Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1041: Stock market ups and downs

Wu Tian also started to feel helpless at this time. Seriously, he didn't expect to be like this.

"Well, Mr. Wu, what's the situation?" Wu Zaibin felt that the matter might not be resolved, so he didn't go out and just talk about it here.

"Don't mention it, I wonder if her injury is about to heal, pick her out of the ward to play for a while, and it turned out to be like this."

Wu Tian looked at Huang Lan next to him, and he sighed.

Sticking to him like this, Wu Tian has nothing to do, just not letting go for a moment, it is a bit troublesome.

He has to go to the bathroom and take a bath.

"I don't care, now you are not allowed to leave my side..." Huang Lan's tears were about to come down as she said, she looked wronged.

Looking at this situation, the two men hurriedly coaxed for a long time, which made Huang Lan stabilized.

In the end, the two of them sighed together. This situation could not be resolved in a day or two, so Wu Tian should just admit it first.

"That's the case, I think our stock acquisition is almost the same. If we continue to add more later, I am afraid that there will be problems..."

Wu Zaibin finally started talking about business this time.

In fact, Wu Tian has been paying attention to the question he raised. It's just not as precise as Wu Zaibin.

"Since this is the case, then we simply throw it away at this time."

Taking advantage of the current price, maybe you can make a fortune if you throw it away.

"Are you sure? If it is possible, I will lose all of these stocks." Wu Zaibin is not so surprised, but the stock selling is not that simple.

If they sell all the tens of billions of stocks in their hands at once, then the stock price may collapse in an instant.

At that time, the stocks in Wu Tian's hands will probably fall into their own hands.

So this thing must not happen.

Of course, this sell-off must also be skillful, and the sell-off must be moderated, especially when others do not react.

In fact, this is just trying to transfer the bubble in their hands.

"Leave it to you to do this. It's best to throw it away as soon as possible."

In fact, in Wu Tian's view, the current stock price itself is a very huge bubble.

"Then I know, you can do it yourself." With that, Wu Zaibin looked at Wu Tian and Huang Lan, and he was about to go out with a secret laugh.

"You stop for me, what do you mean?" Wu Tian looked at this guy and dared to laugh at him, and quickly wanted to rush to beat him up.

But as soon as he stood up, Wu Tian realized that his body was not only his own, but also a large pendant that was nearly 100 kilograms.

After making the decision, Wu Tian played with Huang Lan while watching the stock price situation and progress.

What he didn't expect was that, and he didn't know if it was the result of Wu Zaibin's operation, Yingdi Entertainment's stock price suddenly began to plummet.

The magnitude of this plunge is simply regarded as the strongest in history.

In just one afternoon, it dropped from the highest point by nearly 5%.

Even though the ratio is only 5%, the amount of funds involved is as high as hundreds of billions.

Even if it's only one percent, that's one billion scale.

Big investors like Wu Tian can still bear the loss, but those small retail investors are miserable.

Especially when the stock price is highest, they cry the worst when buying.

"That's not right..." Wu Tian felt that something was amiss.

They wanted to sell, but Wu Tianke didn't let Wu Zaibin sell in this way. It would be of no benefit to Wu Tian and the others to cause such a stock price drop.

He quickly picked up the phone and wanted to call Wu Zaibin, but at this time, he happened to receive a call from Wu Zaiyao.

"Mr. Wu, the big thing is not good!"

Wu Zaiyao's tone seemed to be the end of the world, making a fuss.

"What's the matter?" Although Wu Tian's tone was calm, he was still a little worried now.

"There is an article on the Internet saying that our company is now going to sell a lot of British Emperor Entertainment stock, and even released a recording!"

As soon as Wu Zaiyao said this, Wu Tian immediately exploded on the spot.

This kind of thing is obviously the conversation between the two of them, how did it spread outside.

Moreover, this is only half a day, is it possible that this article has begun to circulate on the Internet?

"You can explain to me what is going on, can you find the source of this article?"

"Mr. Wu, we are now investigating what is going on, as I just said. I guess that the current situation in the stock market should be caused by this article. Maybe someone bought a lot of promoters later, this article The number of pageviews is very large now."

The reason why Wu Zaiyao is nervous is because once this matter is exposed, the entire stock market will probably suffer severe turbulence.

The stock price plummeted in the afternoon because of this incident.

After Wu Tian received the call, he was stunned.

Huang Lan next to Wu Tian looked like a deflated balloon, and suddenly there seemed to be no movement.

"what happened to you?"

"That... let me be quiet for the time being..." Now Wu Tian doesn't want to talk to anyone, his mind is in chaos.

What the **** is this, and how did this conversation spread?

Basically, it is Wu Zaibin and him who know this, and Huang Lan.

But Huang Lan has always been with Wu Tian, ​​and it must be impossible for her to leak this information out.

So the only possibility is Wu Zaibin.

Could it be this kid?

Wu Tian was very painful. If it were really like this, he would feel more heartache than worrying about his own money.

Wu Zaibin has been with him for such a long time, and met their siblings at the Wu family meeting.

Later, whether it was going to Goryeo or doing other things, it can be said that Wu Zaibin built it together with the Wu Group.

Of course Wu Tian was extremely relieved of him.

But this time, Wu Zaibin's suspicion was the biggest.

Whatever Wu Tian thinks, he feels very painful.

When Long Yun found Wu Tian, ​​he was already lying on the ground alone, looking at the ceiling for two hours.

"Mr. Wu, we have found Wu Zaibin's position now, do we want to bring him here forcibly?"

Long Yun was not too shocked by this incident.

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