Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1027: Rush into the studio

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Zhang Chi's body shuddered.

He felt that Wu Tian seemed to be a little angry now, and he might have come to give them a head start.

Although this can indeed make people breathe, it is not necessarily a good thing for Xi Chengwen's development.

"Mr. Wu...I can handle the things here, so you don't have to worry..." Zhang Chi quickly explained. If Wu Tian came here, things would probably not be that simple.

Wu Tian didn't even intend to listen to this guy's explanation carefully.

"I'm asking where are you now?" Wu Tian's tone began to become cold. Now he is no longer joking.

Zhang Chi didn't dare to speak, but he didn't say it. The news could still be found easily.

"Mr. Wu, it's the TV station in S city." After Long Yun clicked on the tablet a few times, she got the result.

Wu Tian directly hung up the phone in his hand and threw it to Long Yun.

"Bring the contract, and prepare 300 million in cash."

Long Yun's eyes were stunned, but she immediately understood and obeyed Wu Tian's request.

Huang Lan had been watching from the side just now, and she never thought that Wu Tian was actually planning to come for real.

"Don't make trouble, this matter is nothing at all."

Huang Lan has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she has the current status, of course she has experienced a lot.

What kind of things have long been ridiculous, and it is very common to see such deliberate suppression.

"You said I'm fooling around again?" Wu Tian suddenly opened his eyes. He couldn't believe it, and they all told themselves to forget.

This kind of brutal slap in the face caused Wu Tian to let him go, really treat him as a tortoise bastard.

"This kind of thing is too common. We can discuss it with British Emperor Entertainment. Now there is no need to fight. You may not know this Li Zhan. He is in the circle..."

Before Huang Lan had finished speaking, Wu Tian had already put on his own clothes and walked past her with an iron face.

"I don't care who he is, but by doing this, he is slapping our company in the face. If I am alone, I can't let the company's face be insulted! The most important thing is that she is my employee. .."

Wu Tian’s words were very strong at first, but then they began to relax, and his eyes began to soften. He turned his head back affectionately, looked at them and said, “Whether it is my employee or my friend , As long as you rely on me, I will definitely protect you at all costs! There is no discussion about this matter!"

After saying this, Wu Tian turned his head and left, and Long Yun also followed him closely. All the people present looked solemn at this time.

Huang Lan couldn't say a word even more. Two lines of tears were left at the corner of her eyes, running down her cheeks, and the ground fell to the ground.

Maybe, this is what a responsible man should say, maybe this is one of the reasons why he has been with Wu Tian, ​​all of them feel extremely safe at this time.

Wu Tian's car was like the wind, and it drove directly toward the s city TV station.

He was like a wild horse running off the rein, and like a bull with jealousy, he rushed in directly.

The security of the TV station and several people at the front desk could not stop Wu Tian alone.

"Which floor is it?" Wu Tian said without turning his head. He couldn't wait to see if there was anything wrong with Xi Chengwen.

"Fifth floor!" Long Yun didn't talk nonsense. After she opened the elevator, she did not go directly in. Instead, she ordered Wu Tian the number of floors, and she stayed outside the elevator to deal with the security guards who caught up.

With the ding of the elevator, the elevator door opened, and Wu Tian walked out proudly without squinting. I don't care about the gaze from the person next to me.

"What are you doing? This is the recording site of the show. Nobody is allowed inside!" A man with glasses who seemed to be a staff member rushed up at this time, trying to stop Wu Tian.

Wu Tian didn't put this person in his eyes at all, he directly looked at his head and looked inside, hoping to find Xi Chengwen's figure.

"Oh, what about you, what the **** is going on with you? If you go inside again, we will call the police!" The staff's tune was immediately raised by an octave, let alone Wu Tian. What is she here for? Just looking at her attitude makes people feel bored.

"Go away!" Wu Tian stretched out his hand and waved, pulling this guy aside.

He has a lot of power. Although this staff member is very arrogant, but the figure is very petite, with a weak look, he fell straight out.

It turned out to be good. This person found the opportunity, and immediately started screaming and shouting. For a while, everyone in the studio looked over.

"Mr. Wu?" Zhang Chi hurriedly walked out of the crowd at this time and ran towards Wu Tian. Although it was said on the phone that Wu Tian would not be allowed to come, he was still very moved when he really saw Wu Tian coming.

"What's the situation! What about people? What about Xi Chengwen?" Wu Tian looked left and right, but couldn't find Xi Chengwen, and asked sternly, clutching Zhang Chi's collar anxiously.

When the people around saw it, it turned out that it was a member of Zhang Chi and their Hualong Film and Television, and they were relieved, thinking it was an outsider.

Zhang Chi hurriedly led Wu Tian to check, Xi Chengwen was lying on a chair, and several assistants beside her were wiping her sweat and feeding water at this time.

"Oh, how did it happen like this! How on earth did you become an agent?" Wu Tian looked at Xi Chengwen's pitiful appearance, and was immediately very angry, wishing to curse this Zhang Chi severely.

Zhang Chi was also very uncomfortable in his heart. At this time, he could only listen to Wu Tian's criticism. After all, as an agent, he was the first person responsible for this matter.

"Sorry Mr. Wu..."

Many people next to me are here to watch the excitement, many of them are artists from other companies. They couldn't even say anything when they watched Zhang Chi being trained, and couldn't help laughing.

"What do you look at? Haven't you seen it?" Wu Tian looked at these people around him, and he was out of anger. On the show just now, it was these people who caused Xi Chengwen to faint.

Seeing Wu Weather in desperation, those people turned out to be really ashamed, motionless.

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