Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1042: Inventory of ghosts

Long Yun was not too shocked by this incident.

In fact, this is nothing, it's just that Long Yun has never believed anyone other than Wu Tian.

So for this possible betrayal, naturally, there is not much surprise.

Wu Tian was in very pain at this time, he really didn't want to do such a thing.

If it is really Wu Zaibin, what can he do to accept such a fact?

This was a huge blow to Wu Tian.

"Don't catch... bring him here."

Wu Tian said weakly, at this time he was no longer willing to think too much about other messy things.

Long Yun nodded, turned around and left.

Twenty minutes later, the chaotic footsteps of several people returned to the room where Wu Tian was.

"Mr. Wu, he's already here."

Long Yun's voice was still calm.

"Mr. Wu... It's really not me..."

Wu Zaibin was also confused at this time. To be honest, when he received the news, he also felt very surprised.

Throughout the afternoon, Wu Zaibin was actively contacting people in the stock market, wanting to know what the sudden plunge was all about.

As a result, at night, he was found by Long Yun... almost let Long Yun tie up Wuhuada.

After reading that report, Wu Zaibin understood what was going on, and it was no wonder why Long Yun had that attitude towards him.

Because anyway, Wu Zaibin is the most suspicious person at this moment.

"I know it won't be yours. If you want to harm me, you have countless opportunities before."

Wu Tian got up from the ground, his eyes were painful, but he didn't put this pain on Wu Zaibin.

Hearing what Wu Tian said, Wu Zaibin immediately burst into tears.

With a plop, he knelt on the edge of Wu Tian's feet, hugging his thigh.

"It's really not me... Mr. Wu, you must believe me!"

"You get up first, I don't mean to doubt you."

Wu Tian quickly helped him up and let him sit next to him with great concern.

In fact, Wu Tian did think so too. To make him believe that Wu Zaibin would betray him, it would be better to believe that he would also come out from the west.

"You think about it, is there any place where news might be revealed."

Wu Tian has always guessed whether there are any spies in it, or someone in the company who can learn about their conversations through certain channels.

"In the report, what the two of us said was not a single word. They must have some way to know the content of our conversation."

Wu Tian looked at the article again, and his heart was mixed.

"Will there be something like a bug in this...that room..."

Wu Zaibin scratched his head, it is true that there is a great possibility of flaws in him.

However, Wu Zaibin rummaged through every corner of his body, and found nothing wrong.

Long Yun interrupted at this time. In fact, shortly after the incident appeared, he had already sent people to investigate whether there was a bug in the room.

Because once this kind of thing happens, the entire Huadao must be investigated in detail.

There are several meters everywhere in the company, and they have not had any particularly strict confidentiality measures.

It is because I feel that Huadao itself has a strong confidentiality function, but nowadays, Wu Tian's own words will be eavesdropped on. What security is there for the entire Huadao.

"Every inch of the room has been investigated, and there are absolutely no bugs." Long Yun was very sure, because she was going to find out about this matter personally, so he can promise.

Wu Tian rubbed his temples, and now there is no point in deciding whose responsibility it is. He still has to quickly find who the real prisoner is.

"You can investigate the surveillance video to see what kind of people have contact with you, and keep quiet about this matter."

Through this conversation, Wu Tian felt that Wu Zaibin was very suspicious, but maybe he didn't know this kind of thing, but was simply used by others.

So instead of forcing Wu Zaibin, it's better to investigate who Wu Zaibin has contact with.

Because besides him, there were three people in the house at that time, and neither Wu Tian nor Huang Lan had left Huadao.

Even if the other party has eavesdropping equipment on their bodies, there is absolutely no way to transmit the information inside.

The only possibility is Wu Zaibin.

"Understood, I will investigate now."

Long Yun nodded, turned around and left.

At this moment, Wu Zaibin is also very grateful to look at Wu Tian. If it weren't for Wu Tian's shrewdness, I am afraid that if he were an ordinary person, he would have thought that Wu Zaibin was the number one criminal.

"Mr. Wu, don't say who did this thing, now the stock market has plummeted...what shall we do?"

This is the reality. If Wu Tian and the others want to continue to sell stocks at this time, it will only cause the stock price to plunge further.

In this case, no matter how much they soak, no one will buy their stock.

So it is very likely that these stocks will fall into their own hands, or even become worthless waste paper.

Wu Tianchou is the one of worry.

"What else can I do, continue to increase the position."

At this moment, Wu Tian wants to scold the street. The tens of billions of funds invested in the stock market must be reluctant, but he wants to keep the money from losing his money.

Then Wu Tian must continue to invest in it to increase the stock price. Only in this way can it be ensured that someone behind is willing to take over, and Wu Tian can slowly exit.

But now if you do this, wouldn't it be contrary to Wu Tian's original plan.

Wu Zaibin seemed to think of something at this moment, he was a little nervous.

"Mr. Wu, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate."

"We are all like this, no matter how bad it is, it can go badly. Tell me."

Wu Tian doesn't care anymore, now I want to tell him that the sky is falling, and he will definitely not have any major emotional changes.

"I have a thought, could this matter be the ghost of British Emperor Entertainment, do you think, let us announce this conversation, let their stock price plummet, who will be the final beneficiary?"

Wu Zaibin's idea really had a certain effect of pioneering thinking. Wu Tian suddenly felt that it seemed to be true.

Who is suspected of such things? Of course it is the biggest beneficiary behind this.

The stock price plummeted, and in order to ensure that the funds they invested would not be overwhelmed, Wu Tian would inevitably find ways to boost the stock price.

In this way, Wu Tian must invest more money in it, and then Yingdi Entertainment will increase whoever's faster growth.

If it is really what they did, then they played really high in this game.

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