Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1033: Self-reliance

Wu Zaibin was already confused, he couldn't guess what Wu Tian was thinking.

Wu Tian looked at him, knowing that he seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, which made this guy a little scared.

"What are you afraid of, I'm not afraid. You just hear this Li Zhan's name, and you think this is not good, and that is not good. Why do I feel that this Li Zhan is also a human?

Wu Tian's words were very encouraging. Wu Zaibin, who had always been passive, felt that this was the same thing at this time. Everyone is in this industry. Why should I be afraid of you?

"Mr. Wu, I know, since this is the case, we are in this entertainment circle, and this Li Zhan is a real sword! But what are we going to do?"

Although the words are very beautiful, to return to reality, they cannot ignore the suffering in front of them.

Seafood TV has nothing to broadcast. This is their biggest trouble at the moment.

"Isn’t there no content? There’s no movie? So, let’s shoot ourselves. Hualong Film and Television also has its own film and television team!" Wu Tian waved his hand. If this kind of thing were left in the past, he would definitely think it was a waste of money , So it will not be approved.

But now it's different. Wu Tian always gives the green light here.

"This is not a big problem. The broadcasting platform can also be broadcast on our own seafood TV. We simply no longer use the traditional platforms. It's just that this cycle is relatively long, even if it is faster, It will take half a year to see results..."

Wu Zaibin's meaning is also very clear. This will not solve the immediate worries. If there is no good way, they will have to spend a lot of money to support these companies and bear their losses for six months.

"Can you buy it?" Wu Tian looked at this and the other, and in the end he had only one way left.

"This is okay. It's just that the sources of many foreign films are monopolized by Li Zhan. It is really difficult for us to import..."

The other party has the strength to contain Wu Tian, ​​and it's really not a demon without the ability, but it really has this diamond in his hand.

"Is there no way at all?"

"This is not..." Wu Zaibin quickly flipped through his mobile phone, and then opened a news item, which said that it seems that a country's film has recently won many awards.

"Chaer Country?"

Wu Tian looked at the national emblem on it and immediately recognized it.

"Yes, their country's films are very developed, and the evaluation in the industry is also very high, but they have one problem, that is, the film has never been exported..."

Wu Zaibin didn't have any expectations about this matter. He planned to just use this example as an example to show that they can think of ways from some foreign countries.

But the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Wu Tianzhi took this matter to heart.

Others can't help it, but it doesn't mean that Wu Tian can't do it.

"Don't worry, wait for a message from me!" As he said, Wu Tian left Wu Zaibin and ran to the next room by himself, and quickly dialed a number.

She and Blanche are so familiar with each other, if she asks her for help, she definitely can't just sit on the sidelines.

It was only after a long call, Wu Tian never got through...

Angrily, he threw his mobile phone on the sofa.

If there is no good solution to this matter, the Wu Group Company may actually be severely impacted due to huge losses.

Wu Tian has always thought that his biggest opponent is Zhang Zerui, so he has always focused his attention in that direction.

But looking at it now, I really think it's too simple.

He held his head with an annoyed look on his face and sat there in a panic.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and Wu Tian jumped up like a wind-up robot, and rushed over with lightning speed.

It's Blanche!

Wu Tian's gloomy mood immediately began to become hearty.

At this time, the sun outside became more brilliant.

"I said, do you know what time I am here now? Three o'clock in the morning! What do you mean by calling!"

Blanche's voice is not very loud, but Wu Tian can also hear her, but her temper is very loud now.

"I'm sorry..." Wu Tian stuck out his tongue. Because he was too anxious, he really forgot about it.

"Let's talk, what's the matter, if it's okay, I'll go to sleep...ah, I haven't slept for two days. I'm sleepy."

Blanche was talking and yawning at a discount, which seemed to be very sleepy.

"What are you doing, so tired..."

"It's not that film festival yet. We sent a lot of films to participate in the review this time. There are a lot of things in it. Don't talk about me, let me talk about you. What is it for me?

Wu Tianqing cleared his throat, it is better to say this matter more formally.

"That's it. I have an idea. I don't know if you want to, but can you export your country's movies to me..."

Wu Tian knew that they had no such precedent, so he actually didn't have much confidence in his heart.

"Huh?" Blanche was really puzzled, she felt that she still hadn't heard clearly.

"Is it possible to look at the face of old friends and get your movies to be shown in my country..."

Wu Tian emphasized it again.

At this time Blanche yawned several times and her mind was dumb. In fact, she didn't pay attention to what Wu Tian said, she just heard something.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but if you want something, just take it... I'm going to sleep first!"

"Wait, you mean, you promised me?"

Although Blanche mumbled and didn't say clearly, Wu Tian still seemed to hear permission from her mouth.

But before he could reply, Wu Tian felt that the other party's mobile phone had fallen, and a steady breathing sound came from the side of the mobile phone.

This guy really said he fell asleep when he fell asleep...

After Blanche woke up, how she thought seemed to be wrong, did she say something that shouldn't be said.

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