Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1022: Time company’s problems

They arrived fast enough! Wu Tian remembered that he didn't notice that he had come back, but how did the Tiejun know?

However, this problem seems to be less difficult to understand.

They are so magical, which still didn't surprise Wu Tian.

Now that the other party had already arrived, Wu Tian decided that he would definitely have to ignore it. He quickly tidied up his clothes and went to his office to wait.

Sure enough, his **** hadn't been hot yet, and a hearty and loud voice had already come in from outside.

"Wu Tian, ​​I heard you did a good job this time!"

As the sound came in, Tie Jun also opened the door, and the Meteor strode into the office.

"This is what you praised, it's not so exaggerated..." Wu Tian was somehow humble, he raised his head and looked at the officer in front of him, and saw that he did not come by himself empty-handed, but was still following him. Personally, they carry some boxes in their hands.

Ouch, is it possible that something happened to him this time? Wu Tianxin started to mutter inside, but he invited these people to the sofa.

"That's right. I was going to investigate Zhang Zerui this time, but I didn't expect to find more useful things directly."

"Oh, it seems that your gain this time is not small!" Tie Jun was also very interested. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was really making a right decision when he saw Wu Tian.

Wu Tian simply told all of his experiences and experiences in Eagle Country. Of course, except for the thing about the girl who could not speak, he had no reservations about the rest.

Tie Jun nodded as he listened, and a secretary-like person beside him kept recording.

After listening to Wu Tian's report, Tie Jun looked at Wu Tian appreciatively. Reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"You did a good job this time. I feel very satisfied. According to our previous agreement, if you have completed a mission, I will also give you the corresponding reward."

As Tiejun said, the people behind him quickly loosened the box inside.

"This is what I promised you before, now I can give it to you."

Looking at these boxes, Wu Tian became a little curious. He didn't know what was inside. He hurried to open it and saw that there were piles of thick drawings inside.

"this is..."

Tiejun smiled, "Isn’t your company’s aerospace technology always advancing? This is the missile body technology that we have retired two generations behind. Anyway, it’s useless to throw it in the warehouse. You can use it if you leave it to you. There’s some residual heat."

His business is really good. Although it is a technology that has fallen behind, Wu Tian is still very happy. You must know that his rocket technology is not a bit worse than the one developed by the country.

Although it has been retired for a long time, it is still much better than what Wu Tian developed himself.

With this, the aerospace department can definitely advance by leaps and bounds. With this advantage, you don't have to worry about the help of the Eagles from Zhixing Technology.

At that time, the market will not be owned by Wu Tian!

"Great!" Wu Tian couldn't help his excitement, and gave Tie Jun a kiss. After sending away the people from the military, Long Yun became a little worried.

After all, they didn't tell the truth. If this matter were known to the military, would they still be treated as they are now?

"Mr. Wu, what should we do about that girl?" Long Yun felt that this kind of thing could not be kept for a lifetime. This is a big living person, not a cat or dog.

Wu Tian put away these boxes with a smile on his face, listening to what Long Yun said, he was not so anxious at this time.

The reason why he was reluctant to tell this thing was because the unique ability of that girl really made Wu Tian feel very strange.

"Send her to another place first. I think our Huadao is too easy to be exposed now." The Huadao was originally built for safety, but now it is a transparent image in front of the military. It is a piece of glass.

"I see, leave this to me." Long Yun's attitude still makes people feel more reassured. With her there, there is usually no need to worry about anything.

Wu Tian nodded, but then ordered.

"Remember not to let her reveal her identity, we must protect her now!"

As for what to say in the future, Wu Tian didn’t think too much now. If he could study one or two, it would be better, but if he couldn’t study anything, he didn’t want to hurt the woman he had finally brought out. .

This matter finally came to an end, and Wu Tian immediately focused his attention on the company.

In the next few days, thanks to the information provided by the military, Hong Sang-tae’s rocket progressed very rapidly. Now a large number of young technical backbones have been cultivated at the launch site, and these will be Wu in the future. Engineers on which heaven depends.

In a very short speed, Wu Tian completed some of the launch missions he had previously detained. For a while, the already quiet Wu Group Company began to return to the homepages of newspapers and TV stations.

So Time Company even started to come over to discuss cooperation with Wu Tian.

Only this time, Cui Yongji, the boss of their company, came to visit in person.

This still surprised Wu Tian, ​​because this Cui Yongji was so proactive for the first time, and Wu Tian couldn't help but start to wonder if this guy had anything to ask for himself.

When Cui Yongji saw the grand Hua Island, his face did not become very good because of these, but he looked more solemn, and seemed to have a great deal of concern.

Wu Tian looked at his expression on the sidelines. Since he was not in a good mood, there was no much point in continuing to visit.

"Mr. Cui, if you can, why not go to my office and have a good talk."

Wu Tian waved to the driver to stop their sightseeing car, and took Cui Yongji to go upstairs.

Cui Yongji just nodded. It can be said that this time is very different from before. It doesn't matter how old he is, but before, his hair was dark and thick, and it was hard to see aging at all.

But this time he appeared in front of Wu Tian, ​​and his white hair was about to occupy the top of his head.

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