Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1043: Reciprocity

At the beginning, Wu Tian really didn't think deeply about this matter.

But after Wu Zaibin's reminder, it seems to be very reasonable indeed.

"You mean...this is Li Zhan's ghost?"

Wu Zaibin looked around, and this time he didn't dare to speak anymore. Instead, he wrote on paper with a pen to express his views.

Wu Tian suddenly realized that, in line with the previous planning book of British Emperor Entertainment, it was really a big picture that turned Wu Tian's play around.

"If this is the case, I will understand... Uncle's..."

For the first time, Wu Tian felt that he was like a fool in front of the other party.

What he did seemed to be completely predicted by the enemy, and he was in the enemy's arms.

Now his tens of billions of funds have been put in... It is almost impossible to get it out.

And the other party will sit back and relax at least for a while, and will never worry that their stock price will suddenly plummet again.

"You go back first. I will find a way to solve this problem. For the stock market, you should try to find a way to recover as much money as possible."

Wu Tian no longer has any hope of making money, and now he only hopes to make as little loss as possible.

But even with such a small requirement, I am afraid that it is difficult to achieve the goal.

After Wu Zaibin was sent away, Wu Tian fell into contemplation.

Huang Lan walked out of the room inside at this time, holding a drink in her hand and sending it to Wu Tian's side.

"Don't be so anxious to get angry... There will always be a solution."

Wu Tian smiled helplessly, saying that, but before he came up with a solution, how could Wu Tian be able to sleep.

"Is this Li Zhan said to be so powerful?" Wu Tian was surprised at Li Zhan's thinking, which was simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although shopping malls are like battlefields, there are not so many conspiracies and tricks that can be used in shopping malls, and the rules are relatively transparent.

And this Li Zhan, in these few confrontations, although there is no real face-to-face confrontation with Wu Tian in finance, he cleverly used various advantages to make Wu Tian his own driving force, with these tens of billions. Yingdi Entertainment is now a lot stronger.

This is simply taking the other side's supplies to strengthen one's own strength.

"He is really amazing... I have seen him a few times. This man looks slick on the surface, but he is really deep inside."

Huang Lan is very sure that she has never liked exaggeration or lying.

"The entertainment industry is inherently very complicated. If he can mix to such a degree in it, he is naturally not a commonplace."

In fact, Huang Lan had told Wu Tian a long time ago, but Wu Tian didn't think highly of Li Zhan at that time.

I don't think he is a big deal, Wu Tian has not encountered any challenge, and what kind of person has not encountered it.

But now he is really stumped, and it still hurts.

"Huang Lan, can you tell me what else can I do... if this goes on, my company will also be seriously affected."

Wu Tian took out a large sum of money in the company. He originally wanted to make a quick cash, but now that the money has been invested, it can't be dragged out.

"I don't know about financial matters. I don't know as much as you guys... But if you talk about things in the entertainment industry, I might be able to think of a way."

Huang Lan used her brain for a while, then pulled out photos of several people from her phone.

There are so many people in the entertainment industry that it is difficult to remember everyone by their own memory.

So Huang Lan counted many people's information on her mobile phone.

She rummaged in it for a long time and found a picture that looked like a little star.

"This person is called Chen Shijie. He used to be a small star but is now hidden by the snow. He used to grow up with Li Zhan and are very good friends. Maybe we can think of a way from him."

Wu Tian quickly took the phone and carefully observed the person in this photo.

To be honest, this Chen Shijie looks very classic, quite like a popular star 20 or 30 years ago.

But Wu Tian had never heard of this person, and he felt that he should not be very famous.

"Then do you know where he is now?"

"Don't ask me this kind of question, I think you should be able to handle it yourself."

Huang Lan waved her hand, if she knew everything, she wouldn't have to stay here.

But with such a reminder, Wu Tian finally knew where he should go.

Long Yun is now investigating whether there is an internal ghost in their company, so it is impossible to count on him.

So Wu Tian took this photo by himself and went to Su Cancan, hoping that he could help.

Su Cancan had already heard of the oolong caused by Wu Tian during this period, and even took advantage of Wu Tian's arrival to scold him.

"When I was in the Wu Group Company, there was never such a thing."

"Yes, yes, you were really good as the general manager at the time, but isn't that also eccentricity..."

Su Cancan suddenly opened his eyes, and the two of them began to hurt each other.

You said a word and no one would retreat. In the end, they decided not to reveal the other side's shortcomings.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Su Cancan's face was stern, as if a little angry.

"It's very simple. I hope you can help me investigate someone!"

He said that he sent Chen Shijie's photo. Since Su Cancan is now mainly in charge of the security team, she doesn't know if her previous intelligence sources are still useful.

"Is that one thing?"

Su Cancan didn't say yes, but he didn't say no, but silently accepted the photo.

"On this matter, I hope that after I find him, I can understand what kind of person this Li Zhan is. Knowing yourself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles."

"Now that you're finished, you can leave now."

Su Cancan simply began to issue an expulsion order, as if Wu Tian was not welcome in this place.

Although it was a hot face and a cold butt, Wu Tian was quite satisfied. After all, it would be best if the matter could be resolved.

He hummed a little song all the way, showing himself very happy.

After walking around the company, Wu Tian suddenly felt a line of sight behind him. This line of sight had fixed himself for a long time.

At this moment, he was already more sensitive, and all his cold hairs stood up, and he immediately made up a scene of spies leaning against each other in his mind.

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