also a very important thing for him, and a delay of one day is a great loss for the company.

"You can rest assured that I will do it!"

Wu Tian still patted his chest with certainty. The speed of the plane was much faster than that of the cruise ship. The freighter had to go for several days, but the plane only took a few hours.

Sure enough, after half a day passed, a seaplane really appeared on the horizon, and he dashed out of the clouds, and there were dense dark clouds not far away.

It seems that the storm that the captain said before is coming, and bad weather will become their first obstacle.

"It's coming, it's really coming!"

The pilot of the seaplane used very superb skills to control the plane to land on the water near the cruise ship, and then quickly approached the cruise ship.

The little water carried by the plane was sent to the cruise ship first. Although it was only two or three tons, it could temporarily meet their application needs.

As long as you can survive these few days, that's enough.

After receiving the water, the captain's mood improved a lot. He happily came to Wu Tian to report the situation, and at the same time expressed his thanks to him.

But Wu Tian is not as optimistic as he is, because this time there is not a lot of water.

"I used to book this water plane non-stop, but now there is a storm, what can I do..."

The captain smiled happily. This storm was both a challenge and an opportunity for them.

"You don't know anything about it. It rains. We can collect all the rainwater. They are all fresh water. They can be used as long as they are heated."

When the captain said this, Wu Tian suddenly opened up, why he hadn't thought of this before.

It seems that the experience accumulated by the captain in the sea for so many years is really not covered.

"I'm relieved with your words!"

Wu Tian and the captain were talking and laughing, and at this moment, the sailor who was in charge of watching the bow suddenly ran over with a panic expression.

"Captain, something is wrong, there are several ships coming towards us behind us, all speedboats!"

The sailor panicked, and he could see that the people in black had caused a great psychological shadow on them before.

"There is another speedboat?"

The captain was also taken aback, his immediate reaction was that these were also men in black.

Before they could speak, the radio on the ship suddenly remembered.

"Yonpyeongsan Goryeo-registered cargo ship, we are the British navy. We ask you to immediately stop and accept our inspection!"


This notification lasted three times. The captain and Wu Tian looked at each other, and no one thought that they would provoke the navy...

"Are you sure you read it right, it's really just a speedboat?"

The captain looked at the sailor in disbelief, and when he saw that the captain said so, he started to murmur in his palm.

"I'll look at this again..."

The sailor hurried out again, and this time the captain followed him.

After looking out for a few times, I could see clearly that there was a warship not far behind the speedboat...

This time the trouble is big, although they can deal with the people in black, after all, those people are not a formal organization, and it is actually illegal to threaten them with a gun in their hands.

However, this is a warship, the British navy is very serious. They say they want to intercept this freighter, that is to say, one is the same...

If they don't want to obey, if the other party points the cannon at it, they will have to finish playing the ship.

Hearing this news, Wu Tian also began to become nervous.

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