Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1026: Bullied to Wu Tian

Hearing what this guy said, Wu Tian felt a little uncomfortable. The other party obviously wanted to negotiate some conditions.

Sure enough, it was an old fried dough stick, and it would never be so easy to agree to this kind of thing.

Even this kind of thing is good for him.

"What does President Li mean?" Wu Tian squinted his eyes and stared at the man in front of him.

Li Zhan smiled, took out a cigar from his pocket, put it very delicately by his mouth and lit it, creating a smoke ring in the air with one breath and one spit.

"It's very simple. Now I have limited resources. It's not that you can't agree to your request. You just sign a contract with your artists. Our contract has to be a big contract. It's a few months and half a year. It's better to forget. Well, it's a waste of our energy."

While talking, he carefully observed the changes in Wu Tian's expression. Old fried dough sticks like him are very good at negotiating, and this kind of negotiation is to find the other party's weaknesses by relying on the minutiae.

In this way, you can occupy the commanding heights in one fell swoop and control the entire negotiation.

Only this time, Li Zhan still met his opponent, and Wu Tian is not a fledgling boy. For him, this kind of thing has long been as commonplace as eating and sleeping.

"This is natural, and we also hope to find an entertainment company with long-term cooperation. Since both of us have aspirations in this regard, then I don't think we need to worry about anything anymore. It is best to make a decision as soon as possible. Come down."

Of course, Wu Tian was not willing to give this guy some room for maneuver. Of course, he had to grasp this opportunity immediately.

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Wu is really quick to talk, I admire this!" No matter what else, Mr. Li still seems to have something like that on the surface.

After speaking, he immediately began to call the secretary to draft the contract.

Wu Tian felt quite satisfied with his visit this time, and he did not suffer much trouble.

It was only when it was time to sign that Wu Tian discovered that the contract was set for three years, and there was a very high penalty.

"This penalty... is it a bit too high? I said..."

Wu Tian suddenly rejoiced that he was fortunate to watch carefully, otherwise he might have been framed in this contract.

Li Zhan laughed, his smile was like the sun in the sky, which made people feel very warm.

"You don’t know about Mr. Wu. This is also a guarantee for the rights and interests of our company. If the artist we have worked so hard to train for a long time is suddenly taken away, it will be a great loss for us. And for your company, the 300 million liquidated damages should not be a lot..."

Speaking of this, Wu Tian couldn't refute anything. He really wasn't an expert in it, and he felt that what the other party said still made sense.

"Well, I'm willing to trust Mr. Li, this time our cooperation is settled." With that, Wu Tian didn't hesitate anymore, took the pen and signed his name on the contract.

This thing went on very quickly, Wu Tian and Long Yun also calmly left the British Emperor Entertainment Company.

After telling Zhang Chi the news, he did not cheer as Wu Tian had guessed. Still a solemn face. But anyway, now Xi Chengwen and the artists, at least for the time being, there is no need to worry that there will be no shows and nothing to film.

Within a few days of signing the contract, Wu Tian saw his own artist Xi Chengwen appearing in some shows when he watched TV several times. Although it seemed that he appeared on stage, his participation was not very high, even Some people have deliberately alienated her.

Wu Tian was actually very upset when he saw it, but when he thought that it was probably the adjustment of the British Emperor, he felt that it was not impossible. After all, things have to be done little by little and food needs to be eaten little by little.

But what worried him still happened. Not long after he had just eaten, Wu Tianzheng was lying on the sofa, leisurely watching variety shows on TV with Liu Yueyao and the others.

This time is also Xi Chengwen's special performance. Wu Tian and the others are looking forward to it.

It's just that the previous ones are all good, but when it comes to making the game, some small games that had to be confronted by both sides suddenly began to change, and everyone regarded Xi Chengwen as a target.

Whether it is teammates or opponents, they attacked her intentionally or unintentionally.

Xi Chengwen, who was originally known for his strength, was surrounded by several people at this time, his body swayed, and then he fell to the ground, which made Wu Tian and the others sweat in their hearts.

But the next thing made Wu Tian feel even more angry. The host and other artists not only didn't help Xi Chengwen in the past, but stood by and made fun of her, thinking she was pretending.

When he saw this, Wu Tianteng stood up immediately and threw a cup on the table severely, shocking Liu Yueyao and the other girls.

"Special, Zhang Chi! Get me Zhang Chi! What's the situation!"

Wu Tian shouted loudly into the corridor outside. Liu Yueyao and the others looked at each other. They had never seen Wu Tian so angry. For a while, they didn't know whether they should or should not go up to persuade them.

At this time, there was a sound of high heels in the corridor, and Long Yun and Huang Lan came in.

Long Yun glanced at the shards of glass on the ground, did not speak, but calmly went to take the broom and prepare to clean. Upon seeing this, Liu Yueyao hurried over and took the contents in her hand.

"Long Yun, go and persuade..." Liu Yueyao squeezed her eyes at Long Yun. At this time, she seemed to be better at talking.

Long Yun nodded, took out the phone from her clothes, and quickly dialed the phone and handed it to Wu Tian.

"It's relaxation."

Wu Tian answered the call and yelled into the phone very unceremoniously: "Zhang Chi, please explain to me, what is going on in the show just now? How is Xi Chengwen's status now? "

"Mr. Wu, she is resting now, and she is much better. She was too tired just now, a little lack of oxygen..." Zhang Chi's attitude is also very anxious, he is more worried about Xi Chengwen's state than others.

Wu Tian looked at the TV on the wall coldly at this time, and the hosts and artists on it were still laughing and looked disgusting.

"Where are you? I'm past now!"

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