Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1020: Storm hit

Hearing this news, Wu Tian also began to become nervous.

If he could think of other ways to deal with it before, but the army came to obstruct...

Not to mention Wu Tian, ​​even if he is the world’s richest man, how can he...

The captain was already sweating at this time, and if any laws were broken on the military side, I am afraid that none of them would be able to run away.

"Mr. Wu... look at this..."

His voice was already trembling, and he was very scared.

The outside began to crackle, and it was the last sound of rain on the deck.

Dark clouds not far away are already slowly covering the sky, and lightning flashes in the clouds from time to time.

The storm is coming.

"Let's go in and hide... If they want to search, you will let them come!"

Wu Tian gritted his teeth, no matter what, he couldn't pull the people on this boat on board. The big deal was that he would go jump into the sea at the time and wait until these people left before coming up.

"Well, I'll find a box and bucket for you. If it really doesn't work, then you can hide in it and hide under the water first..."

The captain's thoughts were similar to Wu Tian's, and he could only do it in an urgent situation.

Soon, the warship slowly caught up. The huge searchlight kept shining on the freighter back and forth. The captain hurried to the side of the ship and stopped the whole ship.

The sailors and the captain stood on the deck together, then raised their hands to signal that they had no weapons.

The storm was getting stronger and stronger, and the wind began to increase sharply. Some people even couldn't stand on the deck.

The rain quickly wetted their clothes, and they couldn't even see clearly.

Although this cargo ship is huge, it is nothing but a shudder in the ocean.

Wu Tian and the others have run to the bottom of the cargo warehouse. There is a small hatch near here, very close to the Chishui line. If there is any problem, they can jump into the sea from here.

Now the light outside is very dim, and dark clouds shroud the day like night. If no one pays attention, no one should notice their movement.

Soon several small boats were dispatched from the warship. They calmly planned to board the freighter. These naval soldiers really deserved to be wandering the sea all year round. Although the freighter wandered back and forth, they were still walking on the ground. Strive like flying.

"You are the captain?" Several soldiers ran to the captain, looking at him with a serious face.

The captain faced several gunpoints in front of him, and then quickly nodded and said yes.

"Yes, yes..."

"We received an order from a superior to inspect your ship!"

The soldier took out a document at hand, showed it in front of the ship, and immediately got together.

No one knows whether this document is true or not, and the captain dare not really ask. After all, life is still more important. If you ask, you might lose your life.

"I cooperate."

This is completely different from facing the people in black. They are soldiers armed to the teeth, and there is no way to defeat them.

Soon, these soldiers began to investigate the entire ship.

There are almost a dozen of them in a party, but the freighter is a full 100,000 tons.

The cabin inside is very large, full of cargo.

It is almost impossible for them to investigate all of these things cleanly, and it is impossible to do it without ten and a half months.

An officer in charge of the investigation was in charge of unified planning on the deck. At this time, a soldier ran over and said in his ear: "Sir, the storm is getting bigger and bigger... If we are to stay here, maybe it will appear. problem."

"Is it that serious, we haven't experienced a storm..."

The officer obviously didn't believe it, but a flash of lightning slammed down in front of them and landed on the deck. Only a few meters away from the officer almost frightened him.

It was really just a little bit worse just now, this officer was about to say goodbye to these people.

"Sir... there are really so many dangers... This time I am afraid it is a once-in-a-year storm. Let's not delay here."

Needless to say this, the officer was trembling and nodded at the flash of lightning just now.

The power of nature is not something that humans can contend with. Even if it is armed to the teeth, even if the strength of his body is strong to a certain extent, a lightning strike will not turn into coke.

"Well, if the people under the notice don't have any major problems, let's close the team quickly!"

The officer didn't bother to talk nonsense at this time, he was ready to escape in a panic, and returned to the warship in a small boat.

The captain and the others, who were originally very nervous, looked at these soldiers coming and going fast, and it could be said that they experienced a big ups and downs.

It's just that they didn't have any chance to feel such happiness afterwards, because the storm came and everyone hid in the cabin.

The cargo ship was constantly wagging on the sea, and the waves washed the bulkhead of the cargo ship over and over again.

Push this behemoth from left to right, and then from right to left.

It was the first time Wu Tian had withstood such a test. It was too much torment. Several of them couldn't even stand on the bottom of the cabin. They were staggered.

And those experienced sailors have long fixed themselves in one place and swayed with the ship.

Not only are they talking and laughing, they can even eat.

In comparison, Wu Tian and the three of them didn't know how many times they had vomited. After the movement subsided a bit, all of them collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up.

Only the little girl remained indifferent, it seemed that the whole thing had nothing to do with him, and he didn't feel any fainting from beginning to end.

Looking at the little girl, Wu Tian suddenly burst into envy from his heart at this moment.

"Oh... it would be nice if we could be like him... You see that he has nothing to do..."

Following Wu Tian's look, Long Yun and Qinglong couldn't help but nod their heads.

Because this little girl is not only eating happily, but also alive and kicking.

"By the way, Mr. Wu, how did you find this guy...Who is he?"

Long Yun wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but there has been no chance, and now they don't have any major obstacles, so they just brought this question up.

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