Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1031: Suspicious car accident

The bad news came one after another, and this night, basically it didn't stop.

It was the first time Wu Tian encountered such a difficult situation. He never expected the other party's methods to be so fast, as if it had exceeded his expectations.

This Li Zhan's reaction speed was too fast, it didn't seem to be a temporary surprise.

Wu Tian sat on the sofa, lost in thought. Long Yun's news came up one by one, finally making this confident man start to hesitate.

"Mr. Wu, don't be too anxious. I think maybe Miss Huang Lan's idea is to pay attention. Let's contact a group of directors and producers, start an entertainment company by ourselves, and compete directly with them!"

Long Yun is not so sad. Since the people in these entertainment circles have already started to stand on the team, they will save the time to identify those who cannot cooperate.

"Well, that can only be done. It seems that we can't underestimate them. By the way, Long Yun, please take a good look at this Li Zhan. I always feel that this person's motivation this time is not simple!"

Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, it's useless to be anxious. He still has to solve the problem.

Seeing the moon outside hanging on the branches, Wu Tian watched that it was too early, sent Long Yun away, and was ready to go back to sleep.

In the middle of the night, a sudden ringing of the phone awakened Wu Tian from his dream.

The peaceful night was torn apart by this call. Wu Tian finished answering the call and rushed out of the room after he got dressed.

He gritted his teeth and his face was so tight that he didn't even wear shoes.

"Where is Huang Lan, where is Huang Lan!"

The medical area on Huadao is now brightly lit, and many people who have rested are awakened at this time.

Seeing that Wu Tian was here, the staff quickly brought him over. Someone looked at him without wearing shoes, and quickly found him a pair and led him to the outside of the operating room.

"Dr. Long is already rescuing..."

"What the **** is going on?" Wu Tian's face was extremely gloomy. Although he didn't cry, tears kept streaming from the corner of his eyes.

"She was in a car accident on the road. When our security team received the news and arrived, the car had already suffered serious damage. The car that caused the accident was left in place, but the driver of the accident was gone."

A security team member in charge of saving people briefly talked about what happened at that time.

Just talking about these things already made Wu Tian a little frustrated, how could things develop into this way.

Good point, a few hours ago, he was still talking and chatting with Huang Lan on the balcony, enjoying the moon together under the moon.

In a blink of an eye, she is now lying in the operating room. Wu Tian definitely can't just leave it alone.

"Hurry up and investigate it for me, including all nearby surveillance and our surveillance system. I must know what's going on!"

Wu Tian's business is very low, but at this time, he undoubtedly used a man's courage to the extreme.

There are so many things that happened on this day, and Wu Tian couldn't accept it.

"Wu Tian...what the **** happened?" Liu Yueyao and Shen Xue had already received the news at this time, and they ran over in panic.

No one can believe that Huang Lan really has something wrong, but this medical staff is busy, and also has Wu Tian's expression, it doesn't look like it's okay.

"I only know that no matter who shot her, I will make him pay for it!"

Wu Tian seldom gets angry like this, but what happened during this period really kicked in the things he hates most.

Don't say anything. It hasn't been investigated clearly yet. Others may believe this, but Wu Tian will never believe it.

He is not a fool, he knows what may be tricky in it.

"Mr. Wu, we must investigate this matter immediately. Do you know any clues?"

Long Yun was already a step ahead of Wu Tian at this time, and he was investigating this issue as a means of the enemy.

"What the **** is going on, if you know something, just talk about it!"

Liu Yueyao and the others also rushed over at this time, surrounded by Wu Tian, ​​everyone was very excited.

"She said at the time that she had met with a few directors and producers, and said she was looking for a way for me, but I didn't expect how she came back like this."

Wu Tian had already thought about it, and repeated what Huang Lan had said under the circumstances.

"If you say that, I probably know it. It seems that someone must have leaked the whereabouts of Miss Huang Lan, otherwise, unless we have an insider."

Long Yun came up with two possible situations at the time, but the second one is generally unrealistic.

For safety reasons, Huang Lan went out by car at the time. It was not her usual driver arranged by Hualong Film and Television, but the security team personally drove her to see her.

Generally, there is no need to worry about the confidentiality of the security team. Su Cancan will help Wu Tian determine this in advance.

So the only possibility is the first point.

"You mean, then the director had a problem?" Wu Tian said, staring at his eyes and clenching his fists, which had to be convincing.

Originally, the entertainment industry was very dissatisfied with Wu Tian. It is not impossible for these directors and other people to tell the news.

"It's very possible. It's just that if Miss Huang Lan didn't wake up, we now have no way of knowing what was going on at the meeting they were about to hold."

Although Long Yun had found a breakthrough, they fell into a state of nothing to do.

The other party did not leave any clues on the scene of the crime, so it is even more difficult to find the opponent's handle from this aspect.

Wu Tian looked at the lights during the operation on the door of the operating room, stood there and squatted down suddenly, and started crying.

His performance shocked several people, and Liu Yueyao quickly helped him up.

"What's wrong with you, don't scare me!"

"I really don't have the ability yet, it turns out that even you can't protect me!" Wu Tian is already sinking into deep self-blame.

"I can't blame you..."

"If I stopped her a little bit at the time, Huang Lan would not leave, and there would be no car accident!"

Yes, all of this is because of Li Zhan. If it weren't for him, Huang Lan would naturally not need to contact those directors and producers, and would not have to go out to entertain Wu Tian to find a solution to the status quo.

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