Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1032: Sequelae outbreak

Wanting to understand this, Wu Tian suddenly started.

It's just that everything has to wait until Huang Lan comes out of the operating room. This night is already over and it will be more than half of the night, but everyone is completely drowsy.

Especially Wu Tian, ​​his eyes widened, staring straight at the door of the operating room, for fear that a corpse covered with white cloth would be pushed out from inside for a while.

I don't know how much time has passed since the sky outside is already bright, and the sun is shining three rods.

The light in the operating room that had been tossing all night finally went out at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the door that symbolized the separation of life and death was finally opened, and Long Zai'an came out first.

Wu Tian rushed forward in a hurry and knocked Long Zai'an down first.

"Doctor Long, what's the situation like?" Wu Tian asked nervously, and even the few people behind him placed their expectations on Long Zaian.

Only seeing Long Zaian shook his head gently and sighed.

Wu Tian was immediately heartbroken, and his body was limp and he was about to fall.

"Eh, what's the matter?" Long Zaian hurriedly supported Wu Tian and said in surprise.

"You... Huang Lan said..."

Wu Tian's tears were already streaming down. It was not that he had not considered this possibility, but when he thought of it, he simply couldn't accept the bad news.

"I haven't finished my words yet, what are you excited about! I mean, this operation is really not a big challenge... Huang Lan is already good now, as long as it is a period of recuperation."

Long Zai'an's expression was relaxed, as if to him, this thing was like a simple entertainment, strolling in a leisurely courtyard, and feeling at ease.

Wu Tian pushed Long Zaian away directly, and hurried back to see Huang Lan's condition.

Long Yun stared at her father fiercely, and blamed him for joking at such a critical moment.

Fortunately, the result is good. If something goes wrong with this result, I am afraid that Long Zaian will bear the anger of several people...

Huang Lan was quickly sent to the ward. Wu Tian and the others followed closely. If the nurse said that the patient needs a rest now, they would really wish to keep guarding next to the bed.

"Now Huang Lan is okay, we can also start investigating this matter!" Upon seeing this, Wu Tian simply summoned Wu Tian and Qinglong.

When Qinglong heard about this, his anger was a blue vein violent, and he wished to crush that Li Zhan into flesh.

"Mr. Wu, leave this to me, I promise to complete the task!"

Wu Tian looked at Qinglong very appreciatively. He still felt very relieved when he spoke.

"Well, I'm relieved to hear you say that."

"This time Huang Lan's news, should we keep the media confidential..."

Long Yun said thoughtfully on the side, all of them wanted to take revenge or find out the real culprit.

Although this is very important, it does not solve the main problems they will encounter later.

"This is for sure. First push Huang Lan's work to the back. If it really doesn't work, just say go abroad for a period of vacation." Wu Zaiyao knows the way here, and if he knows this kind of thing, let the media know, don't know How will public opinion propaganda?

At that time they are even more difficult to control.

"It's reasonable. Don't talk about this matter first, and then I hope that within three days, I will find out who planned this matter for me. I don't believe it was a simple car accident!"

Wu Tian finally reached the mission viciously, his eyes at the moment were like wolves, looking forward to the appearance of the prey.

As the saying goes, one wave has not settled, another wave has risen. After Huang Lan's accident, Hualong Film and Television's work has almost completely stagnated, and the public opinion on the Internet has also caused a wave of waves.

Many celebrities and celebrities spread news on the Internet that they ceased cooperation with the Wu Group.

They have a greater right to speak. For a while, people think that Wu Group Company is not right about this matter.

Almost everyone is discussing such a huge fluctuation involving the whole country.

But for Wu Tian, ​​none of this is good news.

According to the data provided by Wu Zaibin, their visits even to Seafood TV and Qiyu Live have experienced a sharp decline, and Kaleidoscope spokespersons and advertisements have been removed one after another.

These people almost did these things with a stick of open flame, but they did not give a reason.

The masses thought that Wu Tian and their products had problems.

"You said, this matter is so serious..."

Wu Tian looked at the pile of lawyer's letters in front of him, his head was big.

"This... Our Seafood TV has suffered the most. The original TV series and movies, all the copyrights in their hands, are now required to be removed from the shelves... We had cooperated with them before, so we can download them for free. Broadcast on our website."

Since Wu Zaibin is in charge of this aspect, he is also worried during this period.

"Grandma's, it's really under the control of others. If they have a ban, we can't do anything..." Wu Tian really couldn't laugh at it for a while. No one would have thought that this kind of thing would develop before it happened. In this way.

When the other party didn't make a move, everyone was in peace, but once they were confronted, they seemed to immediately have no weapons to counteract.

"There is no way. After all, they are big heads. Li Zhan's British Emperor Entertainment is a flagpole. As long as he says one, the entire entertainment circle dare not say two."

Hearing this, Wu Tian suddenly became a little angry. Wu Tian had never seen anyone before, even if he was confronted with someone better than this Li Zhan, he was never scared.

How could it be possible to just concede defeat because of this thing now.

"Mr. Wu, why don't we think about it now and transform the seafood TV..." This is the best solution Wu Zaibin can come up with now.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what else he can do. The top priority is to reverse your losses on this website.

But Wu Tian dragged his head for a moment. He has always been a person who faced difficulties. If he did this, wouldn't it be equivalent to surrendering?

"No! Since we fell from here, we must stand up from this place!"

Wu Tian just wants to take the hardest path! What is called an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is to defeat you in the field you are best at. This is the ability.

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