Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1024: Surrounded by the entertainment circle

After Cui Yongji was sent away, Wu Tianxin also had some unspeakable feelings.

He felt that this event did not happen by accident, it felt more like someone carefully prepared it, and it was an event that had been planned for a long time.

According to Cui Yongji, the already declining Double Star Group suddenly received a large sum of money, and then it was resurrected almost instantly.

On Wu Tian's side, Zhang Zerui's Plitzer Group also used almost the same technique, and also received a large amount of funds, and then immediately reborn.

If these two things are not related, Wu Tian thinks it is impossible, it seems like the same technique no matter what.

It's just that who is behind this is making the ghost, Wu Tian still has some confusion.

Since the other party has so many small calculations, Wu Tian feels that he should just wait here slowly, to see what the other party has.

Wu Tian, ​​who had been looking forward to other aspects, really received bad news.

It’s just that the news made him a little bit dumbfounded...

Television stations across the country, and even some large-scale websites, have begun to marry the works of Wu Tian's film and television companies intentionally or unintentionally.

It even reduces the chances of appearances of his artists.

And this matter was also reported by Zhang Chi, the general manager of Hualong Film and Television.

Looking at the report sent by Zhang Chi, Wu Tian also began to get a little bit troubled.

What this report says is that the number of advertisements, TV shows, and even some TV shows and movies they can receive is decreasing.

Moreover, usually the other party does not renew the contract immediately after the contract expires, but there is nothing illegal about this, but it makes people feel very concerned.

"If we don't have evidence to prove it, we can't say that the other party deliberately suppressed it..."

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun and asked her for advice.

"In theory, it is indeed like this. They are not illegal anywhere."

Long Yun nodded, so she said how to deal with this matter. In fact, they didn't have any good cases at hand.

"Mr. Wu, hehe legally speaking, there is indeed no problem with them doing this, but this does not conform to the rules of our industry."

Zhang Chi hurriedly explained, but his sentence was not very convincing.

"There are no rules that form a provision, it is not a rule. Since they do this, we can't do anything out of the ordinary."

Wu Tian put the report away and sent it back to Zhang Chi. It seems that he didn't really care about this matter.

Seeing this, Zhang Chi quickly explained: "Mr. Wu, the business volume of our film and television company has been declining for several months. If this continues, bankruptcy will happen sooner or later... You can't just ignore it."

As he talked, Zhang Chi's tears were about to come down. He was obviously a big man, but at this time he seemed so fragile.

"Oh, why are you crying..."

Wu Tian also began to feel a little speechless, this kind of thing is not a big deal at all to him. Therefore, he also assured Zhang Chi to manage all these decision-making powers.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Chi would be so sensitive to this matter.

"Well, Long Yun, see if there is any way..."

Wu Tian also knew that he was definitely not good and didn't care about anything. Now that his staff had come to the door, he also had to show what a company boss should be.

"Well, let me contact some of our domestic media industry leaders. Mr. Wu, please say hello to them. Maybe this matter can be resolved."

Long Yun's solution is simple and rude, but in fact it may be the most effective.

After all, there are so few entertainment companies that control the China Entertainment industry.

As long as you have a good relationship with them, you don't have to worry about the lack of resources for your subordinates.

"Thank you so much!"

When Zhang Chi heard this, he was very grateful. If Wu Tian hadn't appreciated him in the first place, he would not have become the general manager of Hualong Film and Television Company.

Therefore, getting this company right has always been Zhang Chi's biggest wish. Now that the company's business has declined, it has naturally become a heart disease of Zhang Chi.

After watching his subordinate leave, Wu Tian sighed slowly. Things have become more serious.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the frontal confrontation of the Pulitzer consortium, some companies have joined forces to suppress themselves...

"Hurry up and arrange the itinerary, I am ready to go now."

Wu Tian originally wanted to wait, but time is not waiting, he must handle this matter as soon as possible.

Long Yun nodded, and soon arranged the car. There are several entertainment companies in S City that are very powerful, and their first stop is these places.

The largest of these entertainment companies is Yingdi Entertainment. The veteran of this company is always a person who has been in the entertainment industry for decades.

Wu Tian has never dealt with this person much, but he has heard that his own company has cooperated with them, and it seems to be doing well.

"The place we are going to is called British Emperor Entertainment. The boss of their company is called Li Zhan. He used to be a director. Later, after some scandals, he retreated to the second line and established an entertainment company."

While in the car, Long Yun began to tell Wu Tian some simple information she had investigated.

They still need to have a certain understanding of each other.

"It sounds like it's not difficult to deal with."

Wu Tian rubbed his temples. If it were in the past, he might not even look at such people. But now I have to be forced to this one day.

Actually want to ask these small companies...

Although Yingdi Entertainment is already well-known throughout the country, it is a small company compared to the Wu Group.

After arriving at the place, Wu Tian got out of the car and looked at such a luxurious mansion in front of him, and he couldn't help but admire.

"They are really luxurious here..."

Long Yun followed by and said: "According to my survey, the profit margin of British Emperor Entertainment is basically as high as 300% or more. This profit is incomparable in all our industries..."

"Three hundred percent?"

Wu Tian opened his mouth and couldn't believe it. They were making too much money.

"Yes, there is not much cost in the entertainment industry. If you control all the resources in your own hands, then the cost will become lower and the profit margin will be higher."

Long Yun said lightly, but being able to truly achieve such a high profit rate also shows that Li Zhan is definitely not a waiter.

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