Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1030: Against the whole country

Although there are no swords and shadows in the confrontation in the market, the cruelty in it is no more relaxed than on the battlefield.

Nowadays, many transactions are focused on information. Whoever has the information, then he has the initiative.

Therefore, public opinion has become a crucial position in all industries and fields.

And Wu Tian, ​​who launched an offensive in this field that day, is undoubtedly the leader in manipulating public opinion.

As early as when he was fighting the China General Chamber of Commerce, he had already mastered this hand, of course, all of this was due to his having professionals like Wu Zaiyao.

This time is no exception. After that document was sent out, a storm of public opinion quickly formed on the Internet.

Whether they knew it or not, almost everyone poured their anger on the British Emperor Entertainment company.

Seeing such a trend in public opinion, Wu Tian couldn't help but start to feel happy. This time it was his turn to see what the opposite party would do.

Because Xi Chengwen had endured a lot this time and had been working hard for many days, he was sent back by Wu Tian to rest early.

After the meeting, Huang Lan looked at Wu Tian's ecstasy and felt that he was bound to win, and was very worried.

"Wu Tian, ​​let's be more careful this time. You underestimated Li Zhan."

The night of Huadao is always beautiful, especially on such a clear night, the moon hangs in the sky, shining the moonlight on the ground, and it is very leisurely everywhere.

"At this time, looking at such a beautiful scenery, but you want to tell me something like this?" Wu Tian held a red wine glass in his hand, swaying half a glass of red wine, and it looked quite emotional.

Huang Lan didn't know how she should answer this, but she was definitely not joking.

"You know I'm just for your own good." Huang Lan said slowly. She and Wu Tianren have known each other for such a long time. There is basically no need to doubt this.

"I didn't say that you were trying to harm me..." Wu Tian smiled happily, walked slowly behind Huang Lan, and gently hugged her.

Huang Lan felt the warmth of the man behind her, and her heart immediately melted.

"What are you going to do this time? If you offend this Li Zhan, you are offending the Chinese entertainment industry. By that time, everyone will verbally criticize us."

Wu Tian just held her gently like this, feeling the fragrance from Huang Lan's body.

Long Yun was holding a bunch of things in her hand and was about to come over to report, but at this moment she saw Wu Tian and Huang Lan standing by the balcony, so she stopped her footsteps decisively.

"I already have the best plan, and I will never fail!" Wu Tian said seriously, but Huang Lan didn't believe it.

She turned back, stretched out a finger, scratched Wu Tian's nose gently, and snorted.

"I will believe you? How can there be plans in this world that will never fail?"

Wu Tian chuckled, brought the wine glass to his mouth, sniffed intoxicatedly, and gave a little drunken explanation.

"Without a plan, the best plan will naturally not fail."

"Just be nonsense!" Huang Lan was also amused by Wu Tian at this time. The two had a very good time under the moonlight.

It's just that this time didn't last long. Huang Lan frowned and pushed Wu Tian away when she heard the phone ring.

"I still have things. I have an appointment with a few directors and producers. If you don't think about our Hualong Film and Television, I have to think about it."

Before Wu Tian could ask, Huang Lan proactively explained what she was going to do.

"It's so late, do you want to leave?" Wu Tian looked at the big moon outside, and it was too early.

"Our entertainment circle is this work and rest time, otherwise, what do you think?" Huang Lan didn't care about this. After tidying up her own things, she greeted her assistant and was about to leave.

Wu Tian looked at her back, suddenly reluctant.

"Or, I'll let someone take you there, this night, I'm worried about your safety."

Huang Lan suddenly felt warm in her heart when she heard Wu Tian say this.

"Forget it, you can just take care of yourself. I'm not like you. I don't have so many enemies." Then, this big beauty shook her bag and disappeared into Wu Tian's vision.

Looking at the two of them separated, Long Yun also walked in with a chance.

"Mr. Wu, we were really boycotted!"

After listening to Long Yun's words, Wu Tian didn't feel surprised at all. It's better to say that this step is in Wu Tian's prediction.

Offended this Li Zhan, the other party could not do nothing, it just distinguished whether the confrontation was fierce or relaxed.

Just this scale still made Wu Tian a little unexpected.

What Long Yun brought over were pieces of news reports, as well as some announcements from film and entertainment companies.

There are announcements announcing the severance of cooperation with Wu Tian’s Hualong Film and Television.

"It seems that this Li Zhan intends to fight me hard to the end." Wu Tian sneered. Such an arrogant person needs someone to educate him.

Long Yun nodded, and then handed over some bad news.

"Now they have publicly announced that they have banned and done it with us, and now the next work between us Xichengwen has stopped..."

"Let's think of a way again. Since the other party doesn't plan to give us a way to survive, then let's just come out on our own!" Wu Tian raised his fist and threw these documents in the air with disdain.

Long Yun did not have any emotional fluctuations due to Wu Tian's actions, but still showed her extremely calm and intellectual composure.

"This is probably a bit difficult, I don't know how you expected it, but this time, hundreds of TV stations across the country announced that our artists have been banned. This time, I'm afraid we are really in trouble..."

Originally, Wu Tian didn't have much feeling, but this time he watched Long Yun and made unoptimistic predictions. He finally realized that he seemed to be against someone...

"Aren't you kidding me..."

"Mr. Wu, you are just joking. When did I make a joke?"

Long Yun said flatly that she never liked that people questioned the authenticity of what she said.

"Then it's really troublesome..." Wu Tian originally thought that the other party was to let some people counter them, but now, almost the entire Chinese entertainment industry and TV stations have begun to not welcome Wu Tian. People, doesn’t this become a person against the whole country...

How much his Wu Tian has the ability to take advantage of such a confrontation...

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