Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1023: Sympathy

Cui Yongji took a breath when he took a seat in the office.

Long Yun drove out all those who did not want to shut down, leaving only the three of them in this office.

"Mr. Cui, this office is absolutely soundproof. If you have anything you want to say, you can just say it."

Wu Tian said with a smile, and at the same time nodded to Long Yun, she quickly brought up a pot of tea and poured it on both of them.

"It's still Mr. Wu that understands me better. If only there were more people like you in my company, I wouldn't have to worry about that." Cui Yongji was very emotional, but he might be true this time. Encountered some troubles.

"Actually, I need your help. Do you know the relationship between Korea and Yingguo? Didn't you initiate a patent lawsuit against you before?"

Cui Yongji's expression began to become very unhappy. Before this incident, Wu Tian tried to avoid mentioning it. After all, this is a swelling in the hearts of their Koreans.

The Eagle country has always been in control of their Goryeo government. To be clear, the relationship between the two sides is actually very deep. Most of the time, the Goryeo government has left it to the Eagle country.

If you put it in the past, this is nothing, but this time, things started to get a little wrong.

What has never happened before has actually fallen on the head of Time.

"Wait, you mean, they are suing your company now?"

Wu Tian's mouth grew wider, and he couldn't believe it.

Korea and Eagle Nation are allies. How could this kind of operation happen?

"Believe it or not, the other party's subpoena is already in my hand. If you don't want to be prosecuted, you have to pay sky-high royalties!" Cui Yongji sighed, he moved his lips and wanted to say something. But seeing Long Yun on the side, there was no sound.

Wu Tian saw his worries and explained with a smile: "This is Long Yun, my secretary. Don't worry, she knows everything I know. You can rest assured that there is something you can say, don't shy away. "

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Cui Yongji didn't worry too much.

"That's it. I want to decouple from them. I definitely can't pay the money, but if it's torn apart, it's impossible in my country. I can't do this. The Business Administration will come to me. . So I hope I can get some technical support from you."

Cui Yongji said sincerely, he knew that Wu Tian had encountered such a thing before, but he relied on his own strength to resolve this problem.

Of course, this is due to the strong strength of the Wu Group. Although Time is also very powerful, relatively speaking, it does not have so many high-tech technologies.

He begged and begged, but in the end he could only beg on Wu Tian's head.

"Well..." Wu Tian took a sip from his teacup, and said leisurely: "This matter is actually easy to handle, as long as it is something that does not need them. I can indeed help you in some areas, but technology The transfer of aspects is impossible, I cannot do this."

Technology is Wu Tian's core interest. They took a lot of effort to develop those servers, and they also used the materials on the meteorite, so these servers are absolutely impossible to export.

"Mr. Wu, you can't save yourself from death. If I really can't solve this problem, then I really have to pay a huge sum of money."

This price is too great, otherwise, Cui Yongji would not come to Wu Tian so hysterically.

"Mr. Cui, this involves my secrets, servers and other things, it is definitely impossible to export to you. But you can put all your computing services on my server and pay a certain rental fee. Up."

Wu Tian thought for a while, and gave him a compromise. This method is actually good or bad, but the specific consideration depends on what Cui Yongji thinks.

"This..." Cui Yongji began to feel a little embarrassed. In fact, these data are confidential to ordinary companies. Of course, they are not willing to put their data on Wu Tian's server.

In that case, wouldn't it be equivalent to them being transparent in front of Wu Tian.

"Mr. Cui, I know what you are worried about, but I can also give you a guarantee that I will never question this matter. I don't think I need to check your data. Our business fields are different. of."

What Wu Tian said is true. Time Company has all kinds of industries, but Wu's Group Company is now mainly engaged in high-tech fields, and the two are basically not compatible.

Thinking about it, Cui Yongji couldn't find a better solution visually, and as far as Wu Tian meant it, it seemed that such a solution was the most perfect.

He paid a small amount of rental fees to connect to Wu Tian's server, then Times Company would not be able to ignore Yingguo's patent litigation.

It's just that he put the eggs in his hands from one basket into another.

The same thing is that neither of these baskets are in his own hands.

It's nothing more than Wu Tian's looking kind-hearted, while Yingguo's eyebrows are straight and fierce.

"This matter, let me go back and think about it, after all, it's a big deal." Cui Yongji didn't want to make up his mind now.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry now, there is time. I think it is very curious, you Korea, can it be said that your company has received a lawsuit?"

You know, back then, many other large companies in China were also hit.

"Not really." Speaking of this, Cui Yongji began to get angry again, as if this matter was a very angry point of his.

"It was Double Star Group who shot me this time. It was the ghost of their collusion with Eagles."

If he hadn't mentioned it, Wu Tian would have forgotten that there was also the Double Star Group.

"Isn't he already..." When Wu Tian fought back against Double Star Group, he had already defeated their company. Could it be that this guy replied after not seeing him for a while?

"Now he doesn't know where he got a large sum of money. It is already a little bit more than I mean."

Cui Yongji's expression began to become gloomy, and it could be seen that he has become anxious about this matter recently.

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